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Amber Waves Subject Index

Page references take the form (year)month:page range, e.g., (2003)Feb:3-5 to denote volume 1 published in 2003, issue 1 dated the month of February, found on pages 3-5. Bold denotes figures/tables in Data Feature and Indicators.

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agricultural policy reform
Asia–Pacific region, (2004)Jun:14–21
Where Will Demographics Take the Asia-Pacific Food System?
Common Agricultural Policy, (2004)Nov:16–17, (2004)Sep:22–29
U.S. and EU Agricultural Policies Now Bear Similarities
European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform
EU adopts significant reforms, (2004)Sep:22–29
European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform
EU enlargement and, (2004)Apr:38–44
A Historic Enlargement: Ten Countries Prepare to Join the European Union
(EU), see European Union
farm program devolution to State governments, (2004)Nov:14–21
Devolution of Farm Programs Could Broaden States' Role in Ag Policy
impact of China's new farm policies, (2005)Jun:3
China’s New Farm Policies Have Modest Impact
see United States

agricultural production
Brazil's agricultural growth challenges, (2006)Nov:28–35
Brazil's Booming Agriculture Faces Obstacles
CAP reforms effect on, (2004)Sep:22–29
European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform
contracting trends, (2006)Feb:26–31, (2006)Feb:40
Agricultural Contracting: Trading Autonomy for Risk Reduction
Indicators: Farms, Firms, and Households, box
export share of U.S. agricultural production, (2003)Nov:47, (2003)Nov:47 
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
growth in the North American greenhouse tomato market, (2005)Apr:20–27
North American Greenhouse Tomatoes Emerge as a Major Market Force
growth of China's rural food market, (2005)Sep:2
China's Food Market Revolution Reaches the Countryside
high energy costs and, (2006)Apr:16–21
Agriculture and Rural Communities Are Resilient to High Energy Costs
India, (2004)Feb:28–35
The Elephant is Jogging: New Pressures for Agricultural Reform in India
low- and high-cost producers, (2003)Sep:38–45
Production Costs Critical to Farming Decisions
natural and other resources and, (2006)Sep:7
Indicators Highlight Links Between Agricultural Resources and the Environment
plant genetic resources and, (2003)Jun:22–29
Plant Genetic Resources: New Rules for International Exchange
production contracts expansion, (2004)Nov:5
Contract Use Continues to Expand
production costs critical to farming decisions, (2003)Sep:38–45
Production Costs Critical to Farming Decisions
production shift to very large family farms, (2005)Jun:6–7
Production Shifting to Very Large Family Farms
seed industry changes and, (2004)Feb:14–19
Have Seed Industry Changes Affected Research Effort?
shift to larger farms, (2005)Feb:10–11
Growing Farm Size and the Distribution of Commodity Program Payments, box
updated Dietary Guidelines and, (2005)Feb:46
How Will New Dietary Guidelines Affect Agriculture?

agricultural productivity
crop genetic diversity and, (2005)Sep:6
Crop Genetic Diversity Boosts Production But Faces Threats
output growth and, (2005)Jun:6
Ag Productivity Drives Output Growth
productivity growth, postwar agriculture, (2003)Jun:47
Growth in Postwar Agriculture: The Key Role of Productivity
productivity growth, sources of output growth, U.S. farm sector, (2003)Jun:47
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
productivity growth was single largest contributor to output growth, U.S. farm sector, 1948-99, (2003)Jun:47
Indicators: Behind the Data, box

Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS)
agricultural production costs, (2003)Sep:38–45
Production Costs Critical to Farming Decisions
commodity program payment distribution, (2005)Feb:10–11
Growing Farm Size and the Distribution of Commodity Program Payments, box
cropping practice trends data, (2003)Feb:12–13
ARMS data highlight trends in cropping practices, box
cropping practices perspectives, (2004)Jun:12–13
ARMS Data Offer New Perspectives on Cropping Practices, box
data trends in cropping practices, (2006)Jul:52–53
ARMS Data Highlights Trends in Cropping Practices, box

Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators (AREI) report, (2003)Sep:9
What You Want to Know About Resources and the Environment…But Couldn’t Find

agricultural trade
CAP reform effect on global marketplace, (2004)Sep:22–29                            
European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform
dairy products and, (2005)Nov:32–37
U.S. Dairy at a New Crossroads in a Global Setting
economic effects of animal diseases and, (2006)Apr:22–29
Economic Effects of Animal Diseases Linked to Trade Dependency
ethanol and the corn market, (2006)Apr:30–35
Ethanol Reshapes the Corn Market
EU enlargement and, (2004)Apr:38–44
A Historic Enlargement: Ten Countries Prepare to Join the European Union
food safety regulations and standards, (2003)Nov:14–21
Food Safety and Trade: Regulations, Risks, and Reconciliation
fruits and vegetables, (2004)Jun:4
Global Trade in Fruits and Vegetables Brings Variety to the Nation’s Grocery Stores
global marketplace integration and changes, (2004)Feb:1
Up Front: An Integrated Global Marketplace
high-value product exports, (2004)Apr:4
Processed Products Propel Gains in U.S. Agricultural Exports
importance of exports, (2006)Nov:3
Measuring the Importance of Exports to U.S. Agriculture
imported foods, (2005)Apr:3
Americans Have Growing Appetites for Imported Foods
India, (2004)Feb:28–35
The Elephant is Jogging: New Pressures for Agricultural Reform in India
integration of North American agriculture, (2005)Jun:18–25
North America Moves Toward One Market
Japan, (2003)Feb:4
Is Japan Ready for Competition in Its Ag Markets?
PFCs/decoupled payments and, (2003)Feb:38–45
Farm Payments: Decoupled Payments Increase Households' Well-Being, Not Production
preferential trade programs for developing countries, (2005)Jun:2–3
Future of Preferential Trade Programs Concerns
trade balance, U.S. (2004)Feb:36–41
The U.S. Trade Balance. . . More Than Just A Number
value of accurate information, (2006)Apr:10–15
Public Information Creates Value
See also international trade; specific aspects, e.g., competition/competitiveness, comparative advantage, etc.

air quality/pollution
ammonia emission regulation effect on hog production costs, (2006)Feb:6
Regulating Ammonia Emissions From Hog Farms Would Raise Costs
water quality improvement and, (2006)Jul:38–45
Improving Air and Water Quality Can Be Two Sides of the Same Coin

American Jobs Creation Act
Fair and Equitable Tobacco Reform section eliminates tobacco quota and price support programs, (2005)Feb:2–3
Long-Lived Tobacco Program to End
provisions, (2005)Apr:7
New Tax Laws Benefit Farmers
tax benefits for farmers, (2005)Apr:7
New Tax Laws Benefit Farmers

animal diseases
economic effects, (2006)Apr:22–29
Economic Effects of Animal Diseases Linked to Trade Dependency

animals and animal husbandry
replacement of work animals by tractors, (2005)Jun:11
Milestones in U.S. Farming and Farm Policy, box
See livestock and livestock products; specific animals by type, e.g., hogs and hog production, poultry and poultry production, etc.

See textile and apparel industries

apples and apple production
China's apple and apple juice exports, (2006)Apr:36
China's Rising Profile in the Global Market for Fruits and Vegetables, box
exports to Japan, (2005)Nov:2–3
U.S. Could Expand Apple Exports to Japan
India's apple market, (2006)Feb:3
India’s High Internal Marketing Costs Reduce Apple Demand

U.S. seafood industry and, (2004)Apr:5
U.S. Seafood Market Shifts to Aquaculture

agricultural competitiveness, (2003)Apr:14–21
Dynamics of Agricultural Competitiveness: Policy Lessons From Abroad

See Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS)

Asia-Pacific region
demographics and food system, (2004)Jun:14–21
Where Will Demographics Take the Asia-Pacific Food System?
food retailing and, (2006)Jun:22–29
A Revolution in Food Retailing Underway in the Asia-Pacific Region
hunger reduction in, (2006)Jun:3
 Asia Leads World in Reducing Hunger
urban center food center reliance on transportation infrastructure, (2005)Sep:12–19
Asia-Pacific Transportation Infrastructure: Linking Food Sources to Urban Centers
availability, food.  See food spending and consumption

phytosanitary regulations and imports of, (2006)Nov:2
New Phytosanitary Regulations Allow Higher Imports of Avocados

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beef and beef production
differences in demand for meat cuts, (2003)Sep:5
Differences in Demand Help Shape Meat Trade
long-distance animal shipping, (2003)Nov:5
Are More Livestock Hitting the Road?
price spreads, (2004)Sep:4
Slow Price Adjustments Benefits Beef and Pork Producers
production costs and farming decisions, (2003)Sep:38–45
Production Costs Critical to Farming Decisions
See also meat and meat production

socioeconomic variables in soft drink consumption, (2005)Sep:4
How Americans Quench Their Thirsts
targeted to children, (2005)Jun:4
Companies Continue To Offer New Foods Targeted to Children
Bilateral Fiber and Textile Trade database, (2004)Sep:12
The Changing World Network of Trade in Textiles and Apparel, box

bioenergy, biofuels
soybeans and soybean products, (2006)Sep:8
 International Trade, Biofuel Initiatives Reshaping the Soybean Sector

biotech foods and U.S. consumers, (2003)Nov:30–36
Consumers and the Future of Biotech Foods in the United States
crop genetic diversity, (2005)Sep:6
Crop Genetic Diversity Boosts Production But Faces Threats
genetically engineered crop varieties gain acreage share, (2004)Sep:9
GE Crop Varieties Gain Further Acreage Share in 2004
growth of genetically engineered crops, (2005)Sep:7, (2006)Sep:6
Use of Genetically Engineered Crops Rising Steadily During First Decade
Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops Continues To Increase
increase in biotech patents, (2005)Jun:7
Ag Biotech Patents on the Move
information sways consumer attitudes toward biotech foods, (2003)Jun:6
Information Sways Consumers’ Attitudes Towards Biotech Foods
patents and intellectual property, (2003)Nov:12–13
Ag Biotech Patents: Who is Doing What?, box
seed industry changes and, (2004)Feb:14–19
Have Seed Industry Changes Affected Research Effort?
biofuels. See bioenergy, biofuels

biological resources
AREI report, (2003)Sep:9
What You Want to Know About Resources and the Environment…But Couldn’t Find

Black Sea region
grain exports, (2004)Nov:4
Grain Exports from the Black Sea: How Large?

nonmetro, high-poverty counties, (2004)Feb:20–27
Anatomy of Nonmetro High-Poverty Areas: Common in Plight, Distinctive in Nature
nonmetro, migration trends, (2003)Apr:10
Nonmetro Black Migration Reverses Trends of Earlier Decades
nonmetro, persistent poverty counties, (2006)Feb:11
Severity and Concentration of Persistent High Poverty in Nonmetro Areas, box
poverty, (2003)Nov:10, (2003)Sep:30–37, (2004)Feb:20–27
Dimensions of Child Poverty in Rural Areas
Nonmetro Poverty: Assessing the Effect of the 1990s
Anatomy of Nonmetro High-Poverty Areas: Common in Plight, Distinctive in Nature
rural child poverty, (2003)Nov:10
Dimensions of Child Poverty in Rural Areas
See also racial and ethnic groups

body mass index/body weight
association of weight status with mortality, (2005)Jun:26–33
Obesity Policy and the Law of Unintended Consequences
economics and the rise in obesity, (2005)Feb:20–27
The Price is Right: Economics and the Rise in Obesity
food stamps and, (2006)Feb:32–37
Food Stamps and Obesity: Ironic Twist or Complex Puzzle?
 historical background, (2005)Feb:24                                                                                      
The Price is Right: Economics and the Rise in Obesity, box
obesity and overweight as results of market failure, (2005)Jun:30
Obesity Policy and the Law of Unintended Consequences, box
obesity reduction through selective taxation, (2004)Nov:6
Taxing Snacks to Reduce Obesity
rise in obesity, (2004)Jun:7
Low-Income Households Spend Less on Fruits and Vegetables
risk for obesity, (2004)Nov:7
Americans at Unequal Risk for Obesity
U.S. perception problems, (2003)Sep:6
The Dynamics of Food Insufficiency

agricultural competitiveness, (2003)Apr:14–21
Dynamics of Agricultural Competitiveness: Policy Lessons From Abroad
agricultural growth challenges, (2006)Nov:28–35
Brazil's Booming Agriculture Faces Obstacles
impact of exchange rates on the agro-food sector, (2006)Nov:32
The Impact of Exchange Rates on Brazil’s Agro-Food Sector
position in the global meat market, (2006)Apr:2
Brazil Emerges as Major Force in Global Meat Markets
share of world broiler exports, (2006)Apr:39                                            
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box

rates, (2004)Sep:36
Sharing the Economic Burden: Who Pays for WIC’s Infant Formula?

breeding, plant.
See bioengineering/biotechnology; plant genetic resources (germplasm); research and development (R&D)

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See Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

certified organic fruit and vegetable production, (2006)Apr:39
Indicators: Farms, Firms, and Households, box

caloric sweeteners
estimating consumption, (2003)Apr:43
Indicators: Behind the Data, box

Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization program, (2006)Nov:27
Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization: A Whole-Farm Revenue Program, box
greenhouse tomato production, (2005)Apr:20–27
North American Greenhouse Tomatoes Emerge as a Major Market Force
North American markets integration, (2003)Sep:4–5, (2005)Jun:18–25
North America: One Market, Big Payoffs, Many Challenges
North America Moves Toward One Market
U.S.-Canadian hog trade, (2005)Feb:36–41
U.S.-Canadian Hog Trade: Market Integration at Work

Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)
integration of North American agriculture and, (2005)Jun:18–25
North America Moves Toward One Market

See Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

economic feasibility of carbon sequestration, (2006)Jul:36
Is Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture Economically Feasible?
sequestration, (2004)Apr:9
Is Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture Economically Feasible?

See beef and beef production; livestock and livestock products

CEE countries
See Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries

Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries
joining EU, (2004)Apr:38–44
A Historic Enlargement: Ten Countries Prepare to Join the European Union

See Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (CFTA)

cheese and cheese production
natural cheese consumption growth, (2005)Feb:43
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
rise in cheese consumption, (2005)Feb:4, (2006)Nov:39
Cheese Consumption Continues to Rise
Indicators: Diet and Health, box
supply and utilization, (2005)Feb:43
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
trends, U.S., (2003)Jun:12–13
Trends in U.S. Per Capita Consumption of Dairy Products, 1909 to 2001, box
See also dairy products

Chesapeake Bay watershed
manure management and, (2003)Jun:8
Manure Management: A Growing Challenge in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

chicken and chicken products
See poultry and poultry production

Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
targeting and participation, (2003)Jun:30–37
Aiming for Targets, Saving on Arrows: Insights from Two USDA Food Assistance Programs

child poverty
diet quality and, (2005)Sep:5
Diet Quality Usually Varies by Income Status
Food Stamp Program and, (2006)Sep:10–15
Food Assistance: How Strong Is the Safety Net?
Food Stamps Program, (2003)Feb:7
Food Stamps and Child Poverty
metro-nonmetro gap in child poverty rates, (2005)Jun:44                                                
Indicators: Rural America, box
nonmetro poor children compared with metro children receiving food stamps, (2005)Jun:44
Indicators: Rural America, box
nonmetro/rural areas, (2003)Nov:10, (2003)Sep:30–37  
Dimensions of Child Poverty in Rural Areas
Nonmetro Poverty: Assessing the Effect of the 1990s

