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Consumer Consequences: Play a game to find out if you are living a sustainable life.


“Bottled Water:" Watch this video that depicts U.S. recycling of plastic bottles.      









Built Environment 


Sustainable Development

Energy Use

Public Policy

Living for Our Future


Greenhouse Gas Inventory for JHU

Sustainability at Hopkins

Water Related Projects

Community Supported Agriculture

Human health is inseparable from the health of the environment. The relationship between the public's health and the state of the environment is more apparent now than ever before --- from climate change, diseases caused by toxic chemicals, air and water pollution, to the effects of the our built environment on our well being.

CLF's Living for the Future (LFF) Program aims to increase our understanding of how to live more sustainably and to balance environmental responsibility, social equity and economic prosperity in our society. The LFF Program works collaboratively within JHU and with selected organizations to:

  • Promote research
  • Inform policy
  • Encourage behaviors that reflect an ecological perspective

LFF Program activities include research and projects that focus on promoting ecological and human health, and with particular focus on:

  • Water quality
  • Water availability and competing demands for water
  • The food system's contribution to climate change
  • Institutional sustainability initiatives  

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