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#990Making Presentation-Quality Phylogenetic Tree Figures
Congratulations! You’ve just calculated a phylogenetic tree for your sequence data. Now how do you make the tree figure for your paper? This seminar will introduce you to two computer programs, one stand-alone and the other web-based, for generating an editable graphic of your phylogeny. To get the most from this seminar you should be familiar with basic concepts of phylogenetics.
Who should attend:
NIH staff with an interest in phylogenetics and dendrograms (tree figures) should attend. The course is designed with new users in mind, but even seasoned users will learn something from the course.
Dr. Kurt Wollenberg, Bioinformatics and Scientific IT Program (BSIP), NIAID
Time Required:
1.5 hours
Sections Available:
990-09F February 20 10:00 - 11:30 Building 12A, Room B51

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