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Title: 0905: Employee Food Safety: A Self-Instruction Text
Producer: Hospitality Institute of Technology and Management
670 Transfer Road, Ste. 21A
St. Paul, MN   55114
Telephone: 651 646 7077
Fax: 651 646 5984
Format: curriculum. Text comprised of learning modules plus a final exam at the end of the text (GBC bound)
Description: This 37-page text is highly illustrated and is divided into several learning modules, each of which is followed by a food safety question. There is a final exam at the end of the text. It is designed so that employees can work at their own pace. This text provides managers with an employee self-education tool to teach safe food preparation fundamentals. Managers can use this text as part of an employee certification program and for new employees before they are asked to perform any food handling tasks. When management does not have the time or resources to arrange for class instruction, this text provides a simple, cost-effective alternative. The foodservice employee doing food preparation tasks is the critical control point for ensuring safe food. Only the employee, after obtaining and using correct food handling knowledge, can ensure that foodborne illness hazards have been avoided. Managers are legally responsible for their employee training and safety development programs in order to guarantee that the food served to customers is always safe. Yet, current training materials do not reflect adequate approaches to safe food preparation. Additionally, government inspection is neither prevention nor education. The only strategy for prevention is employee HACCP-based safety education as part of the standard operations training.
Audience: foodservice, managers
Cost: $7.50 text
How To Order: Contact the Hospitality Institute of Technology and Management or download the order form at
Web Address:

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Information for the database was collected by surveying academia, government agencies, industry, and trade and professional organizations for available food safety educational materials resources. Listings in this database are provided for information sharing purposes only. No endorsement is intended. Listings in the database are self reported and have not been evaluated. We recommend that you ask for a list of previous users so that you can assess whether the listing will meet your needs. Call the contacts listed for more information.

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