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See a Movie, Hotel for Dogs or The Dark Night on DVD

We go from family-friendly to a little creepy with our DVD pick for families with teens this week.

Parents, Make the Most of Every Day

Denise's Parenting Teens Blog

Teen YouTube Videos

Friday January 16, 2009
One mom on our forum asks: "My 15 year old son recently made some questionable and disturbing "Jack Ass" style YouTube videos with his friends. They had everything from silly stunts to self-injury like stapling themselves and pouring rubbing alcohol on their hands and lighting it with a lighter to crude and obscene language and references. My husband and I were very upset, and my husband grounded my son and took away the video camera. He is usually calm, but he lost it this time, calling my son an embarrassment, and telling him he had to draw the line on how stupid he was going to be. My son says he's just being creative and was trying to be "extreme" to get notoriety. Aside from the obvious danger issues, have we overreacted? Are we trying to hold value standards that are just too much to expect of teens these days?"

Denise's thoughts: "I think your reaction is normal, and warranted. Falling back and regrouping if name calling happened would also be warranted. But letting your son know that this video does embarrass you and holding him to that standard is not overreacting at all. You did well taking that stand with him. I would also remind him that anyone can see that video, including the college admissions officer who may check the internet when he applies or his grandmother. I have more tips in my blogging teens article."

Asking our community of parents: What are your thoughts, advice and experiences with YouTube and your teen? Share them on the forum or in the comments area.

Top Teen Attractions for Disney World Resort Florida

Friday January 16, 2009
Like many moms in the United States, I’m a Disney World fanatic. We’ve been with my family four times and the teen home where I worked has gone twice. I own one of every type of guide book there is and an entire section in my bookmarks for Disney travel sites. After talking to many different teens, I have made up this list of their top ten attractions. I hope it helps you in planning your trip with your teen.

More: 10 Family Vacation Tips for Parents of Teens | Road Trip Fun: Car Games

What Is Going on Down There? For Boys

Thursday January 15, 2009
What's Going on Down There? Answers to Questions Boys Find Hard to Ask is a wonderful book for boys on puberty and sexuality. All teens are not created equal. There is a lot of detailed information in this book about sex, homosexuality and pregnancy that you may feel your preteen or teen is not ready for. I feel it will not be the first time your teen has heard of these issues -at school, on television, etc. - and reading the facts and having them reinforced by you - the loving parent who is his foundation - would be a positive experience. Bite the bullet, buy the book and use it.

Parenting Tips for Parents of Teens, From Our Parenting Community

Tuesday January 13, 2009
I have often found experience to be the best teacher, so I thought I would start a list of parenting tips, for parents of teens from our parenting community that has lots of experiences to share. Tell us your best tips here in the comments area. Anything that has to do with parenting your teen, from quick breakfast fixes to getting your teen to turn down the volume on the IPod. We want to your what you know works!

If you have a specific question about our tips, ask it on the forum. To share your parenting tips, comment here.


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