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Darrell's Small Business Info Blog

Should You Start a Business in a Recession?

Monday January 12, 2009

Starting a business in good economic times is trying enough but when you throw in a rising jobless rate, sagging consumer confidence, bankruptcies and a tight credit market; the odds seem insurmountable. Yet there are advantages to starting a small business during recessionary times including:

  • Lower start up costs: The costs of essential business equipment such as computers has significantly dropped in price making stocking and equipping the new office less of a financial burden.
  • Cheap talent: With the U.S. jobless rate hovering over 7% and more layoffs to come, the talent pool is much deeper without unrealistic salary expectations.
  • Reduce ad costs: With rising ad inventories and businesses cutting marketing budgets, the cost and ability to reach your target market is more affordable than ever.

Can your business succeed in a downturn? Yes. With a little planning, dedication and hard work, your odds can be improved. Just remember many entrepreneurial success stories were launched in bad economic times including Microsoft, McDonald's, Disney and Google.

Get Organized Month

Sunday January 4, 2009
One common resolution in the new year for individuals and businesses alike is the desire to be better organized. Sloppy work processes can have a negative effect on efficiency, productivity and the bottom line. As a small business owner, you have a daily, overflowing arrival of information from e-mails and mail to an ever-building pile of paperwork. Can organization aid your business?

According to a National Association of Professional Organizers survey, over 28% of workers feel organization of their work space could save up to an hour a day. Take charge of your business by honoring NAPO's National Get Organized Month.

A New Year A New Business Plan

Thursday January 1, 2009
At the start of a new year, many companies will revisit their business plans and goals. A business plan is only useful if it's updated and not a dust collector. Your business plan will help you look at what worked in the past year, what is outdated, and areas for improvement. Every small business owner makes assumptions about their industry and business in general. Take a look from outside your business with a fresh perspective. What would you do differently if you were to start your business over again? Revisit your business goals and make use of the SMART process of business goal setting.

Credit Control

Sunday December 21, 2008
It's difficult to imagine life without them - credit cards. They have enabled the ease of transactions in business and consumer markets. On the dark side, they have been a finance crippling tool if used incorrectly. Almost 50% of small businesses are relying on credit cards in tough times, according to a recent NSBA survey. New legislation is being crafted to help small business better manage credit cards. While the bill revision for greater transparency is pending, there are steps you can take such as using your grace period.

The majority of small business credit cards offers a 21-day grace period before you have to make payment on your purchases. Improve your cash flow using a credit card instead of checks since the new Check 21 act creates quicker clearing of checks.


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