W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

Evaluation and Repair Tools
Working Group Meeting
1-2 March 2001
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

This is part of the Technical Plenary and WG Meeting Event.

Registration | Participants | Agenda | Suggested Readings | Logistics | Minutes

The main goals are to:

  1. move forward on work with EARL,
  2. coordinate open issues with WCAG WG and AU WG.


You must register for the meeting if you plan to attend. Registration closes 15 February 2001.


Registration is open to participants of the Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group, participants of the W3C plenary session, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group, and the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines Working Group.


Thursday, 1 March 2001

Friday, 2 March 2001

The agenda for today is set by the WCAG WG. ERT WG is invited to join, particularly for the break out sessions to discuss techniques.

Suggested readings


Meeting place, Hotel, and Transportation details

The meeting is hosted by the W3C at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in Cambridge, MA. Refer to the main event page for more information about rates, location, and transportation details.

$Date: 2001/02/13 22:15:10 $ Wendy Chisholm
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