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Looking Good, Staying Strong

Men have a range of health concerns, including fitness and exercise. Find out more about these and other topics from

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Men's Health Blog

Male Menopause - Fact or Fiction

Saturday January 10, 2009
Can a man go through the menopause? Is a middle-aged man in a sports car the sign of a mid-life crisis, or might the issues run deeper than this? In this article we examine concept of the male menopause

Penis Spots, Lumps and Rashes

Sunday January 4, 2009
Questions arise all the time; men writing in asking what a certain spot, lump, or blister is on their penis. Simply put, your penis should not have any of those things, so if they do you need to contact your doctor and make an appointment. There are a lot of reasons for an abnormal appearance to the penis. This article will explain a few.

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Red Wine is Good for You! Have a Glass Today!

Friday January 2, 2009
Researchers have found that men who drink an average of four to seven glasses of red wine per week are only 52% as likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer as those who do not drink red wine, reports the June 2007 issue of Harvard Men's Health Watch. In addition, red wine appears particularly protective against advanced or aggressive cancers. Experts believe that the wine's antioxidant properties may be the reason. Read more in this article from the PR Newswire.

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A Promise to Yourself - Make Healthy Choices and Stay Healthy

Thursday December 25, 2008
The new year is upon us and it's time for your annual New Year's resolution. This year try something a little different. Resolve to make healthy choices that will improve your health and improve your quality of life. And unlike so many resolutions in the past, keep them the whole year through. I have some ideas home you can get started with these tips on ways to be healthy the whole year around. Read more...

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