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Ken's Saving for College Blog

State Income Tax Deductions for the Iowa 529 and Kansas 529 Plans

Tuesday January 13, 2009
I just finished two new profiles on the state income tax deductions for residents who contribute to an Iowa 529 Plan or Kansas 529 Plan. If you live in either of these states, or know someone who does, take a look.

To find out if your state offers a Section 529 plan income tax deduction, check out this state-by-state list of 529 plan deductions.

List of State Financial Aid Deadlines

Saturday January 10, 2009
One of the most frustrating (and costly) mistakes for students and parents is missing their state's financial aid deadline.

The most common reason this happens is that people don't realize that the financial aid deadline for Federal programs (June 30th) is not necessarily the same as the deadline for their state. In fact, many states have set their deadlines as early as February or March.

If you've got a second, double-check my list of state financial aid deadlines to make sure you know your state's 2009 cutoff.

Department of Education Appears To Be Ramping Up Student Loan Collections

Friday January 9, 2009
While there's no doubt in most people's minds that the financial crisis has put a crimp on student loan repayments, its seems to be significant enough that the Department of Education is having to take action. As recently reported on, the Department of Education appears to be expanding their student loan collections arsenal.

Within the Department of Education, there are two programs that employ companies specializing in student loan collections. In 2004, when the contracts were last negotiated, 12 companies were included in the larger of the two categories. This year, that number has been expanded to 17 companies.

If you're afraid of falling behind on your payments, it's important to take active steps now so you don't find yourself in student loan collections. Consider seeking a deferment, forbearance, or loan consolidation to help take the heat off.

Financial Aid Deadline - Connecticut Capitol Scholarship - February 15th, 2009

Thursday January 8, 2009
Get ready... the financial aid deadlines for state programs will start coming fast and furious in the next few months.

Applications for Connecticut's Capitol Scholarship program, which awards up to $3,000 in financial aid to Connecticut residents, are due by February 15th, 2009. For a copy of the application (which must be filed in addition to your FAFSA), visit the website for the Connecticut Department of Higher Education.

To stay up-to-date on all the financial aid deadlines and programs, be sure to sign up for our free Saving for College newsletter.


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