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Farming for Our Future



The Spira/GRACE Project on Industrial Animal Production

The Sustainable Agriculture Education (SAgE) Project

Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production

Healthy Farm Bill Initiative

Agriculture and Public Health Gateway


“If you eat, you’re involved in agriculture.”
— Wendell Berry, farmer and philosopher

In an age of unprecedented levels of food production, little about the industrial food production model is critically analyzed to reveal its hidden costs. CLF’s Farming for the Future Program focuses on the relationships among food production, the environment and public health.  Many of today’s industrial agriculture practices are doing profound damage to our soil, air, and water.

The Farming for the Future Program includes a variety of projects and activities that document the impacts of industrial agriculture practices, gather evidence to inform policymaking, and promote more sustainable alternatives. Drawing upon scientific expertise from throughout Johns Hopkins University, the program advances scientific knowledge, communicates research findings, develops educational tools, and serves as a resource for those working to protect health, the global environment, and our ability to sustain life for future generations.

For more information on Farming for the Future please contact Shawn Mckenzie.

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