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Excel's Go To Feature

The Go To feature in Excel can be used to quickly navigate to different cells in a spreadsheet. Although not necessary for small worksheets, for larger ones it can be useful to have easy ways of jumping from one area to another.

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Ted's Spreadsheets Blog

Excel 2007 Hi-Lo-Close Chart

Friday January 16, 2009
Adding a colorful chart or graph to your spreadsheet can be a quick way of making it more visually appealing.

It can also be used to summarize information or to draw attention to trends and patterns in your data that might otherwise be difficult to see.

A Hi-Lo-Close Chart is one of several stock market charts available in Excel 2007. In general, stock market charts are used to show changes in stock market prices over a given period of time. In particular, a Hi-Lo-Close Chart shows the daily high, low, and closing price for a stock.

To find more about this type of chart, read the step by step tutorial on creating an Excel 2007 Hi-Lo-Close Chart.

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Excel 2007 SUMIFS Function

Wednesday January 14, 2009
Excel 2007's SUMIFS function is similar to the SUMIF function except that it is used to add up data only if specific criteria are met in two or more ranges of cells.

For example, the function can be used to pick out data for specific years - allowing you, for example, to add up only the profits for the year 2006 and 2007 from a worksheet containing data from 2004 to 2008.

To find out the details, read the article on using the Excel 2007 SUMIFS Function.

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Excel 2007 SUMIF

Monday January 12, 2009
Two of the most useful functions available in Excel are the IF function and the SUM function:
  • The IF function introduces decision making which adds flexibility to your to spreadsheets.
  • The SUM function makes it easy to add up data located in rows or columns.
So useful are these two functions, that they have been combined into one - The SUMIF function.

SUMIF makes it easier to add up values if a certain criterion is met. The criterion can test the data to be summed or an entirely different range of data.

To find out more, read the short article on the Excel 2007 SUMIF function.

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Excel 2007 AVERAGEIF

Friday January 9, 2009
One of Excel's Something - If functions is the AVERAGE IF function.

AVERAGE IF combines two very useful and well used functions - the IF function and the AVERAGE function.

The IF function introduces decision making to your spreadsheets. The AVERAGE function is used to find the average value in a range of data.

AVERAGE IF makes it easier to find the average value if specific criteria are met. This makes it possible to set up trigger cells in a spreadsheet so that the data is averaged only when a certain level is reached.

To find out more, read the short article on the Excel 2007 AVERAGEIF function.

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