See infants and children

agricultural competitiveness, (2003)Apr:14–21
Dynamics of Agricultural Competitiveness:Policy Lessons From Abroad
apple and apple juice exports, (2006)Apr:36
China’s Rising Profile in the Global Market for Fruits and Vegetables, box
apple imports, (2006)Apr:36
Chinese apples and apple juice erode U.S. market share, box
commodity supply and demand, (2004)Nov:4–5
China's Demand for Commodities Outpacing Supply
consumer choice and food markets, (2003)Jun:14–21
China’s Growing Affluence: How Food Markets are Responding
economic growth, impact, (2004)Feb:10, (2005)Feb:3
Booming China Trade Presents New Challenges for Rural America
China's Economic Growth Faces Challenges
farm sector commercialization, (2003)Jun:14–21
China’s Growing Affluence: How Food Markets are Responding
food safety improvements, (2006)Nov:16–21
Food Safety Improvements Underway in China
fresh vegetable exports, (2006)Apr:37
And China’s fresh vegetable exports take over Asian markets, box
fruit and vegetable trade, (2006)Apr:36-37
China’s Rising Profile in the Global Market for Fruits and Vegetables, box
frozen spinach exports to Japan, (2006)Nov:19
China’s Frozen Spinach Exports to Japan Falter on Food Safety Problems
growth of agricultural imports, (2005)Sep:44                                                              
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
growth of rural food market, (2005)Sep:2
China's Food Market Revolution Reaches the Countryside
impact of new farm policies, (2005)Jun:3
China's New Farm Policies Have Modest Impact
rural agricultural loans, (2006)Apr:3
Chinese Banks Carry Out Rural Policy
rural-urban migration, (2003)Jun:14–21
China’s Growing Affluence: How Food Markets are Responding
soybean imports, (2005)Sep:44                                                                               
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
U.S. exports of fruits and vegetables to, (2006)Apr:37
And China’s fresh vegetable exports take over Asian markets, box
U.S. rural competition and, (2004)Feb:10
Booming China Trade Presents New Challenges for Rural America
vegetable exports to Japan, (2003)Nov:4–5
China’s Vegetable Exports Challenge the U.S. in Japan’s Market
water scarcity/shortages, (2003)Apr:4                              
Will Water Scarcity Limit China’s Agricultural Potential?
wheat exports, (2003)Jun:4
Nontraditional Exporters Increase Role In Wheat Markets
WTO commitments, (2003)Apr:5
China Slow in Meeting WTO Commitments

cigarette manufacturers
U.S. tobacco industry and, (2003)Sep:14–21
U.S. Tobacco Industry Responding to New Competitors, New Challenges

Clean Water Act
hogs and hog production and, (2003)Feb:30–37
Managing Manure: New Clean Water Act Regulations Create Imperative for Livestock Producers
livestock production and, (2003)Feb:30–37
Managing Manure: New Clean Water Act Regulations Create Imperative for Livestock Producers

See textile and apparel industries

commodity markets
See specific commodities

commodity producers/production
See specific commodities

commodity support programs
distribution of commodity program payments, (2005)Feb:10–11, (2005)Jun:44
Growing Farm Size and the Distribution of Commodity Program Payments, box
Indicators: Farms, Firms, and Households, box
farm size and, (2006)Jun:8
Who Gets Farm Program Payments?
key farm attributes influencing, (2005)Nov:9
Financial Assistance to Farmers is Evolving
PFCs/decoupled payments, (2003)Feb:38–45
Farm Payments: Decoupled Payments Increase Households' Well-Being, Not Production
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), (2004)Nov:16–17
U.S. and EU Agricultural Policies Now Bear Similarities
EU success and, (2004)Sep:22–29
European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform

rural-urban commuting area (RUCA) codes, (2005)Nov:39
Indicators: Behind the Data, box

comparative advantage
policy lessons from abroad, (2003)Apr:14–21
Dynamics of Agricultural Competitiveness: Policy Lessons From Abroad

competitive pressures in U.S. food marketing, (2003)Nov:7
Competition Alters the U.S. Food Marketing Landscape
policy lessons from abroad, (2003)Apr:14–21
Dynamics of Agricultural Competitiveness: Policy Lessons From Abroad
shift in government payments toward food, nutrition, and conservation programs, (2005)Jun:11
Globalization and new stakeholders in agriculture, 1970–2000/02, box

conservation, natural resource
agri-environmental process models, (2006)Jul:14-21
Measuring the Success of Conservation Programs
agricultural policy and, (2006)Sep:28–33
Agricultural Policy Affects Land Use and the Environment
balancing costs and benefits, (2003)Sep:8
Balancing Conservation Costs and Benefits
compliance with and soil erosion reduction, (2006)Jul:12
Conservation Compliance May Reduce Soil Erosion
conservation-compatible farming practices, (2006)Feb:7
Use of Conservation-Compatible Practices Varies by Farm Type
conservation program success measurement, (2006)Jul:14–21
Measuring the Success of Conservation Programs
conservation programs available to farmers, (2006)Jul:8–9, (2006)Jul:24
Emphasis Shifts in U.S. Conservation Policy
An Array of Conservation Programs Is Available to Farmers
farm size effect on conservation payments, (2006)Jun:8
Who Gets Farm Program Payments?
large farms and, (2006)Jun:20
Land Retirement and Working-land Conservation Structures: A Look at Farmers' Choices
stewardship and environmental compliance, (2004)Apr:30–37
Beyond Environmental Compliance: Stewardship as Good Business
tools for cost-effective conservation, (2006)Jul:10
Tools for Cost-Efffective Conservation
trends in USDA conservation expenditures, (2006)Sep:7
Indicators Highlight Links Between Agricultural Resources and the Environment
U.S. agri-environmental policy, (2003)Nov:38–44
Emphasis Shifts in U.S. Agri-Environmental Policy
USDA expenditures on major agricultural conservation programs, 1935-2005, (2006)Apr:40
Indicators: In the Long Run, box
voluntary conservation program design decision criteria, (2006)Jul:2
A Multitude of Design Decisions Influence Conservation Program Performance
See also Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP); specific natural resources

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
geographic distribution of acres enrolled in, (2006)Jul:56
Indicators: On the Map, box
measuring potential environmental benefits, (2006)Jun:41
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
rural areas/economies and, (2004)Jun:9, (2004)Nov:22–29
Farmland Retirement’s Impact on Rural Growth
selection index, (2006)Jun:7
Conservation Programs: Balancing Outcomes With a Selection Index

consumers, international
See specific countries

consumers, U.S.
agribusiness strategies for, (2003)Nov:22–29
From Supply Push to Demand Pull: Agribusiness Strategies for Today’s Consumers
biotech food information sways attitudes, (2003)Jun:6
Information Sways Consumer Attitudes Towards Biotech Foods
biotech foods and, (2003)Nov:30–36
Consumers and the Future of Biotech Foods in the United States
changing demographic trends influence dietary preferences, (2003)Apr:28–33
Consumer-Driven Agriculture: Changing U.S. Demographics Influence Eating Habits
organic agriculture and, (2003)Feb:9
Organic Agriculture: Gaining Ground
See also specific groups by demographic

See food spending and consumption; specific commodities

See production contracts.

Cooperative Extension Service
funding and staffing trends, (2003)Apr:8
Trends in Extension Resources

corn and corn production
corn farm income, (2005)Feb:7
Farm Income Less Important to Most Corn Farm Households
costs and farming decisions, (2003)Sep:38–45
Production Costs Critical to Farming Decisions
ethanol production and, (2006)Apr:30–35
Ethanol Reshapes the Corn Market
stewardship and environmental compliance, (2004)Apr:30–37
Beyond Environmental Compliance: Stewardship as Good Business
U.S.–Mexico corn trade, (2004)Jun:5
Mexico’s Corn Industries and U.S.-Mexico Corn Trade

cost-of-living index
construction of, (2006)Nov:12
How the Index Is Constructed, box
expenses not covered by, (2006)Nov:13
What the Index Does Not Measure
rankings of metro and nonmetro poverty and, (2006)Nov:10–15
Adjusting for Living Costs Can Change Who Is Considered Poor

cotton and cotton production
growth in India's cotton yields, (2005)Nov:2–3
Indian Cotton Yield Gains Could Limit Imports
raw-fiber equivalent of U.S. cotton textile and apparel imports, (2005)Sep:43
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
World War II period and, (2005)Jun:10
Milestones in U.S. Farming and Farm Policy, box

crop insurance
disaster assistance and, (2005)Jun:34–41
Why Hasn't Crop Insurance Eliminated Disaster Assistance?
insurance plans and coverage levels, (2005)Jun:38
Insurance Plans and Coverage Levels
risk management and, (2006)Nov:22–27
Managing Risk With Revenue Insurance
warm-season drought area and drought-based crop insurance payments, (2005)Apr:45       
Indicators: On the Map, box

crop rotation
cropping practice trends data, (2006)Jul:52-53 
ARMS Data Highlights Trends in Cropping Practices , box                                     

crops and crop production
ARMS data trends in cropping practices, (2006)Jul:52–53
ARMS Data Highlights Trends in Cropping Practices, box
Black Sea grain exports, (2004)Nov:4
Grain Exports from the Black Sea: How Large?
CAP reforms, (2004)Sep:22–29
European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform
China's grain and oilseed production, (2004)Nov:4–5
Grain Exports from the Black Sea: How Large?
costs and farming decisions, (2003)Sep:38–45
Production Costs Critical to Farming Decisions
crop genetic diversity, (2005)Sep:6
Crop Genetic Diversity Boosts Production But Faces Threats
cropland used for crops, 1910-2005, (2006)Jul:54
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
decline of area and growth of output, (2006)Jun:6
Growing More With Less Cropland
estimates of U.S. cropland area, 1997, (2006)Jul:54
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
estimating U.S. cropland area, (2004)Nov:47                          
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
farmland retirement, (2006)Jul:22–27, (2006)Jul:28-35
Land Retirement and Working-land Conservation Structures: A Look at Farmers' Choices
Farmland Retirement's Impact on Rural Growth
Federal payments to farms with highly erodible cropland, (2006)Jul:55
Indicators: On the Map, box
food grains, India, (2004)Feb:28–35
The Elephant Is Jogging: New Pressures for Agricultural Reform in India
growth of genetically engineered crops, (2005)Sep:7, (2006)Sep:6
Use of Genetically Engineered Crops Rising Steadily During First Decade
Adoption of Genetically Engineered Crops Continues To Increase
high energy costs and, (2006)Apr:16–21
Agriculture and Rural Communities Are Resilient to High Energy Costs
plant genetic resources, (2003)Jun:22–29
Plant Genetic Resources: New Rules for International Exchange
seed industry changes, R&D and, (2004)Feb:14–19
Have Seed Industry Changes Affected Research Effort?
shifts to and from cultivated cropland, 1982-97, (2006)Sep:38
Indicators: Resources and Environment, box
See also specific crops

See Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)

fruit industry, (2004)Jun:4–5
Untapped Potential of Cuba’s Citrus and Tropical Fruit Industry

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dairy products
consumption trends, U.S., (2003)Jun:12–13
Trends in U.S. Per Capita Consumption of Dairy Products, 1909 to 2001, box
global markets and, (2005)Nov:32–37
U.S. Dairy at a New Crossroads in a Global Setting
growth in consumption of, (2005)Nov:40
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
historical production improvements, (2003)Jun:12–13
Trends in U.S. Per Capita Consumption of Dairy Products, 1909 to 2001, box
lower fat milk consumption, (2006)Nov:39
Indicators: Diet and Health, box
prices in Japan, (2006)Sep:2
What Protects Japan’s Dairy Industry?

decoupled payments
CAP reforms, (2004)Sep:22–29
European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform
Production Flexibility Contract program (PFCs), (2003)Feb:38–45
Farm Payments: Decoupled Payments Increase Households' Well-Being, Not Production
U.S., effects and influences, (2004)Nov:8–9
How Do Decoupled Payments Affect Resource Allocations Within the Farm Sector?
demographic data, U.S., (2004)Nov:12–13
Profiles of America: Demographic Data and Graphic Builder, box

developing countries
dairy products and, (2005)Nov:32–37
U.S, Dairy at a New Crossroads in a Global Setting
estimating food access and food gaps in low-income countries, (2004)Sep:45
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
preferential trade programs and, (2005)Jun:2–3
U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Imports Outpace Exports
processed food trade and, (2005)Feb:12–19
Processed Food Trade Pressured by Evolving Global Supply Chains
technologies and technological advancements, (2004)Feb:9
Science and Technology Hold Promise for Developing Countries in the 21st Century
trade liberalization/reform and, (2006)Sep:22–27
Global Agriculture and the Doha Round: Market Access Is the Key
U.S. agricultural trade balance and, (2004)Feb:36–41
The U.S. Ag Trade Balance…More Than Just a Number
U.S. aid and world hunger reduction, (2004)Sep:38–43
Fifty Years of U.S. Food Aid and Its Role in Reducing World Hunger

development, urban
See urbanization, global; urbanization, U.S.

diet and nutrition
calories from added fats and oils, (2006)Sep:38
Indicators: Diet and Health, box
changing demographic trends influence U.S. dietary preferences, (2003)Apr:28–33
Consumer-Driven Agriculture: Changing U.S. Demographics Influence Eating Habits
children's diets and the WIC program, (2006)Jun:4
Children’s Diets and WIC
dietary differences between groups, (2003)Apr:7
Dietary Differences Masked by Averages
Dietary Guidelines whole grains recommendations, (2005)Jun:12–17
Will 2005 Be the Year of the Whole Grain?
economics and the rise in obesity, (2005)Feb:20–27
The Price is Right: Economics and the Rise in Obesity
effects of food assistance and nutrition programs on nutrition and health, (2005)Feb:46
Effects of USDA's Food Assistance and Nutrition Programs on Nutrition and Health
food assistance programs and, (2006)Sep:10–15
Food Assistance: How Strong Is the Safety Net?
food security/insecurity and, (2003)Feb:22–29
Putting Food on the Table: Household Food Security in the United States
frozen potatoes' replacement of fresh potatoes in the U.S. diet, (2006)Jun:5
Americans Switch From Fresh to Frozen Potatoes
income and diversity of diets, (2005)Sep:44
Indicators: Diet and Health, box
income status association with diet quality, (2005)Sep:5
How Americans Quench Their Thirsts
nutrition education funding for food stamp recipients, (2005)Feb:45
Indicators: On the Map, box
nutrition labeling at restaurants, (2005)Jun:26–33
Obesity Policy and the Law of Unintended Consequences
racial and ethnic group dietary preferences, (2003)Apr:28–33
Consumer-Driven Agriculture: Changing U.S. Demographics Influence Eating Habits
research limitations, (2006)Sep:14
Prior Nutrition Research Has Limitations
rise in U.S. per capita consumption of food and calories, (2005)Nov:5
U.S. Food Consumption Up 16 Percent Since 1970

Dietary Guidelines
whole-grain consumption and, (2005)Apr:5, (2005)Nov
Americans' Whole-Grain Consumption Below Guidelines
Going With the Grain: Consumers Responding to New Dietary Guidelines
whole grains recommendations, (2005)Jun:12–17
Will 2005 Be the Year of the Whole Grain?

direct payments
Production Flexibility Contract program (PFCs), (2003)Feb:38–45
Farm Payments: Decoupled Payments Increase Households' Well-Being, Not Production
See also decoupled payments

disabled persons                  
in households receiving food stamps, (2005)Jun:44
Indicators: Diet and Health, box

disaster assistance
crop insurance and, (2005)Jun:34–41
Why Hasn't Crop Insurance Eliminated Disaster Assistance?
Hurricane Katrina and, (2006)Sep:4–5
Despite Katrina, Overall Food Prices Stable

Doha Development Agenda (Doha Round)
See World Trade Organization (WTO)

severe and extreme drought on agricultural land, 1895-2004, (2005)Apr:45
Indicators: In the Long Run, box
warm-season drought area and drought-based crop insurance payments, 2004, (2005)Apr:45
Indicators: On the Map, box

[ | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ]

earnings and income
changing demographic trends influence U.S. dietary preferences, (2003)Apr:28–33
Consumer-Driven Agriculture: Changing U.S. Demographics Influence Eating Habits
food security/insecurity and, (2003)Feb:22–29
Putting Food on the Table: Household Food Security in the United States
income fluctuation effect on food assistance, (2006)Sep:16–21
Income Volatility Complicates Food Assistance
low- and high-income countries household food spending, (2003)Nov:4
A Richer World Wants a Richer Diet
low-income household food purchase decisions, (2006)Apr:4
How Low-Income Households Economize on Groceries
low-income household fruit and vegetable spending, (2004)Jun:6
Low-Income Households Spend Less on Fruits and Vegetables
manufacturing job losses, (2005)Feb:8
Job Losses Higher in Manufacturing Counties
metro median weekly earnings, 2003, (2006)Nov:39
Indicators: Rural America, box
nonmetro median weekly earnings, 2003, (2006)Nov:39
Indicators: Rural America, box
nonmetropolitan earnings compared with metropolitan earnings, (2006)Nov:8–9
Nonmetro Earnings Lag Metro
nonmetropolitan/rural area earnings per job compared with metropolitan area earnings, (2006)Apr:39
Indicators: Rural America, box
on-the-job computer use and, (2003)Apr:11
"Digital Divide" Not to Blame for Rural Earnings Shortfall
rural areas, (2003)Feb:14–21
Rural America:Opportunities and Challenges
specialized wheat farm earnings, (2006)Apr:9
Specialized Wheat Farms Earn Less than Other Farms
urban influence codes and, (2004)Apr:12–13
Using the 2003 Urban Influence Codes to Understand Rural America, box
welfare reform and, (2003)Jun:38–44
Rural Welfare Reform: Lessons Learned
See also farm household income

economic well-being
association with education level, (2005)Sep:44
Indicators: Farms, Firms, and Households, box
composite measures, (2005)Sep:10–11
Composite Measure of Economic Well-Being, box
degree of inequality among households, (2005)Sep:11
Adding annuitized wealth to income lessens the degree of inequality  among households, box
economic benefits to rural areas of recreation and tourism, (2005)Sep:28–33, (2006)Jun:42
Rural Areas Benefit From Recreation and Tourism Development
Indicators: Rural America, box
farm household income and, (2003)Feb:5, (2004)Feb:8
The Economic Well-Being of Farm Households
Assessing Farm Household Well-Being—Beyond Farmers and Farm Income
farm specialization and, (2005)Sep:11
Sources of economic well-being vary by farm specialization, box
new ERS briefing room on, (2006)Feb:43
New ERS Briefing Room on Farm Household Well-being

low education counties in the nonmetro South, (2005)Jun:9
Most Low-Education Counties Are in the Nonmetro South
nutrition education funding, (2005)Feb:45
Indicators: On the Map, box

educational attainment
economic well-being association with level of, (2005)Sep:44
Indicators: Farms, Firms, and Households, box
rural development and, (2005)Nov:20–25
Education as a Rural Development Strategy
urban influence codes and, (2004)Apr:12–13
Using the 2003 Urban Influence Codes to Understand Rural America, box
elderly persons. See older people

emergency food providers
Hurricane Katrina and, (2006)Sep:5
Emergency Food Assistance Reaches Hurricane Victims
profile, (2004)Jun:22–29
Emergency Providers Help Poor Households Put Food on the Table
emergency kitchens. See emergency food providers

Emerging Markets Program (EMP)
Indian agriculture and, (2004)Feb:28–35
The Elephant Is Jogging: New Pressures for Agricultural Reform in India

See Emerging Markets Program (EMP)
employment, nonmetro/rural, (2003)Feb:14–21
Rural America: Opportunities and Challenges
decline in textile and apparel jobs, (2006)Sep:38
Indicators: Rural America, box
effective rural development strategy design, (2006)Nov:9
Designing an Effective Rural Development Strategy
farmland retirement and, (2004)Nov:22–29
Farmland Retirement's Impact on Rural Growth
Food Stamp Program and, (2006)Sep:4–5
Food Stamp Program Boosts Farm Income and Jobs
Hispanics, (2004)Jun:38–47
Rural Hispanics: Employment and Residential Trends
liberalization of the textile trade and, (2006)Sep:3
Textile Trade Liberalization Brings Difficulties to Some Rural Communities
low- or unskilled workers/jobs, (2004)Apr:10, (2004)Jun:38–47, (2004)Nov:38–44
Growth of Hispanics in Rural Workforce
Rural Hispanics: Employment and Residential Trends
Low-Skill Jobs: A Shrinking Share of the Rural Economy
low-skill workers, (2003)Jun:10
Low-Skill Workers Are a Declining Share of All Rural Workers
manufacturing job losses, (2005)Feb:8
Job Losses Higher in Manufacturing Counties
metro and nonmetro unemployment, 1973-2004, (2005)Nov:40
Indicators: Rural America, box
nonmetro median weekly earnings, (2006)Nov:39
Indicators: Rural America, box
nonmetro unemployment, (2005)Nov:41
Indicators: On the Map, box
poverty and ability to work, (2003)Sep:30–37
Nonmetro Poverty: Assessing the Effect of the 1990s
steady job growth in low-employment counties, (2005)Sep:8
Low Earnings But Steady Job Growth in Low-Employment Counties
Virginia's job loss response, (2004)Jun:10
Responding to Rural Job Loss: The Virginia Example
welfare reform and, (2003)Jun:38–44
Rural Welfare Reform: Lessons Learned
See also workforce, agricultural; workforce, nonmetro/rural

employment rural
nonmetropolitan earnings compared with metropolitan earnings, (2006)Nov:8–9
Nonmetro Earnings Lag Metro
reclassification of nonmetro areas and, (2006)Nov:8–9
Reclassification of Nonmetro Areas Exaggerates Employment Gap

energy costs
nonmetropolitan/rural areas and, (2006)Apr:16–21
Agriculture and Rural Communities Are Resilient to High Energy Costs
soybeans and soybean products and, (2006)Sep:8
International Trade, Biofuel Initiatives Reshaping the Soybean Sector

enterprise production costs
farming decisions and, (2003)Sep:38–45
Production Costs Critical to Farming Decisions

environmental protection
agricultural policy and, (2006)Sep:28–33
Agricultural Policy Affects Land Use and the Environment
environmental credit trading, (2006)Jul:46–51
Environmental Credit Trading: Can Farming Benefit?
See conservation, natural resource; specific legislation and specific natural resources
Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP), (2003)Feb:36
Managing Manure: New Clean Water Act Regulations Create Imperative for Livestock Producers, box
ERS database, (2003)Sep:8
Balancing Conservation Costs and Benefits

See Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP)erosion, soil. See soil and soil management

corn and corn production and, (2006)Apr:30–35
Ethanol Reshapes the Corn Market
ethnic groups. See racial and ethnic groups; specific groups

ethyl alcohol
global trade in, (2005)Apr:2
Ethyl Alcohol Becomes a Global Commodity

See European Union (EU)

European Union (EU)
agricultural and farming policy, (2003)Jun:5
Are U.S. And European Union Agricultural Policies Becoming More Similar?
agricultural policy reforms, (2004)Sep:22–29
European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform
enlargement, (2004)Apr:38–44
A Historic Enlargement: Ten Countries Prepare to Join the European Union
organic agriculture markets, (2006)Feb:12–19
EU and U.S. Organic Markets Face Strong Demand Under Different Policies
preferential trade programs for developing countries, (2005)Jun:2–3
Future of Preferential Trade Programs Concerns
textile and apparel imports, (2004)Sep:12–13
The Changing World Network of Trade in Textiles and Apparel, box
See also specific member countries

of apples to Japan, (2005)Nov:2–3
U.S. Could Expand Apple Exports to Japan
Brazil's share of world broiler exports, (2006)Apr:39
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
China's apple and apple juice exports, (2006)Apr:36
China’s Rising Profile in the Global Market for Fruits and Vegetables, box
China's fresh vegetable exports, (2006)Apr:37
China’s Rising Profile in the Global Market for Fruits and Vegetables, box
importance to U.S. agriculture, (2006)Nov:3
Measuring the Importance of Exports to U.S. Agriculture
post-World War I fall of exports, (2005)Jun:10
Milestones in U.S. Farming and Farm Policy, box
trading partners for U.S. agricultural exports, (2006)Nov:39
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
U.S. exports of fruits and vegetables to China, (2006)Apr:37
And China’s fresh vegetable exports take over Asian markets, box
See also imports

extension services
Cooperative Extension Service trends, (2003)Apr:8
Trends in Extension Resources

[ | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ]

See Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform (FAIR) Act

Fair and Equitable Tobacco Reform
tobacco quota and price support programs and, (2005)Feb:2–3
Long-Lived Tobacco Program to End

family structure
poverty and, (2003)Sep:30–37
Nonmetro Poverty: Assessing the Effect of the 1990s

farm animals
replacement of work animals by tractors, (2005)Jun:11
Milestones in U.S. Farming and Farm Policy, box

farm bankruptcy
farm number declines and, (2004)Apr:8
Are Bankruptcies Behind the Drop in Farm Numbers?

farm household income
composite measures of economic well-being, (2005)Sep:10–11
Composite Measure of Economic Well-Being, box
corn farm income, (2005)Feb:7
Farm Income Less Important to Most Corn Farm Households
decline in farm poverty level, (2005)Sep:20–27
Farm Poverty Lowest in U.S. History
economic well-being, (2003)Feb:5, (2004)Feb:8
The Economic Well-Being of Farm Households
Assessing Farm Household Well-Being—Beyond Farmers and Farm Income
farm and nonfarm poverty, 1959-91, (2005)Sep:45
Indicators: In the Long Run, box
farm operator household income by source compared with all U.S. household income, 1960-2004, (2005)Nov:41
Indicators: In the Long Run, box
farm program payment impact on rural community vitality, (2005)Feb:28–35
Farm Programs, Natural Amenities, and Rural Development
Federal tax policies and, (2005)Nov:26–31
Changing Federal Tax Policies Affect Farm Households Differently
Food Stamp Program and, (2006)Sep:4–5
Food Stamp Program Boosts Farm Income and Jobs
key farm attributes influencing commodity-based assistance, (2005)Nov:9
Financial Assistance to Farmers is Evolving
new ERS briefing room on economic well-being, (2006)Feb:43
New ERS Briefing Room on Farm Household Well-being
PFCs/decoupled payments and, (2003)Feb:38–45
Farm Payments: Decoupled Payments Increase Households' Well-Being, Not Production
retirement planning, (2005)Apr:13–18
How Do U.S. Farmers Plan for Retirement?
share of commodity program payments, (2005)Feb:11
Growing Farm Size and the Distribution of Commodity Program Payments, box
Farm Security and Rural Investment (FSRI) Act, (2003)Nov:38–44
Emphasis Shifts in U.S. Agri-Environmental Policy
PFCs/decoupled payments, (2003)Feb:38–45
Farm Payments: Decoupled Payments Increase Households' Well-Being, Not Production

agribusiness strategies for today's consumers, (2003)Nov:22–29
From Supply Push to Demand Pull: Agribusiness Strategies for Today’s Consumers
average acres per farm by census region, 1900-2002, (2005)Jun:45
Indicators: On the Map, box
CAP reforms, (2004)Sep:22–29
European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform
commodity production shifts to large farms, (2005)Feb:44
Indicators: Farms, Firms, and Households, box
conservation-compatible practices, (2006)Feb:7
Use of Conservation-Compatible Practices Varies by Farm Type
conservation program success measurement, (2004)Sep:14–21, (2006)Jul:14–21
Measuring the Success of Conservation Programs
contracting trends, (2006)Feb:26–31
Agricultural Contracting: Trading Autonomy for Risk Reduction
decline of cropland area and growth of output, (2006)Jun:6
Growing More With Less Cropland
distribution of commodity program payments association with larger farms, (2005)Feb:10–11
Growing Farm Size and the Distribution of Commodity Program Payments, box
environmental credit trading, (2006)Jul:46–51
Environmental Credit Trading: Can Farming Benefit?
farm population as a share of total U.S. population, (2005)Jun:45
Indicators: In the Long Run, box
freshwater use and, (2006)Nov:6
Agriculture Dominates Freshwater Use in the U.S.
growth of small farms into large enterprises, (2005)Apr:6
Small Farms Can Grow Into Large Enterprises
growth of U.S. organic farm sector, (2006)Apr:6, (2006)Jul:13
U.S. Organic Farm Sector Continues to Expand
high energy costs and, (2006)Apr:16–21
Agriculture and Rural Communities Are Resilient to High Energy Costs
high turnover rate in farms, (2005)Nov:6
Stable Farm Count Masks Turnover
key farm attributes influencing commodity-based assistance, (2005)Nov:9
Financial Assistance to Farmers is Evolving
milestones in U.S. farming and farm policy, (2005)Jun:10–11
Milestones in U.S. Farming and Farm Policy
multiple-operator farms, (2005)Feb:6
One Farm, One Operator? Not on the Largest Farms
operator exit and entry rates, (2005)Nov:40
Indicators: Farm, Firms, and Households,box
prices paid and received by farmers, (2006)Sep:36
Indicators: Food and Fibers Sector Indicators, box
production costs critical to farming decisions, (2003)Sep:38–45
Production Costs Critical to Farming Decisions
production shift to very large family farms, (2005)Jun:6–7
Ag Productivity Drives Output Growth
risk management with crop insurance, (2006)Nov:22–27
Managing Risk With Revenue Insurance
specialized wheat farm earnings, (2006)Apr:9
Specialized Wheat Farms Earn Less than Other Farms
U.S. agri-environmental policy, (2003)Nov:38–44
Emphasis Shifts in U.S. Agri-Environmental Policy

farmland protection
farmland retirement, (2004)Jun:9, (2004)Nov:22–29, (2006)Jun:16–21, (2006)Jul:22–35
How Does Farmland Retirement Affect Rural Counties?
Farmland Retirement's Impact on Rural Growth
Land Retirement and Working-land Conservation Structures: A Look at Farmers' Choices
rural amenities, (2003)Feb:8, (2006)Jul:3
Rural Amenities: A Key Reason for Farmland Protection
U.S. agri-environmental policy, (2003)Nov:38–44
Emphasis Shifts in U.S. Agri-Environmental Policy
various economic measures, (2003)Nov:9
Greenbelts? Not Without Greenbacks

farms receiving payments
conservation compliance and soil erosion reduction, (2004)Jun:30–37
Have Conservation Compliance Incentives Reduced Soil Erosion?
farm size and, (2006)Jun:8
Who Gets Farm Program Payments?
Federal payments to farms with highly erodible cropland, (2006)Apr:40, (2006)Jul:55
Indicators: On the Map, box
government payments and their share of gross cash farm income, 1933-2003, (2006)Jun:43
Indicators: In the Long Run, box
shift in government payments toward food, nutrition, and conservation programs, (2005)Jun:11
Milestones in U.S. Farming and Farm Policy, box

fast food
See foodservice industry

Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform (FAIR) Act
PFCs/decoupled payments, (2003)Feb:38–45
Farm Payments: Decoupled Payments Increase Households' Well-Being, Not Production
Federal assistance programs. See specific programs by name, type, or recipient

Federal funding
aligning policies with preferences, (2006)Jun:30–37
Where Should the Money Go? Aligning Policies with Preferences
allocation, (2004)Nov:14–21
Devolution of Farm Programs Could Broaden States' Role in Ag Policy
evolution of financial assistance to farmers, (2005)Nov:9
Financial Assistance to Farmers is Evolving
farm program devolution to State governments, (2004)Nov:14–21
Devolution of Farm Programs Could Broaden States' Role in Ag Policy
farm program payment impact on rural community vitality, (2005)Feb:28–35
Farm Programs, Natural Amenities, and Rural Development
farms with highly erodible cropland, (2006)Apr:40, (2006)Jul:55
Indicators: On the Map, box
government payments and their share of gross cash farm income, 1933-2003, (2006)Jun:43
Indicators: In the Long Run, box
U.S. regional distribution, (2004)Nov:14–21, (2004)Sep:10
Devolution of Farm Programs Could Broaden States' Role in Ag Policy
Federal Funding for Rural America: Who Gets What?

