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Marcel Janco, Cabaret Voltaire, 1916, oil on canvas. Photograph of lost painting, Kunsthaus Zurich. © Kunsthaus Zürich. All rights reserved.
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Marcel Duchamp’s studio featuring Rotative Plaques verre (Rotary Glass Plates); In Advance of the Broken Arm (suspended from ceiling); and Roue de bicyclette (Bicycle Wheel), New York, 1920. Photograph by Man Ray. Musée National d’Art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. CNAC/MNAM/Dist. Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY © 2005 Man Ray Trust/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP, Paris
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Final scene of the marionette play, The King Stag, 1918. Palace of the King (left to right): Angela, King Deramo, Freud Analytikus, Tartaglia, Pantalon, Leandro, Clarissa. Marionettes by Sophie Taeuber-Arp. Museum Bellerive, Kunstgewerbesammlung Museum für Gestaltung Zürich. © 2005 Sophie Taeuber/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn. Photo: Marlen Perez
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Dada group at Saint Julien le Pauvre, 1921. Left to right: Jean Crotti, Asté D’Esparbès, André Breton, Jacques Rigaud, Paul Eluard, Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes, Bejamin Péret, Théodore Fraenkel, Louis Aragon, Tristan Tzara, Philippe Soupault. Giovanni Lista, Paris
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Johannes Baader’s assemblage Das grosse Plasto-Dio-Dada-Drama (The Great Plasto-Dio-Dada-Drama) in the second room of the First International Dada Fair, Berlin, 1920. Giovanni Lista, Paris
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Hans Arp and Sophie Taeuber Arp before the marionettes Taeuber created for Carlo Gozzi’s König Hirsch (King Stag), Zurich, 1918. Stiftung Hans Arp und Sophie Taeuber-Arp e.V., Rolandseck. © 2005 Sophie Taeuber/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
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Kurt Schwitters, Der Merzbau, general view with 1923 column, photographed c. 1930. Kurt Schwitters Archiv im Sprengel Museum Hannover. © 2005 Kurt Schwitters/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn.
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Kurt Schwitters, Merzsaulë, Hannover, c. 1923. Room installation with paper, cardboard, metal, plaster, wood, crocheted cloth, cow horn, laurel branch, wall sconce on wood, destroyed 1943. Kurt Schwitters Archiv im Sprengel Museum Hannover. © 2005 Kurt Schwitters/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn.
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file name: 202-003.jpg
Preview of the First International Dada Fair, Berlin, June 1920; left to right: Raoul Hausmann, Hannah Höch (seated), Otto Burchard, Johannes Baader, Wieland Herzfelde, Margarete Herzfelde, Dr. Oz (Otto Schmalhausen), George Grosz, and John Heartfield. John Heartfield and Rudolf Schlichter’s Preussischer Erzengel (Prussian Archangel) hangs from the ceiling and Otto Dix’s Kriegskrüppel (45% erwerbsfahig!) (War Cripples [45% fit for service]) is partly visible at left. Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz/Art Resource, NY
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