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Maja's Santa Rosa, CA Blog

Make it a Day On, Not a Day Off: Day of Service in Santa Rosa

Wednesday January 14, 2009
See Also: MLK Day Celebration at the Wells Fargo Center

In 1994, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day federal holiday was transformed into a national day of community service, honoring MLK’s teachings of nonviolence and social justice. The aim was to make the holiday not a day off, but a day on, in which all Americans could come together and work to help one another.

This year’s MLK Holiday is the day before the Inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama. And the group that heads the “Day On, Not a Day Off” drive (The Corporation for National and Community Service) is teaming up with the Presidential Inaugural Committee to organize and publicize thousands of volunteer projects throughout the county.

A national registry of Day of Service volunteer opportunities can be found at Just type in your zip code to get a list of nearby events.

Some of the volunteer projects taking place in Santa Rosa on January 19 include: (See for further details.)

  • Service Day Food Drive - Redwood Empire Food Bank
    You're invited to gather canned goods and other non-perishable food items on Jan. 19 and then, beginning on Tuesday Jan. 20, bring them to the Redwood Empire Food Bank -3320 industrial Dr. You might consider a neighborhood canvas for the food donations. Please check out website and look for food drives section for more infomation.

  • Roseland Neighborhood Clean-Up & Canned Food Drive
    Meet at La Fondita Restaurant, 816 Sebastopol Road (across from the Dollar Tree) at 4pm with trash bags (large hefty size please) in hand and begin to pick up trash and clean up the surrounding neighborhood until 6pm. Please bring a canned item of food also we will be collecting them and then taking it to a needy family.

  • Piner Creek Clean-up Together
    Piner Creek needs your help. All ages welcome. We'll pick up litter while learning about creeks from Stephanie Lennox, environmental educator. Bags, gloves and trash-pickers provided by the Creek Stewardship Program of the City of Santa Rosa. Co-sponsored by Wellspring Aikido Arts. Please bring your own water and snacks. You may prefer your own gloves. Adults only may bring water-proof boots for deeper creek cleaning. Parents/guardians responsible for their children. Let's grow our community of service and caring for all. 2 – 3pm; Piner Creek at Coffey and Piner Rds. (3215 Coffey Lane)

Other Sonoma County events include: (See for details on these and more volunteer opportunities.)

  • Creek Stewardship Day in Cotati
  • Community Garden Volunteer Work Day in Sonoma
  • Four Legged Friends for CHANGE Pet Supply Drive in Petaluma
  • Russian River Cleanup in Healdsburg
  • Gleaning with Farm to Pantry (Harvest surplus fruit and vegetables from local farms, gardens and orchards for the local food pantry to distribute to families in need.) Meet in Healdsburg.
  • Native Plant Restoration (Planting native plants along the levees of San Pablo Bay and Hwy 37.) in Petaluma
  • Trail Maintenance at Stillwater Cove in Jenner
  • Dunbar School Garden Project in Glen Ellen

Lance Armstrong's Trek-Livestrong to Train in Santa Rosa

Tuesday January 13, 2009
Wow, cycling is taking over in Santa Rosa.

Today, VeloNews, the Journal of Competitive Cycling, ran a story about Lance Armstrong’s new project—a team for top, young riders called Trek-Livestrong. And, it turns out the team will be holding a training camp in Santa Rosa at the end of February. Which, by the way, takes place soon after Santa Rosa hosts the first leg of a the Amgen Tour of California on February 15. (Both Armstrong and hometown hero Levi Leipheimer will be racing.) The Tour is the biggest cycling event in US history, and Santa Rosa has the reputation as being the best place to watch it. This year, there are a bunch of events planned for the day of, and the day before, the big race. Check out the Tour of California story and the schedule of events.

Also read about the top places to go cycling in and around Santa Rosa. Granted, folks tend to keep their favorite spots a secret. But the editor of Bike Monkey Magazine lets the cat out of the bag in this round-up.

And, find out where Santa Rosa cyclists hang out--their favorite restaurants, coffeehouses and brew pubs.

Biglittlethings: Alice in Wonderland meets up with the Blue Man Group at the Cirque de Soleil…

Sunday January 11, 2009
Alice in Wonderland meets up with the Blue Man Group at the Cirque de Soleil…That’s the best way I can even come close to describing the Biglittlethings show yesterday at Wells Fargo Center for the Arts. It was a wonderful mix of color and light, whimsy and costumes, music and movement. Not only was at an eye-opening, imaginative experience for my child—she was all big-eyes and laughter throughout—but it was something I enjoyed as well. Oh yeah, most kid’s shows and films bill themselves as “fun for the whole family.” But, you and I know that’s not true. (Unless you come from a really dull family.) But, Biglittlethings actually lived up to the promise. At the end, when I was clapping and cheering along with the audience, it wasn’t just for my daughter's benefit, to make the occasion a bit more exciting. It was because I genuinely felt like clapping and cheering. And I’m betting that’s why the rest of the grown-ups were doing it as well.

Now I regret I hadn’t seen FROGZ last year at the Wells Fargo Center, which was also by Imago Theater of Portland Oregon. But, when Imago comes through here again, I definitely won’t miss out.

Local Inauguration Events?

Friday January 9, 2009

Update: You can check out MoveOn for a listing of local Inauguration Parties (or place your own party on the list). There are several in the Santa Rosa area.

I’ve received several emails from folks who would like to know where to view the Presidential Inauguration on January 20. Some don’t have televisions and others would rather watch it in a more social and festive atmosphere. But, I have no idea where to steer them. Anyone know? If so, leave a comment below or email me at

If you're not interested in watching the Inauguration but would like to celebrate the occasion, there are a few events scheduled in Santa Rosa:

FREE, All Ages, Inauguration Party at the Russian River Brewing Company, featuring the 11 piece Motown Funk Band, Cloud 9. 8 - 11pm; 725 4th Street.

The Great West End & Railroad Square Inaugural Dinner Enjoy a reinterpretation of Abraham Lincoln’s inaugural luncheon featuring mock turtle soup, corned beef & cabbage, parsley potatoes, blackberry pie and coffee. Bring your favorite wine or beer to share. 7 – 10pm; at the New Arts Project, 606 Wilson St., (707) 570-0128. Tickets are $20.

Inauguration party at the Red Rose Cafe with a Cajun buffet plus music by Reggae band Midnight Sun of Sonoma. Call for tickets. $20 for buffet and party, or $12 for only the party. 5pm; 1770 Piner Rd., Santa Rosa, 573-9741.


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