See nutrient management; specific types and components

See food and fiber system (FFS)floriculture
prices, volume production and, (2004)Feb:4–5
Volume Production Keeps Floriculture Prices Low
food aid, globalestimating food access and food gaps in low-income countries, (2004)Sep:45
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
hunger reduction in Asia, (2006)Jun:3
Asia Leads World in Reducing Hunger
major food aid donors and recipients, (2004)Sep:38–43
Fifty Years of U.S. Food Aid and Its Role in Reducing World Hunger
U.S. aid and world hunger reduction, (2004)Sep:38–43
Fifty Years of U.S. Food Aid and Its Role in Reducing World Hunger

food and fiber system (FFS)
U.S., economics of, (2004)Feb:12–13
Economics of the Food and Fiber System, box
food and nutrition assistance programs, U.S., (2003)Feb:22–29
Putting Food on the Table: Household Food Security in the United States
emergency food providers, (2004)Jun:22–29
Emergency Providers Help Poor Households Put Food on the Table
emergency food providers supplement, (2003)Apr:6–7
Emergency Food Providers Supplement Federal Aid
Hurricane Katrina and, (2006)Sep:5
Emergency Food Assistance Reaches Hurricane Victims
income fluctuations and, (2006)Sep:16–21
Income Volatility Complicates Food Assistance
rise in expenditures, (2005)Feb:45
Indicators: In the Long Run, box
safety nets for, (2006)Sep:10–15
Food Assistance: How Strong Is the Safety Net?
targeting, (2003)Jun:31–37
Aiming for Targets, Saving on Arrows: Insights from Two USDA Food Assistance Programs
targeting and dynamics of food insufficiency, (2003)Sep:7
The Dynamics of Food Insufficiency
See also specific programs, e.g., Food Stamp Program; Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program

food availability 
See food spending and choiceconsumer demand for wheat, (2005)Jun:17
If Consumers Follow the Guidelines: A Wheat Case Study
economic and behavioral influences on fruit and vegetable consumption, (2005)Apr:36–41
Understanding Economic and Behavioral Influences on Fruit and Vegetable Choices
generational effects, (2004)Feb:6–7
Got Milk? Implications of Generational and Aging Effects
healthy restaurant choices, (2006)Nov:4
Healthy Restaurant Destination? Just Think Twice
low-income household purchase decisions, (2006)Apr:4
How Low-Income Households Economize on Groceries
obesity and overweight as results of market failure, (2005)Jun:30
Is There Evidence That Obesity and Overweight Are the Result of Market Failure?
older people, (2003)Feb:6–7, (2004)Feb:6–7
Hold the Fries: Older Americans and Food Choices
Got Milk? Implications of Generational and Aging Effects

food inspection
See food safety and inspectionfood insufficiency, U.S.
dynamics of, (2003)Sep:7
The Dynamics of Food Insufficiency

food manufacturing
mergers and acquisitions effect on wages and employment, (2006)Jun:9
Do Food Industry Mergers and Acquisitions Affect Wages and Employment?

food manufacturing, U.S.
productivity growth lag, (2003)Nov:6–7
Productivity Growth Lags in Food Manufacturing

food pantries
See emergency food providersfood processors
food safety and inspection, (2003)Apr:34–41
Weighing Incentives for Food Safety in Meat and Poultry
process control programs, (2003)Apr:34–41
Weighing Incentives for Food Safety in Meat and Poultry

food product attributes, content and process
food traceability systems and, (2004)Apr:14–21
Food Traceability: One Ingredient in a Safe and Efficient Food Supply

food production, global/world
EU enlargement and, (2004)Apr:38–44
A Historic Enlargement: Ten Countries Prepare to Join the European Union
population growth outpacing food production, (2003)Jun:9
Will Land Degradation Prove Malthus Right After All?

food safety and inspection
agribusiness strategies for today's consumers, (2003)Nov:22–29
From Supply Push to Demand Pull: Agribusiness Strategies for Today’s Consumers
aligning policies with preferences, (2006)Jun:30–37
Where Should the Money Go? Aligning Policies with Preferences
China's food safety improvements, (2006)Nov:16–21
Food Safety Improvements Underway in China
cost of foodborne illness, (2003)Apr:6
Emergency Food Providers Supplement Federal Aid
estimating the benefits of, (2006)Jun:36
Estimating Benefits Is a Research Problem, Not an Accounting Issue
information systems, (2004)Apr:1. See also food traceability systems
Greasing the Wheels of the Marketplace
innovations, (2004)Apr:22–29
Savvy Buyers Spur Food Safety Innovations in Meat Processing
market incentives and, (2004)Apr:7
Market Incentives Raise Food Safety Bar
meat, (2003)Apr:34–41
Weighing Incentives for Food Safety in Meat and Poultry
new pathogen tests, (2006)Feb:4
New Pathogen Tests Trigger Food Safety Innovations
poultry, (2003)Apr:34–41
Weighing Incentives for Food Safety in Meat and Poultry
regulation, (2003)Apr:34–41, (2003)Nov:14–21
Weighing Incentives for Food Safety in Meat and Poultry
Food Safety and Trade: Regulations, Risks, and Reconciliation

food security/insecurity, global/world
global/world, (2003)Feb:5, (2004)Sep:45
Global Hunger at Its Roots
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
hunger reduction in Asia, (2006)Jun:3
Asia Leads World in Reducing Hunger
improvement projections, (2005)Sep:3
Some Improvements Are Projected for Global Food Security
population growth outpacing food production, (2003)Jun:9
Will Land Degradation Prove Malthus Right After All?
reduction, U.S. food aid and, (2004)Sep:38–43
Fifty Years of U.S. Food Aid and Its Role in Reducing World Hunger

food security/insecurity, U.S.
determining, (2003)Feb:22–23
Putting Food on the Table: Household Food Security in the United States
food security/insecurity, 2004, (2006)Feb:40                                                 
Indicators: Diet and Health, box
household numbers and temporal patterns, (2004)Feb:7
How Many U.S. Households Face Hunger... and How Often?
increase in food insecurity prevalence, (2006)Feb:5
More Households Had Difficulty Meeting Their Food Needs
measuring U.S. household food security, (2005)Apr:10–11
Measuring U.S. Household Food Security, box

food service industry
soft drink and bottled water purchases in eating places and in retail stores, 2004, (2006)Apr:39
Indicators: Diet and Health, box

food shopping
Asia-Pacific region and, (2006)Jun:22–29
A Revolution in Food Retailing Underway in the Asia-Pacific Region
nontraditional food retailers, (2005)Nov:40
Indicators: Diet and Health, box
retail food price forecast for 2006, (2006)Feb:42
ERS Forecasting Retail Food Prices in 2006
soft drink and bottled water purchases in eating places and in retail stores, 2004, (2006)Apr:39
Indicators: Diet and Health, box
store format effect on retail food prices, (2005)Nov:12–18
Where You Shop Matters: Store Formats Drive Variation in Retail Food Prices
store types, (2005)Nov:15
What’s in a Name?

food spending and consumption, global/world
food retailing in the Asia-Pacific region, (2006)Jun:22–29
A Revolution in Food Retailing Underway in the Asia-Pacific Region

food spending and consumption, U.S.
amount of time U.S. consumers spend preparing and eating food, (2005)Nov:10–11
How Much Time Do Americans Spend Preparing and Eating Food?, box
calculating food marketing bill, (2004)Feb:43
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
changing demographic trends influence U.S. dietary preferences, (2003)Apr:28–33
Consumer-Driven Agriculture: Changing U.S. Demographics Influence Eating Habits
economic and behavioral influences on fruit and vegetable consumption, (2005)Apr:36–41
Understanding Economic and Behavioral Influences on Fruit and Vegetable Choices
food assistance programs and, (2006)Sep:10–15
Food Assistance: How Strong Is the Safety Net?
foods targeted to children, (2005)Jun:4
Companies Continue To Offer New Foods Targeted to Children
frozen potatoes' replacement of fresh potatoes in the U.S. diet, (2006)Jun:5
Americans Switch From Fresh to Frozen Potatoes
full-service versus fast food restaurants, (2004)Sep:7
Let's Eat Out: Full-Service or Fast Food?
growth in chicken consumption, (2006)Apr:5
Chicken Consumption Continues Longrun Rise
Hurricane Katrina's effect on food prices, (2006)Sep:4–5
Despite Katrina, Overall Food Prices Stable
organic product introductions, (2005)Apr:44
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
percent of income spent on food, (2006)Sep:39
Indicators: In the Long Run, box
price premiums for organic products, (2005)Sep:2–3

Organic Price Premiums Remain High
rise in cheese consumption, (2005)Feb:4
Cheese Consumption Continues to Rise
rise in per capita consumption, (2005)Nov:5
U.S. Food Consumption Up 16 Percent Since 1970
share of U.S. food expenditures on food away from home compared with the share on food at home, 2004, (2006)Apr:38
Indicators: Food and Fiber Sector Indicators, box
socioeconomic variables in soft drink consumption, (2005)Sep:4
How Americans Quench Their Thirsts
store format effect on retail food prices, (2005)Nov:12–18
Where You Shop Matters: Store Formats Drive Variation in Retail Food Prices
U.S., (2003)Apr:28–33, (2003)Feb:22–29
Consumer-Driven Agriculture: Changing U.S. Demographics Influence Eating Habits
Putting Food on the Table: Household Food Security in the United States
U.S. agricultural trade balance and, (2004)Feb:36–41
The U.S. Ag Trade Balance. . . More Than Just A Number
vegetable consumption away from home, (2003)Sep:4
Vegetable Consumption Away from Home on the Rise
whole-grain consumption, (2005)Apr:5, (2005)Nov:4
Americans' Whole-Grain Consumption Below Guidelines
Going With the Grain: Consumers Responding to New Dietary Guidelines

Food Stamp Program
administration and service delivery, (2004)Sep:6
Do Local Food Stamp Offices Improve Access for the Working Poor?
average monthly participation, 2005, (2006)Sep:39
Indicators: On the Map,box
child poverty and, (2003)Feb:7
Food Stamps and Child Poverty
children, elderly persons, and disabled persons in households receiving food stamps, (2005)Jun:44
Indicators: Diet and Health, box
dynamics of food insufficiency and, (2003)Sep:7
The Dynamics of Food Insufficiency
elderly persons and, (2005)Apr:4
New Approaches Boost Food Stamp Participation by Elderly People
emergency food providers and, (2004)Jun:22–29
Emergency Providers Help Poor Households Put Food on the Table
farm household income and employment and, (2006)Sep:4–5
Food Stamp Program Boosts Farm Income and Jobs
individual and family demographics and, (2005)Jun:5
After Leaving Welfare: Food Stamps or Not?
local office practices, (2004)Sep:6
Do Local Food Stamp Offices Improve Access for the Working Poor?
nonmetro poor children compared with metro children receiving, (2005)Jun:44
Indicators: Diet and Health, box
nutrition education funding, (2005)Feb:45
Indicators: On the Map, box
participation, 2003, (2004)Apr:6
Food Stamp Participation Up in 2003
safety nets for, (2006)Sep:10–15
Food Assistance: How Strong Is the Safety Net?
transition from welfare to independence and, (2005)Jun:5
After Leaving Welfare: Food Stamps or Not?
weight gain and, (2006)Feb:32–37
Food Stamps and Obesity: Ironic Twist or Complex Puzzle?
welfare reform and, (2003)Feb:10–11
Rural Welfare Reform: What Have We Learned?

"food subsidy"
India, (2004)Feb:28–35
The Elephant Is Jogging: New Pressures for Agricultural Reform in India

food system, global
Asia-Pacific demographics, (2004)Jun:14–21
Where Will Demographics Take the Asia-Pacific Food System?

food system, U.S.
agribusiness strategies for today's consumers, (2003)Nov:22–29
From Supply Push to Demand Pull: Agribusiness Strategies for Today’s Consumers
competitive pressures in food markets, (2003)Nov:7
Competition Alters the U.S. Food Marketing Landscape

food traceability systems
U.S., (2004)Apr:14–21
Food Traceability: One Ingredient in a Safe and Efficient Food Supply

foodborne illness
costs, (2003)Apr:6
Calculating the Cost of Foodborne Illness: A New Tool to Value Food Safety Risks
lawsuits involving, (2004)Feb:6
Juries Award Higher Amounts for Severe Foodborne Illnesses
meat and poultry recalls, (2003)Apr:34–41
Weighing Incentives for Food Safety in Meat and Poultry
new pathogen tests, (2006)Feb:4
New Pathogen Tests Trigger Food Safety Innovations
Web-based tool for calculating the cost of, (2006)Jun:38–39
A Web-Based Tool for Calculating the Cost of Foodborne Illness

foodservice industry
full-service versus fast food, (2004)Sep:7
Let's Eat Out: Full-Service or Fast Food?
healthy restaurant choices, (2006)Nov:4
Healthy Restaurant Destination? Just Think Twice
vegetable consumption away from home, (2003)Sep:4
Vegetable Consumption Away from Home on the Rise

Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)
U.S. participation, (2003)Sep:22–29
Multilateralism and Regionalism: Dual Strategies for Trade Reform

commodity background report, (2006)Sep:9
Fruit and Vegetables in the Limelight
Cuban fruit industry, (2004)Jun:4–5
Untapped Potential of Cuba’s Citrus and Tropical Fruit Industry
economic and behavioral influences on consumption, (2005)Apr:36–41
Understanding Economic and Behavioral Influences on Fruit and Vegetable Choices
free snacks in schools, (2003)Nov:6
Free Fruit and Vegetable Snacks a Big Hit in Schools
international trade, (2004)Jun:4
Global Trade in Fruits and Vegetables Brings Variety to the Nation’s Grocery Stores
low-income household spending, (2004)Jun:6
Low-Income Households Spend Less on Fruits and Vegetables
market basket statistics, (2006)Nov:36–37
Revised Market Basket Statistics Reflect Consumers’ Changing Produce Purchases
North American markets integration, (2005)Jun:18–25
North America Moves Toward One Market
organic product sales, (2005)Apr:44
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
U.S. certified organic fruit and vegetable acreage, 2003, (2006)Apr:39
Indicators: Farms, Firms, and Households, box
U.S. exports of fruits to China, (2006)Apr:37
China’s Rising Profile in the Global Market for Fruits and Vegetables, box
U.S. fruit and vegetable imports, (2005)Jun:2–3
U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Imports Outpace Exports
See also specific fruits

See Farm Security and Rural Investment (FSRI) Act

See Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)

methyl bromide phaseout, (2003)Apr:22–27
Methyl Bromide Phaseout Proceeds: Users Request Exemptions

[ | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ]

See General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)            

gender issues
See men; women

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
U.S. participation, (2003)Sep:22–29
Multilateralism and Regionalism: Dual Strategies for Trade Reform

genetic engineering
See bioengineering/biotechnology; research and development (R&D)

See plant genetic resources (germplasm)global economyU.S. agricultural trade balance, (2004)Feb:36–41
The U.S. Ag Trade Balance. . . More Than Just A Number

global issues
See specific issues, e.g., hunger, global/world

global marketplace
dairy products and, (2005)Nov:32–37
U.S. Dairy at a New Crossroads in a Global Setting
India's apple market, (2006)Feb:3
India’s High Internal Marketing Costs Reduce Apple Demand
integration and changes in, (2004)Feb:1
An Integrated Global Marketplace
integration of international agriculture, (2005)Jun:11
Milestones in U.S. Farming and Farm Policy, box
market access, (2006)Sep:22–27
Global Agriculture and the Doha Round: Market Access Is the Key
Russian livestock products, (2004)Feb:5
Russia Changes Global Market for Livestock Products
tobacco industry growth should follow adjustment period, (2006)Feb:2
U.S. Tobacco Sector Regroups

global trade
ethyl alcohol, (2005)Apr:2
Ethyl Alcohol Becomes a Global Commodity
hard white wheat, (2005)Apr:3
Will Hard White Wheat Become a Sustainable Wheat Class?
processed foods, (2005)Feb:12–19
Processed Food Trade Pressured by Evolving Global Supply Chains
See international trade, agricultural trade

grains and grain production
See crops and crop production; specific crops

greenhouse gases
carbon sequestration, (2004)Apr:9, (2006)Jul:36
Is Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture Economically Feasible?

grocery stores
See food shopping

Gulf of Mexico
hypoxia, (2003)Nov:8, (2006)Jul:37
Hypoxia in the Gulf: Addressing Agriculture's Contribution

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See Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) program

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) program, (2003)Apr:34–41
Weighing Incentives for Food Safety in Meat and Poultry
compliance results, (2004)Apr:7
Market Incentives Raise Food Safety Bar
worldwide adoption, (2003)Nov:14–21
Food Safety and Trade: Regulations, Risks, and Reconciliation

methyl bromide phaseout, (2003)Apr:22–27
Methyl Bromide Phaseout Proceeds: Users Request Exemptions

high-value products (HVPs)
exports, (2004)Apr:4
Processed Products Propel Gains in U.S. Agricultural Exports

higher education
rural college graduates, (2003)Sep:10
Rural College Graduates Make a Comeback

highly erodible land
conservation compliance and soil erosion reduction, (2004)Jun:30–37
Have Conservation Compliance Incentives Reduced Soil Erosion?
Federal payments to farms with, (2006)Apr:40, (2006)Jul:55
Indicators: On the Map, box

conditions and trends in rural areas, (2006)Feb:43
Hispanics in Rural America
employment and residential trends, (2004)Jun:38–47
Rural Hispanics: Employment and Residential Trends
nonmetro, high-poverty counties, (2004)Feb:20–27
Anatomy of Nonmetro High-Poverty Areas: Common in Plight, Distinctive in Nature
population growth, (2003)Feb:11, (2004)Jun:38–47
Rural Hispanics: Employment and Residential Trends
poverty, (2003)Sep:30–37, (2004)Feb:20–27
Nonmetro Poverty: Assessing the Effect of the 1990s
Anatomy of Nonmetro High-Poverty Areas:Common in Plight, Distinctive in Nature
rural child poverty, (2003)Nov:10
Dimensions of Child Poverty in Rural Areas
rural meat-processing industry and, (2006)Jun:10–15
Meat-Processing Firms Attract Hispanic Workers to Rural America
in rural workforce, (2004)Apr:10, (2004)Jun:38–47
Growth of Hispanics in Rural Workforce
Rural Hispanics: Employment and Residential Trends
See also racial and ethnic groups

hogs and hog production
ammonia emission regulation effect on production costs, (2006)Feb:6
Regulating Ammonia Emissions From Hog Farms Would Raise Costs
Clean Water Act and, (2003)Feb:30–37
Managing Manure: New Clean Water Act Regulations Create Imperative for Livestock Producers
costs and farming decisions, (2003)Sep:38–45
Production Costs Critical to Farming Decisions
differences in demand for meat cuts, (2003)Sep:5
Differences in Demand Help Shape Meat Trade
glossary of production terms, (2005)Feb:37
U.S.-Canadian Hog Trade: Market Integration at Work
long-distance animal shipping, (2003)Nov:5
Are More Livestock Hitting the Road?
marketing contracts improve quality, (2005)Apr:4–5
Hog Contracts Signal Producers To Improve Quality
meat price spreads, (2004)Jun:47
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
price spreads, (2004)Sep:4
Slow Price Adjustments Benefits Beef and Pork Producers
structural and marketing changes, (2003)Jun:7
U.S. Hog and Poultry Marketing: Similar Paths, Similar Outcomes?
U.S.-Canadian hog trade, (2005)Feb:36–41
U.S.-Canadian Hog Trade: Market Integration at Work
See also meat and meat production

rural home financing compared with metropolitan areas, (2006)Feb:8
Home Financing: Rural-Urban Differences
homeownership, rural
rise in, (2004)Apr:11
Rural Homeownership Rising

horse farming
women and, (2006)Sep:34–35
More Women Turning to Horse Farming, box

household income
See earnings and income; farm household income

housing stressed households
nonmetropolitan areas, (2004)Nov:11
One in Four Nonmetro Households are Housing Stressed

hunger, global/world
See food security/insecurity, global/world

hunger, U.S
See food security/insecurity, U.S.

