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Dist2logo110.jpgChapel Square Garden Club of Annandale
      National Capital Area Garden Clubs, District II

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Chapel Square Garden Club of Annandale celebrated their 40th anniversary on
Thursday, June 7th at the Belle Haven Country Club.  The luncheon was attended by forty two members and guests, including incoming National Capital Area Garden Club District II Director, Evalee Ciuca and outgoing District II Director, Barbara McClendon.  There were 15 former Chapel Square Garden Club presidents in attendance, including their first president in 1967, Virginia Colligan, who currently resides in Toano, Virginia.  Lunch included a very special “Chef’s Surprise” dessert especially designed for the event.  It consisted of flourless chocolate cake served in a clay flowerpot topped with fresh berries and edible flowers. 

The Chapel Square Garden Club was established in 1967 in order to promote gardening activities within the community.  They are members of the National Capital Area Garden Club District II, as well as the National Garden Clubs, Inc., Central Atlantic Region.  Some memorable contributions made by the club include donating stained glass windows and pews to historic Wakefield Chapel (1899) located in Annandale, as well as a stepping stone donated to the Butterfly Garden at the National Botanical Garden in Washington, DC.  

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15 Past Presidents of
Chapel Square Garden Club
Standing (left to right): JoAnn Oss, Sally Cacheris, Ann Dau, Jacqueline Louden, Laura McDowall, Macrina Kern, Patricia Murphy, Carolyn Posey, Clara Greinke, Betsy Henretty, Wendy Mercer, Carole Jivatode.  Seated (left to right): Jean Cibinic, Virginia Colligan and Mary Lluy

Chapel Square President
& District Directors

Chapel Square Garden Club outgoing President Carolyn Posey, National Capital Area Garden Club District II Director Evalee Ciuca, outgoing District II Director Babs McClendon

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