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Welcome to Return to Offender: The Official Do Not Mail Blog The people have spoken, and our blog has a new name! Congrats to Clare from California for submitting the winning entry: Return to Offender.

Simply put, we started this blog because we have too much to say not to blog. We need an outlet! Here you'll find news about our campaign, news about any other efforts to battle junk mail, and some fun stats and tidbits.

Read the 3rd Annual Naughty/Nice Report Every year, ForestEthics and Santa team up to produce a report on the environmental practices of the junk mail industry, and this year the report has expanded to include credit card companies. Find out who's been naughty and who's been nice!
Time Magazine -- De-Cluttering Your Mailbox Remember when going through the mail was a thrill? These days Americans get an average of 18 pieces of junk mail for every personal letter. From catalogs to credit-card solicitations, our mailboxes are increasingly clogged with clutter. Dealing with unwanted mail not only wastes our time (eight months over the average lifespan) but also bears environmental costs.