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Upcoming Events
These include USDA-hosted educational seminars and international events promoting agricultural trade.
Logo: 2009 USDA Outlook ForumUSDA's 85th Agricultural Outlook Forum Global Agriculture & Rural America in Transition; Food & Energy: Expectations & Realities, February 26-27, 2009, Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel, Arlington, Virginia

Learn about international promotional activities for agricultural trade, from major trade shows to smaller events such as store, hotel and catalog promotions organized by FAS offices overseas, as well as events supported by State Regional Trade Groups (SRTG). Includes information about the benefits of attending, selection strategy (including important questions to ask), costs, and survival tips.
This search engine contains a variety of international promotional activities, from major trade shows to smaller events such as store, hotel and catalog promotions organized by FAS offices overseas. Events supported by State Regional Trade Groups (SRTG) are also listed. Trade shows marked USDA Supported! receive significant support from the FAS Trade Show Office in Washington, D.C. and/or overseas posts.