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Mini-Course: Developing Entrepreneurs

Last Updated: September 26, 2008 Related resource areas:

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This introduction is designed to familiarize you with how the three Rural Entrepreneurship Social Network modules are structured, how they complement each other, and how you might use them to prepare yourself to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in your community and to help in your work with entrepreneurs. The three modules contained within this course are: Capturing Entrepreneurial Energy in Your Community; Supporting Entrepreneurs with Emerging Businesses; and Assisting Businesses with Growth Opportunities. You may only use some of this information, but it will help you understand the entire entrepreneurial process, appreciate the importance of recruiting other champions of entrepreneurship in your community, and determine what role you ultimately see for yourself in these processes.

In order to participate in this online learning opportunity you will need to take a minute to create a new account for yourself on the eXtension course website. Each of the individual courses may also have a one-time "enrollment key", which you will receive from the course instructor.

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