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Choosing the Right Club for Your Child

Gymnastics Team Warms Up - Back Bends

We evaluate our own lives at New Years, it's also a good time to help our kids evaluate theirs. A big part of their lives is their clubs. Are they enjoying them? Are they in the right activities? Take some time to think about it. And Happy New Year!

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Heidi's Kids' Clubs Blog

Little League Already?

Monday January 12, 2009

Well it's hard to believe, we're barely into January and I've already started seeing signs around my town for Little League baseball sign ups. I know many of you are looking out your window at snow, but I guess spring is fast approaching and with spring, baseball.

If your child likes to play, or wants to learn, it's time to start looking at your local options. Other than the banners sprouting along roadsides, here are some places to look for teams:

And don't forget to check your local YMCA, community center or parks and recreation department for more options in your area.

It's Girl Scout Cookie Time Again

Friday January 2, 2009

Some councils have already begun selling and others will be selling shortly, but it is definitely that time of year -- Girl Scout Cookie Time!

Cookie sales is the major fund raiser for the Girl Scouts of the USA organization. Girls across the country will be selling them in 2 stages:

  1. Pre-Orders: The girls will be calling Grandma and Auntie Jane. They may be knocking on your door all dressed up in uniform. Mom or dad may help out with orders at work. Choose some cookies and place your order for delivery. Your Scout will let you know when you can expect them.

  2. Cookie Booths: It won't be long before you see the Girls with their leaders outside your local department store or grocery store, maybe even a video rental place, with a table full of tempting boxes. Stop by and grab some.

Your purchase helps Girl Scouts at all levels. Each troop gets a portion of what they sell. They can then use the money for anything that benifits the troop from craft supplies to field trips, even overnights. Each local council gets a portion to help them fund and develop programming for the girls in their area. And of course GSUSA gets a portion to help them keep going, too.

In the last few years, Girl Scout cookies have gone through some changes -- removing trans fats from many varieties, adding sugar free cookies. This year there are a couple new ones to try in addition to old favorites, so you're sure to fine one you'll like.

If you don't want to purchase cookies for yourself, many troops participate in the "Gift of Caring" program where they donate cookies to a local charity of their choice or send the money through to purchase cookies for "Operation Cookie Drop" which sends cookies to our military men and women overseas. The Girl Scouts still get their funds and in addition someone else benefits, so this is a great option.

One major point to remember -- Girl Scouts are not supposed to be selling cookies over the internet. Yes, if you personally know a Girl Scout she may send you an e-mail asking you to buy some cookies, but you should not see cookies being sold on Web sites. Girls aren't supposed to sell them on personal or family sites, places like My Space, or any auction sites. GSUSA takes online safety very seriously, so while it's definitely tempting to buy cookies this way if you see them -- yes, I'm an internet geek, too -- please buy your cookies personally from a Girl Scout.

And enjoy them!

Boy Scouts Learn Fire Fighting

Tuesday December 30, 2008

The Pee Dee area of South Carolina offers a great program -- Junior Explorers -- which gives Boy Scouts (just the boys, not the girl Venture Scouts) from 14 years old the chance to learn about firefighting. The youth can take certain SC Fire Academy classes and they participate in a rank system group similar to an actual fire department system.

These kids even respond to fires, helping with the hoses and equipment. They are First Aid and CPR trained so they can help if a firefighter gets injured, but they aren't allowed on medical calls until they are at least 18 so they may be more prepared for the scenes they may witness.

Reportedly, many of the kids go on to become firefighters themselves. I'm sure even those that don't have a greater appreciation for the job these men and women do and are better people themselves for participating. It's a great opportunity for Boy Scouts in the area. I hope other areas are offering it. If your child is interested it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Girl Scouts of Manitou Council win Court Case Against Manditory Council Merger

Saturday December 20, 2008

As part of a major Girl Scout realignment, GSUSA is merging 309 councils into 109. At least that's the plan.

The Girl Scouts of Manitou Council isn't so happy about it. According to an article in the Fond du Lac Reporter, "The realignment would have split the Manitou Council three ways and redistributed assets." Manitou Council is believes they would lose their campgrounds and other properties they've put time and money into. More importantly, they believe it would not produce a good outcome for their members and volunteers.

The Seventh Circuit Court in Milwaukee ruled in favor of Manitou Council, prohibiting GSUSA from forcing the merger. GSUSA will proceed with the matter and has a status hearing set for January 5.


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