United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Conservation Plant Releases - Hoolehua Plant Materials Center

Updated 11/25/2008

The Hoolehua Plant Materials Center has released the following plants to commercial growers to solve specific resource conservation needs. Click on the link to the Release Brochure (if available) to view more information on each plant release. Click on the Scientific Name for more information on the species.

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Plant Releases

Release Name Scientific Name Common Name Uses Release Brochure
Makakupa`ia Germplasm Chenopodium oahuense Aweoweo erosion control, ecosystem restoration, enhancing cultural sites, increasing plant diversity and
Tropic Sun Crotalaria juncea sun hemp primarily used as a green manure crop for soil improvement. Also useful as a source of fiber Brochure (PDF)
Kuiaha Desmodium aparines desmodium pasture improvement, cover crop and erosion control
Kamiloloa Germplasm Dodonaea viscosa Florida hopbush ecosystem restoration, revegetation of eroded areas, wildlife food and cover, windbreaks, and for landscaping
Kaho'olawe Germplasm Eragrostis variabilis kawelu ecosystem restoration, erosion control, enhancing diversity in riparian areas, and for wildlife cover and food.
Tropic Coral Erythrina variegata tall erythrina primarily developed for windbreak for soil and water conservation
Kaho'olawe Germplasm Heteropogon contortus piligrass ecosystem restoration, erosion control, wildlife habitat, increasing diversity in riparian and other communities, and for enhancing cultural sites
Tropic Verde Neonotonia wightii perennial soybean pasture improvement, cover crop and erosion control
Tropic Lalo Paspalum hieronymi paspalum ground cover for orchards, waterways, roadsides Brochure (PDF)
Tropic Shore Paspalum vaginatum seashore paspalum primarily for stabilizing the shorelines and banks of aquaculture ponds, canals, and streams with brackish or salty water

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