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Table Tennis Basic Concepts

Want to improve your table tennis game? Start here with the most important rules to learn, how to score and umpire matches, grip types, playing styles, how to choose your first racket, all about spin and how to play the basic strokes of ping-pong.

Ping-Pong Fundamentals

Greg's Ping-Pong Blog

Jan/Feb USATT Magazine is Out!

Friday January 16, 2009
USATT Logo courtesy
The January/February 2009 edition of the USATT Magazine has been sent out to USATT members. This magazine is always an interesting read, and not just because it occasionally contains an article from yours truly! This month, the USATT have put on-line three of the articles contained in the magazine, and they are well worth a read. So grab a cup of coffee, settle down in front of your computer, and enjoy!

Have You Stopped Improving?

Wednesday January 14, 2009
Is Your Game Going Down? Photo by Jorg Greuel / Getty Images
Nothing is more frustrating then when you stop improving at table tennis - except for maybe when you start getting worse! If you have hit a ping-pong plateau lately, I've got some thoughts that might help you turn things around and get you back on the road to table tennis success again.

The Power of Your Mind in Ping-Pong

Monday January 12, 2009
Put Your Thinking Cap On! Photo © 2007 Greg Letts, licensed to, Inc.
If you do the things you always do, you'll get the results you've always gotten. That's a bit of folk wisdom that directly applies to us table tennis players. Far too many players are guilty of going through the same old motions when it comes to training, and the results are only too painfully obvious - a plateau in their game.

To get different (and better!) results, you have to be willing to do something new - such as performing mental training. This important area of ping-pong practice gets overlooked by many players. But with just a little bit of mental effort, you could give your most important table tennis muscle a real workout - your brain! And while I've still got a long, long way to go before I'd consider myself a mental guru, I've got some tips that can help you get started along the road to mental mastery of your table tennis game.

No Glue For You!

Thursday January 8, 2009
Now that the ITTF speed glue/booster/tuner ban has well and truly kicked in, players have had time to experiment a little and adjust their equipment.

So now seems like a good time to ask - what are you doing now that there is no glue for you? (By the way, you can choose more than one option.)

Just Say No! Photo © 2008 Greg Letts, licensed to, Inc.


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