Hurricane Katrina
food prices and, (2006)Sep:4–5
Despite Katrina, Overall Food Prices Stable

See high-value products (HVPs)

Gulf of Mexico, (2006)Jul:37
Hypoxia in the Gulf: Addressing Agriculture's Contribution

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ice cream
trends, U.S., (2003)Jun:12–13
Trends in U.S. Per Capita Consumption of Dairy Products, 1909 to 2001, box

import restrictions
food safety regulations and standards, (2003)Nov:14–21
Food Safety and Trade: Regulations, Risks, and Reconciliation
hog antidumping and countervailing duty investigations, (2005)Feb:38
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations Are Underway…

China's apple imports, (2006)Apr:36
China’s Rising Profile in the Global Market for Fruits and Vegetables, box
growth of China's agricultural imports, (2005)Sep:44
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
phytosanitary regulations and imports of avocados, (2006)Nov:2
New Phytosanitary Regulations Allow Higher Imports of Avocados
raw-fiber equivalent of U.S. cotton textile and apparel imports, (2005)Sep:43
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
surge in the value of agricultural imports to the U.S., (2005)Apr:3
Americans Have Growing Appetites for Imported Foods
top 10 sources of U.S. agricultural imports, fiscal year 2005, (2006)Apr:38
Indicators: Food and Fiber Sector Indicators, box
trading partners for U.S. agricultural imports, (2006)Nov:39
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
U.S. fruit and vegetable imports, (2005)Jun:2–3
U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Imports Outpace Exports
U.S. textile and apparel imports, by source, (2006)Sep:38
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
See also exports

See earnings and income; farm household income; wages

agricultural reform, (2004)Feb:28–35
The Elephant Is Jogging: New Pressures for Agricultural Reform in India
apple market, (2006)Feb:3
India’s High Internal Marketing Costs Reduce Apple Demand
effect of oilseed trade liberalization, (2006)Jun:2
India and U.S. Could Gain From Liberalizing Oilseed Trade
growth in cotton yields, (2005)Nov:2–3
Indian Cotton Yield Gains Could Limit Imports
palm oil imports, (2006)Jun:42
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
wheat exports, (2003)Jun:4
Nontraditional Exporters Increase Role In Wheat Markets

infant formula
and manufacturers' rebates, (2004)Sep:30–36
Sharing the Economic Burden: Who Pays for WIC’s Infant Formula?
and retail prices, (2004)Sep:30–36
Sharing the Economic Burden: Who Pays for WIC’s Infant Formula?
and the WIC program, (2004)Sep:30–36, (2006)Nov:5
Sharing the Economic Burden: Who Pays for WIC’s Infant Formula?
Cost of Infant Formula for the WIC Program Rising

infants and children
advertising targeted to, (2005)Jun:26–33
Obesity Policy and the Law of Unintended Consequences
breastfeeding rates, (2004)Sep:36
Sharing the Economic Burden: Who Pays for WIC’s Infant Formula?
children's diets and the WIC program, (2006)Jun:4
Children’s Diets and WIC
food security/insecurity, (2003)Feb:22–29
Putting Food on the Table: Household Food Security in the United States
foods targeted to, (2005)Jun:4
Companies Continue To Offer New Foods Targeted to Children
free fruit and vegetable snacks in school, (2003)Nov:6
Free Fruit and Vegetable Snacks a Big Hit in Schools
in households receiving food stamps, (2005)Jun:44
Indicators: Diet and Health, box
See food and nutrition assistance programs; specific programs

inspection, food
See food safety and inspection

intellectual property rights
bioengineering/biotechnology, (2003)Nov:12–13, (2004)Feb:14–19
Ag Biotech Patents: Who is Doing What?, box
Have Seed Industry Changes Affected Research Effort?
international agreements/treaties, (2003)Jun:22–29
Plant Genetic Resources: New Rules for International Exchange

international agreements/treaties
intellectual property rights, (2003)Jun:22–29
Plant Genetic Resources: New Rules for International Exchange
plant genetic resources, (2003)Jun:22–29
Plant Genetic Resources: New Rules for International Exchange
See also regional trade agreements (RTAs); multilateral trade agreements

international trade
Brazil's position in the global meat market, (2006)Apr:2
Brazil Emerges as Major Force in Global Meat Markets
China's food safety improvements, (2006)Nov:16–21
Food Safety Improvements Underway in China
economic effects of animal diseases linked to trade dependency, (2006)Apr:22–29
Economic Effects of Animal Diseases Linked to Trade Dependency
food safety regulations and standards, (2003)Nov:14–21
Food Safety and Trade: Regulations, Risks, and Reconciliation
marketing costs and margins in, (2006)Feb:39
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
policy lessons from abroad, (2003)Apr:14–21, box
Dynamics of Agricultural Competitiveness: Policy Lessons From Abroad
preferential trade programs for developing countries, (2005)Jun:2–3
Future of Preferential Trade Programs Concerns
soybeans and soybean products, (2006)Sep:8
International Trade, Biofuel Initiatives Reshaping the Soybean Sector

percent of Internet households with dial-up service by income and residence, 2003, (2006)Feb:40               
Indicators: Rural America, box
rural household and farm access, (2006)Feb:9
Internet on the Range
intra-American trade. See specific countries

invasive species
soybean rust threat, (2006)Apr:10–15
Public Information Creates Value
See also Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management (PREISM)
irradiation, food, (2003)Apr:39-40, (2004)Apr:24
Food Safety Costly for Plants, But Barely Noticed by Consumers
How Is Innovation Defined?

irrigation and irrigation systems
irrigated acres and water sources in the U.S., by region, (2006)Nov:39
Indicators: Resources and Environment, box
irrigated land from 1860-2002, by region, (2006)Nov:40
Indicators: In the Long Run, box
irrigated land on farms, 2002, (2006)Nov:40
Indicators: On The Map, box
trends in irrigation and water application rates, (2006)Nov:7
Irrigated Acres Up, Water Application Rate Trending Down
Western United States, (2004)Jun:8
Irrigation, Water Conservation, and Farm Size in the Western United States

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agricultural subsidies, (2003)Feb:4
Is Japan Ready for Competition in Its Ag Markets?
China's frozen spinach imports to, (2006)Nov:19
China’s Frozen Spinach Exports to Japan Falter on Food Safety Problems
China's vegetable exports to, (2003)Nov:4–5
China’s Vegetable Exports Challenge the U.S. in Japan’s Market
imports of apples, (2005)Nov:2–3
U.S. Could Expand Apple Exports to Japan
prices for dairy products, (2006)Sep:2
What Protects Japan’s Dairy Industry?
taxes finance production subsidies for wheat, (2005)Feb:2
Taxes on Imports Subsidize Wheat Production in Japan

See employment, nonmetro/rural; labor markets, rural; occupations and job skills; workforce, nonmetro/rural

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kitchens, emergency
See emergency food providers

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labeling, food
biotech foods, (2003)Jun:6, (2003)Nov:30–36
Information Sways Consumer Attitudes Towards Biotech Foods
Consumers and the Future of Biotech Foods in the United States
branded products, (2003)Apr:34–41
Weighing Incentives for Food Safety in Meat and Poultry
country-of-origin, mandatory, (2004)Apr:4–5
Mandatory Country-of-Origin Labeling – Will It Benefit Consumers?

labor markets, rural
Hispanic labor force for the meat-processing industry, (2006)Jun:10–15
Meat-Processing Firms Attract Hispanic Workers to Rural America
Hispanic population growth and, (2004)Jun:38–47
Rural Hispanics: Employment and Residential Trends
soft labor markets, (2005)Feb:9
Nonmetro Labor Markets Remain Soft
welfare reform and, (2003)Jun:38–44
Rural Welfare Reform: Lessons Learned
See also workforce, agricultural

lamb and mutton
See sheep and sheep production

land degradation
food production and, (2003)Jun:9
Will Land Degradation Prove Malthus Right After All?

land preservation
See farmland protection

land resources
agricultural policy and, (2006)Sep:28–33
Agricultural Policy Affects Land Use and the Environment
agricultural production and, (2006)Sep:7
Indicators Highlight Links Between Agricultural Resources and the Environment
AREI report, (2003)Sep:9
What You Want to Know About Resources and the Environment…But Couldn’t Find
conservation compliance and soil erosion reduction, (2004)Jun:30–37, (2006)Jul:12
Conservation Compliance May Reduce Soil Erosion
farmland retirement, (2004)Jun:9, (2004)Nov:22–29, (2006)Jul:22–35, (2006)Jun:16–21
Irrigation, Water Conservation, and Farm Size in the Western United States
Farmland Retirement's Impact on Rural Growth
Land Retirement and Working-land Conservation Structures: A Look at Farmers' Choices
major uses of U.S. land, 2002, (2006)Sep:36
Indicators: Food and Fiber Sector Indicators, box
shifts to and from cultivated cropland, 1982-97, (2006)Sep:38
Indicators: Resources and Environment, box
U.S. agri-environmental policy, (2003)Nov:38–44
Emphasis Shifts in U.S. Agri-Environmental Policy

land use and practices
carbon sequestration, (2004)Apr:9
Is Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture Economically Feasible?
cropping practices perspectives, (2004)Jun:12–13
ARMS Data Offer New Perspectives on Cropping Practices, box
See also specific uses and practices, e.g., crop rotation

land values
PFCs/decoupled payments and, (2003)Feb:38–45
Farm Payments: Decoupled Payments Increase Households' Well-Being, Not Production

foodborne illness and, (2004)Feb:6
Juries Award Higher Amounts for Severe Foodborne Illnesses

lettuce, head
U.S. supply, use, and price, (2003)Feb:47, (2003)Feb:47
Indicators: Behind the Data, box

livestock and livestock products
annual price spread, (2005)Apr:42
Indicators: Food and Fiber Sector Indicators, box
CAP reforms, (2004)Sep:22–29
European Union Adopts Significant Farm Reform
Clean Water Act and, (2003)Feb:30–37
Managing Manure: New Clean Water Act Regulations Create Imperative for Livestock Producers
economic effects of animal diseases linked to trade dependency, (2006)Apr:22–29
Economic Effects of Animal Diseases Linked to Trade Dependency
long-distance shipping, (2003)Nov:5
Are More Livestock Hitting the Road?
manure management, (2003)Feb:30–37
Managing Manure: New Clean Water Act Regulations Create Imperative for Livestock Producers
nitrogen and, (2006)Jul:41
Nitrogen Follows Many Pathways in a Livestock Operation
North American markets integration, (2005)Jun:18–25
North America Moves Toward One Market
price spreads, (2004)Sep:4
Slow Price Adjustments Benefits Beef and Pork Producers
production costs and farming decisions, (2003)Sep:38–45
Production Costs Critical to Farming Decisions
Russia, global market and, (2004)Feb:5
Russia Changes Global Market for Livestock Products
transparency in price reporting, (2005)Nov:3
Mandatory Livestock Price Reporting: More Transparent?
See also specific types

Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act
price reporting provisions, (2005)Nov:3
Mandatory Livestock Price Reporting: More Transparent?

local governments
Cooperative Extension Service and, (2003)Apr:8
Trends in Extension Resources

lump-sum subsidies
See subsidies, agricultural; specific programs, e.g., Production Flexibility Contract program (PFCs)

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manufacturing jobs
losses in manufacturing-dependent counties, (2005)Feb:8
Job Losses Higher in Manufacturing Counties

See manure, management
ammonia emission regulation effect on production costs, (2006)Feb:6
Regulating Ammonia Emissions From Hog Farms Would Raise Costs
management, (2003)Feb:30–37, (2003)Jun:8. See also nitrogen; nutrient management
Managing Manure: New Clean Water Act Regulations Create Imperative for Livestock Producers
Manure Management: A Growing Challenge in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

market access
trade liberalization/reform and, (2006)Sep:22–27
Global Agriculture and the Doha Round: Market Access Is the Key

growth in the greenhouse tomato market, (2005)Apr:20–27
North American Greenhouse Tomatoes Emerge as a Major Market Force
integration of North American agriculture, (2005)Jun:18–25
North America Moves Toward One Market
marketing contracts improve hog quality, (2005)Apr:4–5
Hog Contracts Signal Producers To Improve Quality
marketing costs and margins in international trade, (2006)Feb:39
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
transparency in livestock price reporting, (2005)Nov:3
Mandatory Livestock Price Reporting: More Transparent?
marketing quota system, (2004)Nov:30–37
U.S. Peanut Sector Adapts to Major Policy Changes

marketing quotas
U.S. tobacco industry, (2003)Sep:14–21
U.S. Tobacco Industry Responding to New Competitors, New Challenges

meat and meat production
Brazil's position in the global market, (2006)Apr:2
Brazil Emerges as Major Force in Global Meat Markets
economic effects of animal diseases, (2006)Apr:22–29
Economic Effects of Animal Diseases Linked to Trade Dependency
food safety, (2004)Apr:7
Market Incentives Raise Food Safety Bar
food safety and inspection, (2003)Apr:34–41
Weighing Incentives for Food Safety in Meat and Poultry
food safety innovations, (2004)Apr:22–29
Savvy Buyers Spur Food Safety Innovations in Meat Processing
meat price spreads, (2004)Jun:47
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
per capita meat consumption, (2006)Feb:38
Indicators: Food and Fiber Sector Indicators, box
supermarket meat price database, (2003)Apr:12–13
Retail Meat Scanner Data, box
U.S. per capita meat consumption, 1950-2002, (2005)Feb:42
Indicators: Food and Fiber Sector Indicators, box

meat-processing industry
rural Hispanic labor force and, (2006)Jun:10–15
Meat-Processing Firms Attract Hispanic Workers to Rural America

amount of time spent on food preparation and cleanup, (2005)Nov:10–11
How Much Time Do Americans Spend Preparing and Eating Food?, box
See also women

mergers and acquisitions
effect on wages and employment, (2006)Jun:9
Who Gets Farm Program Payments?

