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Bush Approval Ratings Rise Slightly

Thursday January 15, 2009
Bush Approval Ratings

As the end of his second term draws near, we Americans seem to be thinking more kindly towards President George W. Bush. As the chart to the right shows, our satisfaction with his job performance has suffered a slow but steady decline since re-election four years ago.

According to the latest Gallup Poll, our approval rating has risen slightly, to 34 percent. Gallup calls the phenomena a "lame duck bounce."

Core Republican voters have kept Bush from suffering a fate worse than death: to have a lower end-of-term approval rating that Richard M. Nixon.

Wordless Wednesday: Before and After

Wednesday January 14, 2009
George W. Bush, Nov 2000 and Jan 2009
Photos: Getty Images

(L) Republican presidential nominee George W. Bush waves to supporters from the Governor's Mansion in Austin, TX; 25 November 2000. (R) U.S. President George W. Bush returns to the White House from Norfolk, VA; 10 January 2009

Burris To Be Seated

Monday January 12, 2009
After the Illinois Supreme Court validated his appointment on Friday, Democratic Senate leaders capitulated. Gone from their rhetoric -- and the rhetoric of the President-elect -- was the hardline "no, we won't" seat the man appointed by Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) to replace Barack Obama in the Senate.

Roland Burris, former Illinois Attorney General, is the legally-appointed replacement, and the circus that was the U.S. Senate last week should temporarily be in recess. In related news, the Illinois House of Representatives voted to impeach Blago on Friday. However, the Illinois Senate must make a ruling on fact, not emotion. Blago should be presumed innocent until proven guilty, not run out of town or politically lynched.

:: How Senate Vacancies Are Filled
:: Meet The New Senators, 111th Congress
:: Congress Convenes; Senate Leadership Rejects Two
:: Obama's Proposed Chief Of Staff Talked With Blagojevich
:: Senate Democrats To Block One of Their Own
:: Senate Democrats Bungle Filling Vacant Seats

YouTube and Congress Reach Detente

Monday January 12, 2009
Remember the hoop-dee-do-dah in 2008 about Congressional use of social media? As the 111th Congress debuts, YouTube has released two hubs, and where citizens can check out their Senators or Representatives.

Here’s hoping that sharp eyes keep a lookout for content that crosses the line from governing to electioneering. Remember: it’s not legal to campaign with government resources. And even though this resource is privately offered, it’s endorsed officially and should be used for governance only.



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