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Cover for Amber Waves May 2007 Special Issue — Perspectives on Food and Farm Policy

May 2007 Special Issue — Perspectives on Food and Farm Policy
Feature articles in the Special Issue (May 2007) include… Managing Risk with Revenue Insurance, Relaxing Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restrictions, Emphasis Shifts in U.S. Conservation Policy, Environmental Credit Trading: Can Farming Benefit?, Food Assistance: How Strong Is the Safety Net?, Improving Food Choices—Can Food Stamps Do More?, Policy Options for a Changing Rural America, and Ethanol Reshapes the Corn Market. Other articles and statistical presentations cover such topics as…farm household well-being, organic farming, fruit and vegetable trade, the effect of decoupled payments on resource allocations in the farm sector, the role bidding can play in conservation program cost-effectiveness, “green” government payments, country-of-origin labeling, the role of the National School Lunch Program in nutrition assistance, and the U.S. soybean sector

Up Front
         Research Informs Policy Decisions

Feature Articles
       Commodity Programs and Policy

         Managing Risk With Revenue Insurance

         Relaxing Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restrictions


         Environmental Credit Trading: Can Farming Benefit?

         Emphasis Shifts in U.S. Conservation Policy — Updated

       Food and Nutrition

         Food Assistance: How Strong Is the Safety Net?

         Improving Food Choices — Can Food Stamps Do More?

       Rural Development and Energy

         Policy Options for a Changing Rural America — Updated

         Ethanol Reshapes the Corn Market — Updated

       Commodity Programs and Policy

         Assessing Farm Household Well-Being—Beyond Farmers and Farm Income — Updated

         U.S. Organic Farm Sector Continues To Expand — Updated

         U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Imports Outpace Exports — Updated

         How Do Decoupled Payments Affect Resource Allocations Within the Farm Sector?


         Bidding Enhances Conservation Program Cost Effectiveness

         Green Payments: Can Income and Conservation Payments Be Combined

       Food and Nutrition

         Fruit and Vegetables in the Limelight

         Mandatory Country-of-Origin Labeling: Will It Benefit Consumers? — Updated

         National School Lunch Program Fills Food Assistance Gaps

       Rural Development and Energy

         International Trade, Biofuel Initiatives Reshaping the Soybean Sector


         Indicators May-07

       Commodity Programs and Policy

         Geographic Distribution of Government Payments — Updated

         Drought is a recurring risk faced by agricultural producers — Updated


         Conservation compliance effectiveness depends on where the money goes

         Wetland losses

       Food and Nutrition

         Participation in USDA’s Food Stamp Program varies by State

         Fewer households had difficulty putting enough food on the table in 2005

         Fruit and vegetable availability up 20 percent since 1970

       Rural Development and Energy

         Nonmetro county population change, 2000-05: Half grew, half declined

         Farm output is up but energy intensity is downn the Long Run — Updated

         Farm population as a share of total U.S. population

Additional Readings