methyl bromide
phaseout, (2003)Apr:22–27
Methyl Bromide Phaseout Proceeds: Users Request Exemptions

metropolitan areas, U.S.
classification, (2003)Sep:12–13, (2003)Sep:47, (2003)Sep:47
New Insights on Metro and Nonmetro Areas, box
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
county variations, by urban size and metro proximity, (2004)Nov:10
Nonmetro Counties Vary by Urban Size and Metro Proximity
defining, (2004)Nov:41
What is Rural?
earnings per job compared with nonmetropolitan/rural area earnings, (2006)Apr:39
Indicators: Rural America, box
home financing compared with nonmetropolitan/rural areas, (2006)Feb:8
Home Financing: Rural-Urban Differences
median weekly earnings, 2003, (2006)Nov:39
Indicators: Rural America, box
metro and nonmetro unemployment, 1973-2004, (2005)Nov:40
Indicators: Rural America, box
metro-nonmetro gap in child poverty rates, (2005)Jun:44
Indicators: Rural America, box
nonmetro poor children compared with metro children receiving food stamps, (2005)Jun:44
Indicators: Rural America, box
nonmetropolitan earnings compared with metropolitan earnings, (2006)Nov:8–9
Nonmetro Earnings Lag Metro
poverty, (2004)Sep:11
Persistent Poverty Is More Pervasive in Nonmetro Counties
producer services sector compared with nonmetropolitan/rural areas, (2006)Apr:39
Indicators: Rural America, box
rural-urban commuting area (RUCA) codes, (2005)Nov:39
Indicators: Behind the Data, box

corn industries and trade, (2004)Jun:5
Mexico’s Corn Industries and U.S.-Mexico Corn Trade
food and beverage industries, (2005)Jun:44
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
greenhouse tomato production, (2005)Apr:20–27
North American Greenhouse Tomatoes Emerge as a Major Market Force
North American markets integration, (2003)Sep:4–5, (2005)Jun:18–25
North America: One Market, Big Payoffs, Many Challenges
North America Moves Toward One Market

"micropolitan" areas
classification, (2003)Sep:47, (2003)Sep:47
Indicators: Behind the Data, box

consumption trends, U.S., (2003)Jun:12–13
Trends in U.S. Per Capita Consumption of Dairy Products, 1909 to 2001, box
production costs and farming decisions, (2003)Sep:38–45
Production Costs Critical to Farming Decisions

persistent poverty, (2006)Feb:11
Severity and Concentration of Persistent High Poverty in Nonmetro Areas, box
See racial and ethnic groups; specific minorities by group, e.g., Hispanics

Mississippi River Basin
Gulf of Mexico's hypoxic zone and, (2006)Jul:37
Hypoxia in the Gulf: Addressing Agriculture's Contribution

Montreal Protocol           
methyl bromide phaseout, (2003)Apr:22–27
Methyl Bromide Phaseout Proceeds: Users Request Exemptions

Multifiber Arrangement
end of the 10-year phaseout of quotas under, (2006)Feb:20–25
The World Bids Farewell to the Multifiber Arrangement

multilateral trade agreements
U.S. pursuit, (2003)Sep:22–29
Multilateralism and Regionalism: Dual Strategies for Trade Reform

U.S. agricultural trade balance and, (2004)Feb:36–41
The U.S. Ag Trade Balance. . . More Than Just A Number

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See North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

National School Lunch Program
targeting and participation, (2003)Jun:31–37
Aiming for Targets, Saving on Arrows: Insights from Two USDA Food Assistance Programs

Native Americans
nonmetro, high-poverty counties, (2004)Feb:20–27
Anatomy of Nonmetro High-Poverty Areas: Common in Plight, Distinctive in Nature
nonmetro, persistent poverty counties, (2006)Feb:11
Severity and Concentration of Persistent High Poverty in Nonmetro Areas, box
poverty, (2003)Sep:30–37, (2004)Feb:20–27
Nonmetro Poverty: Assessing the Effect of the 1990s
Anatomy of Nonmetro High-Poverty Areas: Common in Plight, Distinctive in Nature
See also racial and ethnic groups

natural resources
agricultural production and, (2006)Sep:7
Indicators Highlight Links Between Agricultural Resources and the Environment
AREI report, (2003)Sep:9
What You Want to Know About Resources and the Environment…But Couldn’t Find
changes in cropland used for crops, (2006)Jul:56
Indicators: Natural Resources and Environment, box
See also conservation, natural resource; specific natural resources

Gulf of Mexico's hypoxic zone and, (2006)Jul:37
Hypoxia in the Gulf: Addressing Agriculture's Contribution
livestock operations and, (2005)Sep:37, (2006)Jul:41
Nitrogen Follows Many Pathways in a Livestock Operation
U.S. imports, (2004)Feb:9
U.S. Increasingly Imports Nitrogen and Potash Fertilizer
See also nutrient management

nonmetropolitan/rural areas, U.S.
air and water quality improvement and, (2005)Sep:34–41
Improving Air and Water Quality Can Be Two Sides of the Same Coin
Blacks, migration trends, (2003)Apr:10
Nonmetro Black Migration Reverses Trends of Earlier Decades
classification, (2003)Sep:12–13, (2003)Sep:47, (2003)Sep:47
New Insights on Metro and Nonmetro Areas, box
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
county variations, by urban size and metro proximity, (2004)Nov:10
Nonmetro Counties Vary by Urban Size and Metro Proximity
decline in textile and apparel jobs, (2006)Sep:38
Indicators: Rural America, box
defining, (2003)Feb:14–21, (2003)Sep:30–37, (2004)Nov:41
Rural America: Opportunities and Challenges
Nonmetro Poverty: Assessing the Effect of the 1990s
Low-Skill Jobs: A Shrinking Share of the Rural Economy
earnings per job compared with metropolitan areas, (2006)Apr:39
Indicators: Rural America, box
education as a development strategy, (2005)Nov:20–25
Education as a Rural Development Strategy
effect of natural amenities and metro proximity on population loss, (2005)Apr:8
Population Loss Counties Lack Natural Amenities and Metro Proximity
effective rural development strategy design, (2006)Nov:9
Designing an Effective Rural Development Strategy
farm program payment impact on rural community vitality, (2005)Feb:28–35
Farm Programs, Natural Amenities, and Rural Development
farmland retirement and, (2006)Jul:28–35
Farmland Retirement's Impact on Rural Growth
high energy costs and, (2006)Apr:16–21
Agriculture and Rural Communities Are Resilient to High Energy Costs
Hispanic labor force for the meat-processing industry, (2006)Jun:10–15
Meat-Processing Firms Attract Hispanic Workers to Rural America
Hispanics living in, (2006)Feb:43
Hispanics in Rural America
home financing compared with metropolitan areas, (2006)Feb:8
Home Financing: Rural-Urban Differences
homeownership, (2004)Apr:11
Rural Homeownership Rising
housing stressed households, (2004)Nov:11
One in Four Nonmetro Households are Housing Stressed
Internet access, (2006)Feb:9
Internet on the Range
job losses in farming-dependent counties, (2005)Feb:44
Indicators: Rural America, box
liberalization of the textile trade, (2006)Sep:3
Textile Trade Liberalization Brings Difficulties to Some Rural Communities
low education counties in the nonmetro South, (2005)Jun:9
Most Low-Education Counties Are in the Nonmetro South
metro and nonmetro unemployment, 1973-2004, (2005)Nov:40
Indicators: Rural America, box
metro-nonmetro gap in child poverty rates, (2005)Jun:44
Indicators: Rural America, box
net migration rates in relation to urbanized areas, 2000-04, (2006)Feb:41
Indicators: On the Map, box
nonmetro definition effect on population counts, (2006)Feb:41
Indicators: On the Map, box
nonmetro median weekly earnings, 2003, (2006)Nov:39

Indicators: Rural America, box
nonmetro poor children compared with metro children receiving food stamps, (2005)Jun:44
Indicators: On the Map, box
nonmetropolitan earnings compared with metropolitan earnings, (2006)Nov:8–9
Nonmetro Earnings Lag Metro
percent of Internet households with dial-up service by income and residence, 2003, (2006)Feb:40
Indicators: Rural America, box
persistent poverty in, (2006)Feb:10–11
Severity and Concentration of Persistent High Poverty in Nonmetro Areas, box
policy options, (2005)Apr:28–35
Policy Options for a Changing Rural America
population interaction zones for agriculture, (2005)Jun:43
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
populations of older people, (2003)Nov:11
Growth of Older Population Slows in Rural and Small-town Areas
poverty, (2003)Sep:30–37, (2004)Feb:20–27, (2004)Sep:11
Nonmetro Poverty: Assessing the Effect of the 1990s
Anatomy of Nonmetro High-Poverty Areas: Common in Plight, Distinctive in Nature
Persistent Poverty Is More Pervasive in Nonmetro Counties
poverty among elderly persons, (2005)Sep:44
Indicators: Rural America, box
poverty in rural older women, (2005)Sep:9
Older Women and Poverty in Rural America
poverty prevalence, (2006)Nov:10–15
Adjusting for Living Costs Can Change Who Is Considered Poor
producer services sector compared with metropolitan areas, (2006)Apr:39
Indicators: Rural America, box
reclassification of nonmetro area effect on employment gap, (2006)Nov:8–9
Reclassification of Nonmetro Areas Exaggerates Employment Gap
recreation and tourism and, (2005)Sep:28–33, (2006)Jun:42
Rural Areas Benefit From Recreation and Tourism Development
Indicators: Rural America, box
rural areas as retirement destinations, (2005)Jun:8
Rural America as a Retirement Destination
rural-urban commuting area (RUCA) codes, (2005)Nov:39
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
soft labor markets, (2005)Feb:9
Nonmetro Labor Markets Remain Soft
steady job growth in low-employment counties, (2005)Sep:8
Low Earnings But Steady Job Growth in Low-Employment Counties
See also rural areas/economies
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), (2003)Sep:4–5, (2003)Sep:22–29
North America: One Market, Big Payoffs, Many Challenges
Multilateralism and Regionalism: Dual Strategies for Trade Reform
integration of North American agriculture and, (2005)Jun:18–25
North America Moves Toward One Market

North American markets
integration, (2003)Sep:4–5
North America: One Market, Big Payoffs, Many Challenges

nutrient management
cropping practice trends data, (2003)Feb:13
ARMS Data Highlight Trends in Cropping Practices, box
livestock production and, (2003)Feb:30–37
Managing Manure: New Clean Water Act Regulations Create Imperative for Livestock Producers

nutrition assistance
See food and nutrition assistance

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See body mass index/body weight

occupations and job skills
changing occupations, (2004)Nov:38–44
Low-Skill Jobs: A Shrinking Share of the Rural Economy
measuring job skills, (2004)Nov:40
Measuring Job Skills
service jobs, (2004)Nov:38–44
Low-Skill Jobs: A Shrinking Share of the Rural Economy

oilseed industry
effect of trade liberalization on India and the U.S., (2006)Jun:2
India and U.S. Could Gain From Liberalizing Oilseed Trade
India's palm oil imports, (2006)Jun:42
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box

older Americans
changing demographic trends influence U.S. dietary preferences, (2003)Apr:28–33
Consumer-Driven Agriculture: Changing U.S. Demographics Influence Eating Habits
Child and Adult Care Food Program, (2003)Jun:31–37
Aiming for Targets, Saving on Arrows: Insights from Two USDA Food Assistance Programs
cost-of-living index and, (2006)Nov:10–15
Adjusting for Living Costs Can Change Who Is Considered Poor
county variations, by urban size and metro proximity, (2004)Nov:10
Nonmetro Counties Vary by Urban Size and Metro Proximity
food choice, (2003)Feb:6–7, (2004)Feb:6–7
Hold the Fries: Older Americans and Food Choices
Got Milk? Implications of Generational and Aging Effects
Food Stamp Program and, (2005)Apr:4
New Approaches Boost Food Stamp Participation by Elderly People
in households receiving food stamps, (2005)Jun:44
Indicators: Diet and Health, box
poverty among oldest-old persons, (2005)Sep:44
Indicators: Rural America, box
poverty in rural older women, (2005)Sep:9
Older Women and Poverty in Rural America
rural and small-town populations, (2003)Nov:11
Growth of Older Population Slows in Rural and Small-town Areas

organic agriculture, (2003)Feb:9
California and Washington certified organic fruit and vegetable production, (2006)Apr:39
Indicators: Farms, Firms, and Households ,
certified organic handling facilities in the U.S., 2004, (2005)Sep:45
Indicators: On the Map, box
European Union and U.S. policy differences, (2006)Feb:12–19
EU and U.S. Organic Markets Face Strong Demand Under Different Policies
growth of U.S. organic farm sector, (2006)Apr:6, (2006)Jul:13
U.S. Organic Farm Sector Continues to Expand
organic product sales trends, (2005)Apr:44
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
price premiums for organic products, (2005)Sep:2–3
Organic Price Premiums Remain High
U.S. certified organic fruit and vegetable acreage, 2003, (2006)Apr:39
Indicators: Farms, Firms, and Household, box

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wheat exports, (2003)Jun:4
Nontraditional Exporters Increase Role In Wheat Markets

bioengineering/biotechnology, (2003)Nov:12–13, (2004)Feb:14–19, (2005)Jun:7
Ag Biotech Patents: Who is Doing What?, box
Have Seed Industry Changes Affected Research Effort?
Ag Biotech Patents on the Move
technology transfer and, (2005)Nov:7
Patenting and Licensing Are Tools for Technology Transfer

Pathogen Reduction/Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Program (PR/HACCP)
See Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) program

peanuts and peanut production
commodity background report, (2006)Apr:8
Peanut Sector Resilient Despite Policy Challenges
new policy, effects, (2004)Nov:30–37
U.S. Peanut Sector Adapts to Major Policy Changes
policy challenges, (2006)Apr:8
Peanut Sector Resilient Despite Policy Challenges

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
See welfare reform

methyl bromide phaseout, (2003)Apr:22–27
Methyl Bromide Phaseout Proceeds: Users Request Exemptions

See invasive species

See Production Flexibility Contract program (PFCs)

phytosanitary regulations
avocado imports and, (2006)Nov:2
New Phytosanitary Regulations Allow Higher Imports of Avocados

See population interaction zones for agriculture (PIZA)

plant genetic resources (germplasm)
international exchange rules, (2003)Jun:22–29
Plant Genetic Resources: New Rules for International Exchange

plant variety protection (PVP) certificates
seed industry changes and, (2004)Feb:14–19
Have Seed Industry Changes Affected Research Effort?

policy, agricultural/farm
agri-environmental process models, (2006)Jul:20
Measuring the Success of Conservation Programs, box
aligning policies with preferences, (2006)Jun:30–37
Where Should the Money Go? Aligning Policies with Preferences
conservation program success measurement, (2006)Jul:14–21
Measuring the Success of Conservation Programs
effects on land use and the environment, (2006)Sep:28–33
Agricultural Policy Affects Land Use and the Environment
European Union and U.S. organic agriculture policy differences, (2006)Feb:12–19
EU and U.S. Organic Markets Face Strong Demand Under Different Policies
milestones in U.S. farming and farm policy, (2005)Jun:10–11
Milestones in U.S. Farming and Farm Policy
100 years of structural change in U.S. agriculture, (2005)Jun:11
Milestones in U.S. Farming and Farm Policy, box
peanut sector, (2006)Apr:8
Peanut Sector Resilient Despite Policy Challenges
policy options for rural areas, (2005)Apr:28–35
Policy Options for a Changing Rural America
shift of emphasis in conservation policy, (2006)Jul:4–10
Emphasis Shifts in U.S. Conservation Policy
U.S. agri-environmental policy, (2006)Jul:4–10
Emphasis Shifts in U.S. Conservation Policy
U.S./EU similarities, (2003)Jun:5, (2004)Nov:14–21
Are U.S. And European Union Agricultural Policies Becoming More Similar?
Devolution of Farm Programs Could Broaden States' Role in Ag Policy
See also agricultural policy reform; specific countries; specific tools, e.g., subsidies, agricultural

policy reform
See specific policy areas, e.g., welfare reform

pollution, agricultural
See conservation, natural resource; specific natural resources or pollutants

poor individuals and families
classifying, (2003)Sep:33
Who's Poor?
cost-of-living adjustments, (2006)Nov:10–15
Adjusting for Living Costs Can Change Who Is Considered Poor
income fluctuation effect on food assistance, (2006)Sep:16–21
Income Volatility Complicates Food Assistance
U.S. food aid and world hunger reduction, (2004)Sep:38–43
Fifty Years of U.S. Food Aid and Its Role in Reducing World Hunger
See also child poverty; poverty

population, global
Asia–Pacific demographics and food system, (2004)Jun:14–21
Where Will Demographics Take the Asia-Pacific Food System?
growth outpacing food production, (2003)Jun:9
Will Land Degradation Prove Malthus Right After All?

