Amber Waves previous covers Amber Waves - The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America

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Cover for Amber Waves June 2005 — Will Americans Eat More Whole Grains?

June 2005 — Will Americans Eat More Whole Grains?
Feature articles in the June 2005 issue include…Will 2005 Be the Year of the Whole Grain?, North America Moves Toward One Market, Obesity Policy and the Law of Unintended Consequences, and Why Hasn’t Crop Insurance Eliminated Disaster Assistance?. Other articles cover such topics as…preferential trade, China agricultural policy, fruit and vegetable trade, food product introductions, food stamp participation, biotech patent ownership, agricultural productivity, farm structure, retirement destination counties, low education counties, and agricultural history. Also includes selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America.

Up Front
         New "growing" pains?

Feature Articles
         Will 2005 Be the Year of the Whole Grains?

         Why Hasn't Crop Insurance Eliminated Disaster Assistance?

         Obesity Policy and the Law of Unintended Consequences

         North America Moves Toward One Market

       Markets and Trade

         U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Imports Outpace Exports

         Future of Preferential Trade Programs Concerns Developing Countries

         China’s New Farm Policies Have Modest Impact

       Diet and Health

         Companies Continue To Offer New Foods Targeted to Children

         After Leaving Welfare Food Stamps or Not!

       Resources and Environment

         Ag Productivity Drives Output Growth

         Production Shifting to Very Large Family Farms

         Ag Biotech Patents on the Move

       Rural America

         Rural America as a Retirement Destination

         Most Low Education Counties Are in the Nonmetro South

       Current Activities

         ERS Research on Biotech Crops Informs Policies Abroad

         Diverse Labor Force Attracts New Food Processing Plants

       Recent Meetings

         Rapid Spread of Supermarkets Changing the Pacific Rim Food System

         Policy and Competition in a Changing Global Food Industry

       New Releases

         Many Forces Reshaping Global Textile and Cotton Markets

         A Redesigned Data Portal

         Rural America’s Children

         North American Agricultural Policies Compared

         China’s Agricultural Imports Rising

         Agricultural Trade and the Environment

         Commuting Codes Updated

         Commodity Markets and Trade

Data Feature
         Milestones in U.S. Farming and Farm Policy

         Population Interaction Zones for Agriculture

         Average farm size grows most rapidly in Mountain States

         Farm population as a share of total U.S. population

         HELIOS Awards -- 2005
