Summary of Selected Disease Events

October-December 2003


I. OIE Listed Diseases

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in South Korea

In December 2003, South Korea (Republic of Korea) experienced an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) subtype H5N1 that affected chickens, ducks, and quail.  The first case was detected in early December on a parent stock farm for broilers in the Eumsung district, Ch’ungch’ong-bukto province.  The outbreak was confirmed to the OIE on December 17, 2003.  By the end of December, a total of 14 premises had tested positive for HPAI and 18 additional premises were under surveillance.  Since subtype H5N1 is known to infect humans, about 70 human clinical specimens were tested for the disease with no positive test results reported.  While South Korea has experienced cases of low pathogenic avian influenza in recent years, this was the first reported outbreak of HPAI in South Korea.

The United States (US) imported no poultry or poultry products from South Korea in 2002 and through October 2003.  South Korea is not recognized by the US as free from exotic Newcastle disease, which restricts imports of poultry from South Korea.

Sources: Promed, OIE, FAO, WTA, CEI Impact Worksheets

NOTE:  Since the end of 2003, avian influenza (AI) has spread to numerous countries in Asia.  The Center for Emerging Issues has prepared several Impact Worksheets describing this regional outbreak.  For additional information on the AI outbreak in Asia, please refer to

he atypical cases found in these three countries resemble each other.

United Kingdom

There are reports in Great Britain of an increase in the number of cattle becoming infected with BSE that were born after strict implementation of feed controls in 1996.  There have been 77 confirmed BSE cases in the UK in cows that were born after August of 1996.  Forty-nine of these cases were found since November 2002 and eight since October 2003. 

Sources: OIE, Promed, CEI Impact Worksheets, California Cattlemen’s Association, AFP Ajaccio

Sources:  Promed, Casper Star Tribune, Texas Animal Health Commission

Swine Vesicular Disease in Portugal

Portugal reported an outbreak of swine vesicular disease (SVD) to the OIE on December 22, 2003.  This outbreak was limited to one farm containing 1,754 pigs in the Leiria district (highlighted on map), Beira Litoral region.  A second outbreak of SVD was confirmed in Portugal in a litter of piglets on January 12, 2004 in a locality adjacent to the initial outbreak.  Both premises were depopulated.  Prior to these two outbreaks, the last reported cases of SVD in Portugal occurred in September 1995.  According to authorities, the SVD strain of the current outbreaks is genetically close to the 1995 outbreak and it is believed that the disease could have remained latent in the area.

The US did not import live pigs or pig meat from Portugal from 2002 through October 2003.  While the USDA regards Portugal to be free of SVD, it considers Portugal to be in a special category with respect to this disease because Portugal’s foreign trade practices may increase the risk of introducing SVD into Portugal

Sources: OIE, FAO, WTA, CEI Impact Worksheets, ThePigSite

Newcastle Disease in Norway

The Norwegian Royal Ministry of Agriculture on October 28, 2003 confirmed an outbreak of Newcastle disease on a premises in the Buskerud department.  The last reported outbreak of Newcastle disease in Norway was 1996.  The affected flock contained 80 pigeons, 28 dwarf hens and 4 Muscovy ducks.  Of these 112 birds, there were 50 cases and 10 deaths.  The outbreak was confined to this single flock which was destroyed.  There were no reports of the disease in Norway’s commercial poultry facilities.  The US imported no live poultry or poultry products of concern from Norway from the beginning of 2002 through August 2003.  The US does not recognize Norway as free from exotic Newcastle disease. 

Sources: OIE, FAO, WTA, CEI Impact Worksheets

Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis in Venezuela

In October, Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) was reported in Venezuela for the first time in more than 3 years.  The outbreak occurred in animals on two ranches in the municipality of Arismendi in the state of Barinas.  Epidemiological tracings were initiated by Venezuelan health authorities and no further outbreaks of VEE were reported.  VEE was first isolated in Venezuela in 1938 and Venezuela experienced a major outbreak of the disease in 1995.  VEE is closely related to eastern equine encephalitis and western equine encephalitis.  While these viruses differ in geographical distribution, all three produce encephalitis in equines and humans. 

Sources: Promed, emedicine, Pan American Health Organization

II. Other Significant Disease Events

Post-weaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome in New Zealand

In October, New Zealand agriculture officials reported a suspected case of post-weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) on a commercial pig farm in North Waikato.  The outbreak, which killed a third of the piglets on the farm, was subsequently confirmed as PMWS.  Since the initial outbreak, two other pig farms on the North Island were found to be infected with PMWS.  New Zealand officials have imposed quarantine measures and restricted movements of live pigs and pig reproductive material between the North and South Islands.  PMWS was first identified in the early 1990s and has since been found with increasing frequency in pig farms in the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia.  New Zealand had been free of PMWS prior to this outbreak. 

Sources: Promed, CEI Emerging Disease Notice, New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Koi Herpesvirus in Japan

In the beginning of October, Ibaraki Perfecture officials reported an outbreak of koi herpesvirus (KHV) in cultured carp in two lakes.  Within two months of the outbreak, the disease rapidly spread to 22 of Japan's 47 prefectures, paralyzing trade in koi ornamental fish and devastating the edible carp industry in the affected areas.  Response to the outbreak was at the prefecture level, with prefecture officials announcing directives that include enhanced testing, movement controls, and mass culling.  KHV has been associated with losses of common carp and ornamental Koi in North America, Europe, Israel, and Asia, however this is the first outbreak of the disease in Japan.

Sources: OIE, Promed, Practical Fishkeeping

This summary was produced in February of 2004 by the Center for Emerging Issues, a part of USDA’s Veterinary Services.  This and other reports are available on the internet at:  Comments or questions concerning this edition may be addressed to Wolf Weber at or at 970-494-7222.