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Could You Survive an Airplane Crash Over Water?

Friday January 16, 2009

Yesterday's miraculous Hudson River landing of US Airways Flight 1549 has given rise to all kinds of speculation about the chances of surviving a similar crash.'s own Guide to Air Travel, Arlene Fleming, has investigated this issue. It turns out that the odds of surviving a crash over water are pretty good.

I think all of us will pay more attention to the safety demonstration the next time we fly, don't you?

Photo © Neilson Barnard / Getty Images

Dreaming o' the Green

Wednesday January 14, 2009

No, it's not a winning lottery ticket, nor is it the putting green - although if you drive a little farther north from this spot, you'll come to a golf course that is so far north you feel like you're at the edge of the world.

This picture was taken at Grianan of Aileach, a ring fortress in County Donegal, Ireland. You're looking out from the fort toward Lough Swilly and points beyond.

During winter, I often find myself dreaming of Ireland, with its green hills and warm-hearted people. Ireland is one of my all-time favorite destinations, truly a place I'll never tire of visiting.

When you're fighting the winter doldrums, which destinations do you daydream about?

See more Wordless Wednesday photos.

Read more about Wordless Wednesday.

Photo © Steve Parode

Budget Baltimore for Senior Travelers

Monday January 12, 2009

Baltimore, Maryland is one of my favorite cities. "Charm City" has been an important port, battle site, African American cultural center and hub of industry since its founding. Today, Baltimore's attractions include the USS Constellation, National Aquarium in Baltimore, Fort McHenry and much, much more.

Baltimore is also the birthplace of many famous Americans, including George Herman "Babe" Ruth and Edgar Allan Poe, and of the U.S. national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner." Needless to say, there's plenty to do and see in this uniquely American city.

I must confess, though, that it's often food that draws me to Baltimore. Whether I'm headed to a local grocery store / deli like DiPasquale's in Highlandtown or to a new ethnic restaurant in Fells Point, I know I'll enjoy my meal.

Even if you have only a few hours to spare, consider stopping in Baltimore the next time you head to the East Coast. You'll discover, as I have, that Washington, DC's northern neighbor has much to offer.

Can You Stay Healthy on Your Next Cruise?

Monday January 12, 2009

To me, there's nothing worse than being ill while on vacation. I've battled colds, stomach bugs, sinus infections and coughs while traveling, and it's just not fun to be sick on the road. To me, the worst possible experience is to be sick far from home, particularly while on a cruise.

When illness breaks out on a cruise ship, news reporters broadcast the event far and wide, partially because sickness on passenger vessels must be reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Discussions of norovirus ("Norwalk virus") outbreaks are not pretty under the best of circumstances.

There's no reason to worry, though, if you plan ahead and take some steps to stay well while on your cruise. You really can minimize the risk of getting sick on the high seas. Find out more about staying healthy on your cruise vacation.

Photo © CLIA


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