population gains/losses/shifts, rural
Blacks, (2003)Apr:10
Nonmetro Black Migration Reverses Trends of Earlier Decades
county population change, 2000-05, (2006)Jun:43
Indicators: On the Map, box
effect of natural amenities and metro proximity on population loss, (2005)Apr:8
Population Loss Counties Lack Natural Amenities and Metro Proximity
farm population as a share of total U.S. population, (2005)Jun:45
Indicators: In the Long Run, box
farmland retirement and, (2004)Nov:22–29
Farmland Retirement's Impact on Rural Growth
Hispanics, (2003)Feb:11
Hispanics Find a Home in Rural America
interactive mapping, (2003)Sep:11
Exploring the Diversity of Rural America Through Interactive Mapping
nonmetro definition effect on population counts, (2006)Feb:41
Indicators: In the Long Run, box
nonmetro migration trends, (2003)Apr:10
Nonmetro Black Migration Reverses Trends of Earlier Decades
population interaction zones for agriculture, (2005)Jun:43
Indicators: Behind the Data, box

Population Interaction Zones for Agriculture
roots of, (2003)Feb:10
The Roots of Rural Population Loss
rural America, (2003)Feb:14–21
Rural America: Opportunities and Challenges
urban influence codes and, (2004)Apr:12–13
Using the 2003 Urban Influence Codes to Understand Rural America, box
population interaction zones for agriculture (PIZA), (2005)Jun:43
Indicators: Behind the Data, box

pork and pork products
See hogs and hog production

U.S. imports, (2004)Feb:9
U.S. Increasingly Imports Nitrogen and Potash Fertilizer

potatoes and potato production
frozen potatoes' replacement of fresh potatoes in the U.S. diet, (2006)Jun:5
Americans Switch From Fresh to Frozen Potatoes

poultry and poultry production
agribusiness strategies for U.S. consumers, (2003)Nov:22–29
From Supply Push to Demand Pull: Agribusiness Strategies for Today’s Consumers
Brazil's share of world broiler exports, (2006)Apr:39
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
differences in demand for meat cuts, (2003)Sep:5
Differences in Demand Help Shape Meat Trade
food safety, (2004)Apr:7
Market Incentives Raise Food Safety Bar
food safety and inspection, (2003)Apr:34–41
Weighing Incentives for Food Safety in Meat and Poultry
food safety innovations, (2004)Apr:22–29
Savvy Buyers Spur Food Safety Innovations in Meat Processing
food safety regulations and standards in global trade, (2003)Nov:14–21
Food Safety and Trade: Regulations, Risks, and Reconciliation
growth in chicken consumption, (2006)Apr:5
Chicken Consumption Continues Longrun Rise
vertical integration practices, (2003)Jun:7
U.S. Hog and Poultry Marketing: Similar Paths, Similar Outcomes?
See also meat and meat production

child, (2003)Feb:7, (2003)Nov:10
Food Stamps and Child Poverty
Dimensions of Child Poverty in Rural Areas
decline in farm poverty level, (2005)Sep:20–27
Farm Poverty Lowest in U.S. History
defining, (2004)Feb:23
Anatomy of Nonmetro High-Poverty Areas: Common in Plight, Distinctive in Nature, box
dimensions of, (2003)Sep:30–37
Nonmetro Poverty: Assessing the Effect of the 1990s
farm and nonfarm poverty, 1959-91, (2005)Sep:45
Indicators: In the Long Run, box
income status association with diet quality, (2005)Sep:5
Diet Quality Usually Varies by Income Status
metro-nonmetro gap in child poverty rates, (2005)Jun:44
Indicators: Rural America, box
nonmetro areas, (2003)Sep:30–37
Nonmetro Poverty: Assessing the Effect of the 1990s
nonmetro poor children compared with metro children receiving food stamps, (2005)Jun:44
Indicators: Rural America, box
nonmetropolitan areas, (2004)Feb:20–27, (2004)Sep:11
Anatomy of Nonmetro High-Poverty Areas: Common in Plight, Distinctive in Nature
Persistent Poverty Is More Pervasive in Nonmetro Counties
nonmetropolitan/rural areas and, (2006)Nov:10–15
Adjusting for Living Costs Can Change Who Is Considered Poor
oldest-old persons and, (2005)Sep:44
Indicators: Rural America, box
Severity and Concentration of Persistent High Poverty in Nonmetro Areas
rural older women and, (2005)Sep:9, (2005)Sep:44
Older Women and Poverty in Rural America, box
welfare reform and, (2003)Feb:10–11, (2003)Jun:38–44
Rural Welfare Reform: What Have We Learned?
Rural Welfare Reform: Lessons Learned
world hunger and, (2003)Feb:5
Global Hunger at Its Roots
See also poor individuals and families
See also specific aspects, e.g., food security/insecurity, etc.

See Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) program

See Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management (PREISM)

price premiums
organic products, (2005)Sep:2–3
Organic Price Premiums Remain High

price spreads
livestock production, (2004)Sep:4
Slow Price Adjustments Benefits Beef and Pork Producers

price supports
price support system, (2004)Nov:30–37
U.S. Peanut Sector Adapts to Major Policy Changes
U.S. tobacco industry, (2003)Sep:14–21, (2005)Feb:2–3
U.S. Tobacco Industry Responding to New Competitors, New Challenges
Long-Lived Tobacco Program to End

processed food trade
global supply chains and, (2005)Feb:12–19
Processed Food Trade Pressured by Evolving Global Supply Chains
trade deficit reduces surplus in total U.S. agricultural trade, (2005)Feb:44
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box

processing and production equipment
food safety innovations, (2004)Apr:22–29
Savvy Buyers Spur Food Safety Innovations in Meat Processing

production contracts/contracting
expansion, (2004)Nov:5
Contract Use Continues to Expand
trends, (2006)Feb:26-31, (2006)Feb:40
Agricultural Contracting: Trading Autonomy for Risk Reduction
Indicators: Farms, Firms, and Households, box
Production Flexibility Contract program (PFCs), (2003)Feb:38–45
Farm Payments: Decoupled Payments Increase Households' Well-Being, Not Production
effects and trends, (2004)Nov:8–9
How Do Decoupled Payments Affect Resource Allocations Within the Farm Sector?
See also decoupled payments

See agricultural productivity
Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management (PREISM)
description, (2006)Apr:7
Economic Research Helps Manage Invasive Species

public information
value of accurate information, (2006)Apr:10–15
Public Information Creates Value

public transportation
rural areas, (2004)Feb:11
Rural Governments Face Public Transportation Challenges and Opportunities
PVP certificates. See plant variety protection (PVP) certificates

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quality control
food traceability systems and, (2004)Apr:14–21
Food Traceability: One Ingredient in a Safe and Efficient Food Supply

quota buyout program
U.S. tobacco industry, (2003)Sep:14–21
U.S. Tobacco Industry Responding to New Competitors, New Challenges

end of the 10-year phaseout of quotas under the Multifiber Arrangement, (2006)Feb:20–25
The World Bids Farewell to the Multifiber Arrangement
Fair and Equitable Tobacco Reform's elimination of tobacco quota and price support programs, (2005)Feb:2
Long-Lived Tobacco Program to End
marketing quota system, (2004)Nov:30–37
U.S. Peanut Sector Adapts to Major Policy Changes

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racial and ethnic groups
dietary preferences, (2003)Apr:28–33
Consumer-Driven Agriculture: Changing U.S. Demographics Influence Eating Habits
food security/insecurity, (2003)Feb:22–29
Putting Food on the Table: Household Food Security in the United States
housing stressed households, (2004)Nov:11
One in Four Nonmetro Households are Housing Stressed
nonmetro, high-poverty counties, (2004)Feb:20–27
Anatomy of Nonmetro High-Poverty Areas: Common in Plight, Distinctive in Nature
persistent poverty in nonmetropolitan/rural areas, (2006)Feb:10–11
Severity and Concentration of Persistent High Poverty in Nonmetro Areas, box
poverty, (2004)Feb:20–27
Anatomy of Nonmetro High-Poverty Areas: Common in Plight, Distinctive in Nature
poverty among, (2003)Sep:30–37
Nonmetro Poverty: Assessing the Effect of the 1990s
rural America, (2003)Feb:14–21
Rural America: Opportunities and Challenges
rural homeownership, (2004)Apr:11
Rural Homeownership Rising
See also specific groups, e.g., Hispanics

See research and development (R&D)

benefits to rural areas, (2005)Sep:28–33, (2006)Jun:42
Rural Areas Benefit From Recreation and Tourism Development
Indicators: Rural America, box

reform, policy
See specific policy areas, e.g., welfare reform

regional trade agreements (RTAs)
North American markets integration, (2003)Sep:4–5
North America: One Market, Big Payoffs, Many Challenges
U.S. pursuit, (2003)Sep:22–29
Multilateralism and Regionalism: Dual Strategies for Trade Reform

regulations and standards
See specific areas of regulation, e.g., livestock production; specific regulations and standards

research and development (R&D)
nutrition research limitations, (2006)Sep:14
Prior Nutrition Research Has Limitations
patents and technology transfer, (2005)Nov:7
Patenting and Licensing Are Tools for Technology Transfer
seed industry changes and, (2004)Feb:14–19
Have Seed Industry Changes Affected Research Effort?

residential integration
nonmetro Hispanics, (2004)Jun:38–47
Rural Hispanics: Employment and Residential Trends

resource management, agricultural
See conservation, natural resource; specific legislation and specific natural resources

See foodservice industry

economic well-being and, (2005)Sep:11
Composite Measure of Economic Well-Being, box
farmer planning for, (2005)Apr:13–18
How Do U.S. Farmers Plan for Retirement?
rural areas as retirement destinations, (2005)Jun:8
Rural America as a Retirement Destination

revenue insurance
See crop insurance

See transportation infrastructure

See regional trade agreements (RTAs)

See rural-urban commuting area (RUCA) codes
rural amenities, (2003)Feb:14–21
Rural America: Opportunities and Challenges
effect of natural amenities and metro proximity on rural population loss, (2005)Apr:8
Population Loss Counties Lack Natural Amenities and Metro Proximity
farmland protection, (2003)Feb:8, (2006)Jul:3
Rural Amenities: A Key Reason for Farmland Protection
scale for, (2005)Apr:43
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
rural areas/economies, (2003)Feb:14–21
Rural America: Opportunities and Challenges
college graduates, (2003)Sep:10
Rural College Graduates Make a Comeback
competition with China, (2004)Feb:10
Booming China Trade Presents New Challenges for Rural America
county-level data analysis, (2004)Apr:12–13
Using the 2003 Urban Influence Codes to Understand Rural America, box
county variations, by urban size and metro proximity, (2004)Nov:10
Nonmetro Counties Vary by Urban Size and Metro Proximity
defining rural areas, (2003)Feb:16, (2003)Jun:42, (2003)Sep:47, (2003)Sep:47, (2004)Nov:41
Rural America: Opportunities and Challenges
Rural Welfare Reform: Lessons Learned, box
Defining Rural Areas Based on New County Classifications, box
Low-Skill Jobs: A Shrinking Share of the Rural Economy, box
demographic data and graphic builder program, (2004)Nov:12–13
Profiles of American: Demographic Data and Graphic Builder, box
diversity, (2003)Feb:14–21, (2003)Sep:11
Rural America: Opportunities and Challenges
Exploring the Diversity of Rural America Through Interactive Mapping
earnings, (2004)Feb:10–11
Rural America at a Glance
employment, (2004)Feb:10–11
Rural America at a Glance
ERS rural indicators:(2004)Nov:13
ERS Rural Indicators, box
farming-dependent counties, (2004)Jun:11
One in Five Rural Counties Depends on Farming
farmland retirement and, (2004)Jun:9, (2004)Nov:22–29
How Does Farmland Retirement Affect Rural Counties?
Farmland Retirement's Impact on Rural Growth
Federal funding, regional distribution, (2004)Sep:10
Federal Funding for Rural America: Who Gets What?
homeownership, (2004)Apr:11
Rural Homeownership Rising
job loss, Virginia example, (2004)Jun:10
Responding to Rural Job Loss: The Virginia Example
low- or unskilled workers/jobs, (2004)Apr:10, (2004)Jun:38–47, (2004)Nov:38–44
Growth of Hispanics in Rural Workforce
Rural Hispanics: Employment and Residential Trends
Low-Skill Jobs: A Shrinking Share of the Rural Economy
low-skill workers, (2003)Jun:10
Low-Skill Workers Are a Declining Share of All Rural Workers
nonmetro areas and, (2003)Sep:30–37. See also nonmetropolitan areas
Nonmetro Poverty: Assessing the Effect of the 1990s
on-the-job computer use and wages, (2003)Apr:11
"Digital Divide" Not to Blame for Rural Earnings Shortfall
populations of older people, (2003)Nov:11
Growth of Older Population Slows in Rural and Small-town Areas
public transportation, (2004)Feb:11
Rural Governments Face Public Transportation Challenges and Opportunities
racial and ethnic groups. See racial and ethnic groups; specific groups
rural development, (2003)Feb:14–21
Rural America: Opportunities and Challenges
urban influence codes, (2004)Apr:12–13
Using the 2003 Urban Influence Codes to Understand Rural America, box
See also specific aspects, e.g., employment, population gains/losses/shifts, poverty, unemployment, etc.

Rural Indicators Map Machine
exploring diversity with, (2003)Sep:11
Exploring the Diversity of Rural America Through Interactive Mapping

rural-urban commuting area (RUCA) codes
description, (2005)Nov:39
Rural Urban Commuting Areas
Rural-Urban Continuum Code, (2004)Nov:10
Nonmetro Counties Vary by Urban Size and Metro Proximity

agricultural competitiveness, (2003)Apr:14–21
Dynamics of Agricultural Competitiveness: Policy Lessons From Abroad
livestock markets, (2004)Feb:5
Russia Changes Global Market for Livestock Products
wheat exports, (2003)Jun:4
Nontraditional Exporters Increase Role In Wheat Markets

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free fruit and vegetable snacks, (2003)Nov:6
Free Fruit and Vegetable Snacks a Big Hit in Schools
National School Lunch Program targeting and participation, (2003)Jun:31–37
Aiming for Targets, Saving on Arrows: Insights from Two USDA Food Assistance Programs

seafood industry, U.S.
aquaculture and, (2004)Apr:5
U.S. Seafood Market Shifts to Aquaculture
edible seafood imports, (2006)Feb:40
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
value of U.S. edible seafood imports between 1995 and 2004, (2006)Feb:40
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box

seed industry
changes, R&D and, (2004)Feb:14–19
Have Seed Industry Changes Affected Research Effort?

senior citizens
See older Americans

service jobs
See occupations and job skills

sheep and sheep production
lamb and mutton meat marketing, (2004)Feb:4
Marketing Could Boost the U.S. Sheep Industry
long-distance animal shipping, (2003)Nov:5
Are More Livestock Hitting the Road?
marketing, U.S., (2004)Feb:4
Marketing Could Boost the U.S. Sheep Industry

socioeconomic status
income status association with diet quality, (2005)Sep:5
Diet Quality Usually Varies by Income Status
soft drink consumption and, (2005)Sep:4
How Americans Quench Their Thirsts
See also poverty

soil and soil management
carbon sequestration, (2004)Apr:9
Is Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture Economically Feasible?
conservation compliance and soil erosion reduction, (2004)Jun:30–37, (2006)Jul:12
Have Conservation Compliance Incentives Reduced Soil Erosion?
Conservation Compliance May Reduce Soil Erosion
stewardship and environmental compliance, (2004)Apr:30–37
Beyond Environmental Compliance: Stewardship as Good Business

soil and soil treatment
methyl bromide phaseout, (2003)Apr:22–27
Methyl Bromide Phaseout Proceeds: Users Request Exemptions
soup kitchens. See emergency food providers

South America
soybean price forecasts, (2004)Sep:5
Structural Change Brings New Challenges to Soybean Price Forecasters

soybeans and soybean production
average prices received by U.S. farmers, (2006)Nov:38
Indicators: Food and Fiber Sector Indicators,box
China, (2004)Nov:4–5
China's Demand for Commodities Outpacing Supply
China's soybean imports, (2005)Sep:44
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
commodity background report, (2006)Sep:8
International Trade, Biofuel Initiatives Reshaping the Soybean Sector
costs and farming decisions, (2003)Sep:38–45
Production Costs Critical to Farming Decisions
genetically engineered/modified, cropping practice trends data, (2003)Feb:12–13
ARMS Data Highlight Trends in Cropping Practices, box
international trade and, (2006)Sep:8
International Trade, Biofuel Initiatives Reshaping the Soybean Sector
price forecasts, (2004)Sep:5
Structural Change Brings New Challenges to Soybean Price Forecasters
risk of rust by U.S. region, (2004)Sep:8
Economic Risks of Soybean Rust in the U.S. Vary by Region
soybean rust threat, (2006)Apr:10–15
Public Information Creates Value

