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Heinz's Email Blog

Gmail (Google Mail) - Is the "Send and Archive" Button for You?

Friday January 16, 2009
Gmail (Google Mail) - Free Email and Chat Service
Do you keep clicking Send followed by Archive? Gmail has a new trick up its lab coat's sleeve: a Send & Archive button.
›› Gmail is the Google approach to email and chat. Practically unlimited free online storage allows you to collect all your messages, and Gmail's simple but very smart interface lets you find them precisely and see them in context without effort.

How to Suggest a Feature or Improvement for Mac OS X Mail

Thursday January 15, 2009
Dinner at -54° F (-47° C) was not unusual on this January 14, 1972. When the people of Loma, Montana, woke up the next day, they witnessed a record, however: breakfast at 49° F (9° C) — a 103° F change in less than 24 hours.
When you submit a feature request to Apple, Mac OS X Mail may change from cold to hot overnight, too — with a software update:
›› Have a great idea, found a bug or got annoyed with the way Mac OS X Mail does things? Here's how to submit your feature or improvement suggestion to Apple.

How to Make Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail or Outlook Express Send Your Inline Images

Tuesday January 13, 2009
A space shuttle-like Russian vehicle blasted into space on February 4, 1992. Its name was not Buran.
While Baikal's top secret launch most probably never happened, a spaceship called Baikal did exist — and it was identical to Buran. A nice fable explains the name change: "Baikal" obviously means lake Baikal, a fitting title for such grand a ship. What, though, would happen if — say during re-entry into Earth's atmosphere — a few letters were lost? Baikal could become Baika, "fable", or maybe kal, "excrement". ("Buran", obviously, can transform into "uran", uranium, or "Bur", drill.)
Now, we want not spaceships to lose letters and not our emails to lose images either. I'm not sure what to do about the former, but here's something you can do to prevent the latter:
›› If recipients of emails you have composed in Windows Mail or Outlook Express using stationery complain about red x's where the images should be, here's what to do.

Winter Swans - Free Email Stationery Download and E-Card

Monday January 12, 2009
Winter Swans - Free Email Stationery Download and E-Card
Yggdrasil, the tree that holds the worlds together, has three big roots reaching into three wells.
Urðarbrunnr, one of the wells, is inhabited by two birds. Since everything that comes into contact with the holy water turns white immediately, the birds, too, are white as snow.
The two white birds swimming in the well of Urðr are called "swans" — and they have descendants found all over this earth:
›› It's a silent Winter, it's majestic swans, it's crisp stationery. (Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail, Outlook, Outlook Express)


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