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How to parse simple text files with Perl

Say your boss hands you a file with a list of names, emails and phone numbers and wants you to read the file and do something with the information like put it into a database or just print it out in a nicely formatted report... what can you do?

Manipulating Files

Perl Blog

How to read character information from the World of Warcraft servers

Sunday September 21, 2008
Lets say that you, like me, are addicted to World of Warcraft, and you decide that you'd like to track the progress of your characters, or maybe your friends characters, on your personal website. You could hard code all that data, updating whenever you have the time, or with some simple Perl scripting magic, you could automate the whole process! Learn more in this module profile for Games::WoW::Armory...

How to read character information from the World of Warcraft servers

A pragmatic approach to writing a mp3 crawler in perl

Friday September 19, 2008
'Pragmatic' can often mean 'boring' but this in-depth look at building a web crawler in Perl is not boring at all. In fact, it's informative and a great example of a truely useful Perl application. Check out this fantastic tutorial!

A pragmatic approach to writing a mp3 crawler in perl

Perl Best Admin Practices

Friday September 12, 2008
Here is some sound advice on Perl administration techniques that's worth a read. Pretty standard stuff, but if you're a programmer that's been double tasked with maintaining the systems you work on, this will be helpful. Even if you're not a system administrator, I highly recommend that you learn to compile Perl yourself on your own systems. It's a good learning experience if nothing else.

Perl Best Admin Practices

Conditionals - How to make decisions in Perl using unless

Friday September 5, 2008
A conditional is a control structure that will activate specific blocks of your code based upon whether your specified statement (or expression, or condition) evaluates to true or false. You can use these conditional statements to make logical decisions, or take specific actions based on available data. Learn more in this tutorial on using unless...

Conditionals - How to make decisions in Perl using unless

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