China's frozen spinach imports to Japan, (2006)Nov:19
China’s Frozen Spinach Exports to Japan Falter on Food Safety Problems, box

State governments
Cooperative Extension Service and, (2003)Apr:8
Trends in Extension Resources
farm program devolution, (2004)Nov:14–21
Devolution of Farm Programs Could Broaden States' Role in Ag Policy
reimbursements through Master Settlement Agreement, (2003)Sep:14–21
U.S. Tobacco Industry Responding to New Competitors, New Challenges
targeting food assistance programs, (2003)Jun:31–37
Aiming for Targets, Saving on Arrows: Insights from Two USDA Food Assistance Programs
welfare reform and, (2003)Feb:10–11
Rural Welfare Reform: What Have We Learned?

subsidies, agricultural
Japan, (2003)Feb:4
Is Japan Ready for Competition in Its Ag Markets?
lump-sum subsidies, (2003)Feb:38–45
Farm Payments: Decoupled Payments Increase Households' Well-Being, Not Production
PFCs/decoupled payments, (2003)Feb:38–45
Farm Payments: Decoupled Payments Increase Households' Well-Being, Not Production

supply chain management
food safety innovations and, (2004)Apr:22–29
Savvy Buyers Spur Food Safety Innovations in Meat Processing
food traceability systems and, (2004)Apr:14–21
Food Traceability: One Ingredient in a Safe and Efficient Food Supply
techniques serving U.S. consumers, (2003)Nov:22–29
From Supply Push to Demand Pull: Agribusiness Strategies for Today’s Consumers

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challenges of negotiating cuts in, (2006)Sep:27
Varying Tariff Profiles Illustrate Difficulties in Negotiating Cuts, box
market access and, (2006)Sep:22–27
Global Agriculture and the Doha Round: Market Access Is the Key
preference issues, (2006)Sep:25
Why Are Tariff Preferences an Issue?, box

taxes and taxation
American Jobs Creation Act benefits farmers, (2005)Apr:7
New Tax Laws Benefit Farmers
Federal tax policy influence on farm household income, (2005)Nov:26–31
Changing Federal Tax Policies Affect Farm Households Differently
obesity reduction through selective taxation, (2004)Nov:6
Taxing Snacks to Reduce Obesity
taxes finance Japan's production subsidy for wheat, (2005)Feb:2
Taxes on Imports Subsidize Wheat Production in Japan

technologies and technological advancements
developing countries, (2004)Feb:9
Science and Technology Hold Promise for Developing Countries in the 21st Century
innovation, defined, (2004)Apr:24. See also specific innovations within content areas, e.g., food safety and inspection
How Is Innovation Defined?, box
patents and, (2005)Nov:7
Patenting and Licensing Are Tools for Technology Transfer
rise in obesity and, (2004)Jun:7
Technological Changes Contribute to Rise in Obesity

textile and apparel industries
changing world network, (2004)Sep:12–13
The Changing World Network of Trade in Textiles and Apparel, box
decline in textile and apparel jobs, (2006)Sep:38
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
end of the 10-year phaseout of quotas under the Multifiber Arrangement, (2006)Feb:20–25
The World Bids Farewell to the Multifiber Arrangement
liberalization of the textile trade in rural communities, (2006)Sep:3
Textile Trade Liberalization Brings Difficulties to Some Rural Communities
raw-fiber equivalent of U.S. cotton textile and apparel imports, (2005)Sep:43
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
U.S. textile and apparel imports, by source, (2006)Sep:38
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box

Examining the Food Assistance Safety Net - AmberWaves
Virginia's job loss response, (2004)Jun:10
Responding to Rural Job Loss: The Virginia Example
Thrifty Food Plan, (2003)Feb:22–29
Putting Food on the Table: Household Food Security in the United States

cropping practice trends data, (2003)Feb:12
ARMS Data Highlight Trends in Cropping Practices, box

tobacco industry, U.S.
Fair and Equitable Tobacco Reform's elimination of tobacco quota and price support programs, (2005)Feb:2–3
Long-Lived Tobacco Program to End
global market and, (2003)Sep:14–21
U.S. Tobacco Industry Responding to New Competitors, New Challenges
growth should follow adjustment period, (2006)Feb:2
U.S. Tobacco Sector Regroups

growth in the greenhouse tomato market, (2005)Apr:20–27
North American Greenhouse Tomatoes Emerge as a Major Market Force
types of field tomatoes, (2005)Apr:27
Field Tomato Variety Expands, box

See recreation/tourism

trade liberalization/reform
dual strategies for, (2003)Sep:22–29
Multilateralism and Regionalism: Dual Strategies for Trade Reform
economic gains and, (2006)Sep:22–27
Global Agriculture and the Doha Round: Market Access Is the Key
effect of oilseed trade liberalization on India and the U.S., (2006)Jun:2
India and U.S. Could Gain From Liberalizing Oilseed Trade
India, (2004)Feb:28–35
The Elephant Is Jogging: New Pressures for Agricultural Reform in India
textile trade in rural communities and, (2006)Sep:3
Textile Trade Liberalization Brings Difficulties to Some Rural Communities

trade policy
See agricultural trade; international trade; specific countries

transportation infrastructure
Asia-Pacific region urban center food center reliance on, (2005)Sep:12–19
Asia-Pacific Transportation Infrastructure: Linking Food Sources to Urban Centers
turkey and turkey products. See hogs and hog production

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agricultural competitiveness, (2003)Apr:14–21
Dynamics of Agricultural Competitiveness: Policy Lessons From Abroad

United Nations
Food and Agricultural Organization, (2003)Jun:22–29
Plant Genetic Resources: New Rules for International Exchange
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, (2003)Jun:22–29
Plant Genetic Resources: New Rules for International Exchange

United States
agri-environmental policy, (2003)Nov:38–44
Emphasis Shifts in U.S. Agri-Environmental Policy
agricultural and farming policy, (2003)Jun:5
Are U.S. And European Union Agricultural Policies Becoming More Similar?
agricultural trade policy reform, (2003)Sep:22–29
Multilateralism and Regionalism: Dual Strategies for Trade Reform
changing demographic trends influence dietary preferences, (2003)Apr:28–33
Consumer-Driven Agriculture: Changing U.S. Demographics Influence Eating Habits
demographic data and graphic builder program, (2004)Nov:12–13
Profiles of America: Demographic Data and Graphic Builder, box
economic benefits to rural areas of recreation and tourism, (2005)Sep:28–33, (2006)Jun:42
Rural Areas Benefit From Recreation and Tourism Development
Indicators: Rural America, box
effect of oilseed trade liberalization, (2006)Jun:2
India and U.S. Could Gain From Liberalizing Oilseed Trade
European Union and U.S. organic agriculture policy differences, (2006)Feb:12–19
EU and U.S. Organic Markets Face Strong Demand Under Different Policies
farm population as a share of total U.S. population, (2005)Jun:45
Indicators: In the Long Run, box
food aid and world hunger reduction, (2004)Sep:38–43
Fifty Years of U.S. Food Aid and Its Role in Reducing World Hunger
impact of EU enlargement, (2004)Apr:38–44
A Historic Enlargement: Ten Countries Prepare to Join the European Union
low education counties in the nonmetro South, (2005)Jun:9
Most Low-Education Counties Are in the Nonmetro South
National Plant Germplasm System, (2003)Jun:22–29
Plant Genetic Resources: New Rules for International Exchange
North American markets integration, (2003)Sep:4–5
North America: One Market, Big Payoffs, Many Challenges
rise in per capita consumption of food and calories, (2005)Nov:5
U.S. Food Consumption Up 16 Percent Since 1970
Rural Indicators Map Machine, (2003)Sep:11
Exploring the Diversity of Rural America Through Interactive Mapping
steady job growth in low-employment counties, (2005)Sep:8
Low Earnings But Steady Job Growth in Low-Employment Counties
textile and apparel imports, (2004)Sep:12–13
The Changing World Network of Trade in Textiles and Apparel, box
U.S.–Mexico corn trade, (2004)Jun:5
Mexico’s Corn Industries and U.S.-Mexico Corn Trade
wheat exports, (2003)Jun:4
Nontraditional Exporters Increase Role In Wheat Markets
See also Federal funding; specific industries, programs, systems, and issues, e.g., hunger, U.S.

urban influence codes
county definitions and measure of urban influence, (2004)Apr:47
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
understanding rural America, (2004)Apr:12–13
Using the 2003 Urban Influence Codes to Understand Rural America, box

urbanization, global
Asia–Pacific region demographics and food system, (2004)Jun:14–21
Where Will Demographics Take the Asia-Pacific Food System?

urbanization, U.S.
farmland protection from, (2003)Nov:9
Greenbelts? Not Without Greenbacks

Uruguay Round
reforms, textiles and apparel prices, (2004)Sep:12–13
The Changing World Network of Trade in Textiles and Apparel, box

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China's exports to Japan, (2003)Nov:4–5
China’s Vegetable Exports Challenge the U.S. in Japan’s Market
China's fresh vegetable exports, (2006)Apr:37
And China’s fresh vegetable exports take over Asian markets, box
commodity background report, (2006)Sep:9
Fruit and Vegetables in the Limelight
consumption away from home, (2003)Sep:4
Vegetable Consumption Away from Home on the Rise
economic and behavioral influences on consumption, (2005)Apr:36–41
Understanding Economic and Behavioral Influences on Fruit and Vegetable Choices
free snacks in schools, (2003)Nov:6
Free Fruit and Vegetable Snacks a Big Hit in Schools
international trade, (2004)Jun:4
Global Trade in Fruits and Vegetables Brings Variety to the Nation’s Grocery Stores
low-income household spending, (2004)Jun:6
Low-Income Households Spend Less on Fruits and Vegetables
market basket statistics, (2006)Nov:36–37
Revised Market Basket Statistics Reflect Consumers’ Changing Produce Purchases, box
North American markets integration, (2005)Jun:18–25
North America Moves Toward One Market
organic product sales, (2005)Apr:44
Indicators: Markets and Trade, box
price premiums for organic products, (2005)Sep:2–3
Organic Price Premiums Remain High
U.S. certified organic fruit and vegetable acreage, 2003, (2006)Apr:39
Indicators: Farms, Firms, and Households, box
U.S. exports to China, (2006)Apr:37
China emerges as a market for U.S. exports of fruits and vegetables, box
U.S. fruit and vegetable imports, (2005)Jun:2–3
U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Imports Outpace Exports
See also specific vegetables

job loss response, (2004)Jun:10
Responding to Rural Job Loss: The Virginia Example

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effect of former welfare recipients on wage growth, (2005)Apr:9
Former Welfare Recipients Affect Economic Growth and Wages
food industry mergers and acquisitions and, (2006)Jun:9
Do Food Industry Mergers and Acquisitions Affect Wages and Employment?
hired farm labor, (2003)Jun:11
The Dynamics of Hired Farm Labor
metro–nonmetro wage gap, (2003)Apr:11
"Digital Divide" Not to Blame for Rural Earnings Shortfall
welfare reform and, (2003)Jun:38–44
Rural Welfare Reform: Lessons Learned
See also earnings and income

certified organic fruit and vegetable production, (2006)Apr:39
Indicators: Farms, Firms, and Households, box

water quality/pollution
air quality improvement and, (2005)Sep:34–41, (2006)Jul:38–45
Improving Air and Water Quality Can be Two Sides of the Same Coin
ammonia emission regulation effect on hog production costs, (2006)Feb:6
Regulating Ammonia Emissions From Hog Farms Would Raise Costs
Clean Water Act and, (2003)Feb:30–37
Managing Manure: New Clean Water Act Regulations Create Imperative for Livestock Producers
conservation programs and, (2006)Jul:14–21
Measuring the Success of Conservation Programs
livestock production and, (2003)Feb:30–37
Managing Manure: New Clean Water Act Regulations Create Imperative for Livestock Producers
manure management, (2003)Jun:8
Manure Management: A Growing Challenge in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

water resources
agriculture domination of freshwater use, (2006)Nov:6
Agriculture Dominates Freshwater Use in the U.S.
AREI report, (2003)Sep:9
What You Want to Know About Resources and the Environment…But Couldn’t Find
irrigated acres and water sources in the U.S., by region, (2006)Nov:39
Indicators: Resources and Environment, box
irrigated land from 1860-2002, by region, (2006)Nov:40
Indicators: In the Long Run, box
irrigated land on farms, 2002, (2006)Nov:40
Indicators: On the Map, box
trends in irrigation and water application rates, (2006)Nov:7
Irrigated Acres Up, Water Application Rate Trending Down
Western U.S. irrigation, (2004)Jun:8
Irrigation, Water Conservation, and Farm Size in the Western United States

water scarcity/shortages
China, (2003)Apr:4
Will Water Scarcity Limit China’s Agricultural Potential

welfare reform
nonmetro areas and, (2003)Sep:30–37
Nonmetro Poverty: Assessing the Effect of the 1990s
public assistance trends following, (2005)Apr:9
Former Welfare Recipients Affect Economic Growth and Wages
rural, (2003)Feb:10–11, (2003)Jun:38–44
Rural Welfare Reform: What Have We Learned?
Rural Welfare Reform: Lessons Learned
transition from welfare to independence, (2005)Jun:5
After Leaving Welfare: Food Stamps or Not?
See also specific programs and entitlements, e.g., Food Stamp Program

PFCs/decoupled payments and, (2003)Feb:38–45
Farm Payments: Decoupled Payments Increase Households' Well-Being, Not Production
poor individuals and families, (2003)Sep:30–37
Nonmetro Poverty: Assessing the Effect of the 1990s
See also economic well-being

conservation compliance and soil erosion reduction, (2004)Jun:30–37, (2006)Jul:12
Conservation Compliance May Reduce Soil Erosion
losses, 1780-2002, (2006)Jul:55
Indicators: In the Long Run, box

wheat and wheat production
commodity background report, (2006)Apr:9
Specialized Wheat Farms Earn Less than Other Farms
consumer demand for, (2005)Jun:17
If Consumers Follow the Guidelines: A Wheat Case Study
costs and farming decisions, (2003)Sep:38–45
Production Costs Critical to Farming Decisions
nontraditional exporters increased role in markets and trade, (2003)Jun:4
Nontraditional Exporters Increase Role In Wheat Markets
specialized wheat farm earnings, (2006)Apr:9
Specialized Wheat Farms Earn Less than Other Farms
sustainability of hard white wheat, (2005)Apr:3
Will Hard White Wheat Become a Sustainable Wheat Class?
taxes finance Japan's production subsidy for wheat, (2005)Feb:2
Taxes on Imports Subsidize Wheat Production in Japan
World War II period and, (2005)Jun:10
Milestones in U.S. Farming and Farm Policy, box

poverty, (2003)Sep:30–37
Nonmetro Poverty: Assessing the Effect of the 1990s

whole-grain foods
Dietary Guidelines recommendations, (2005)Jun:12–17, (2005)Nov:4
Will 2005 Be the Year of the Whole Grain?
Going With the Grain: Consumers Responding to New Dietary Guidelines
foods containing, (2005)Jun:15
What Are Whole-Grain Foods?, box
foods targeted to children, (2005)Jun:4
Companies Continue To Offer New Foods Targeted to Children
U.S. consumption falls below Dietary Guidelines, (2005)Apr:5
Americans' Whole-Grain Consumption Below Guidelines

See Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program

amount of time spent on food preparation and cleanup, (2005)Nov:10–11
How Much Time Do Americans pend Preparing and Eating Food?, box
body weight, U.S. perception problems, (2003)Sep:6
What Weight Problem?
horse farming, (2006)Sep:34–35
More Women Turning to Horse Farming, box
poverty in rural older women, (2005)Sep:9
Older Women and Poverty in Rural America
See also men

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program
children's diets and, (2006)Jun:4
Children’s Diets and WIC
infant formula program funding, (2004)Sep:30–36, (2006)Nov:5
Sharing the Economic Burden: Who Pays for WIC’s Infant Formula?
Cost of Infant Formula for the WIC Program Rising
interstate variation in WIC food costs, (2005)Feb:5
Prices Dominate Interstate Variations in WIC Food Costs
targeting and participation, (2003)Jun:31–37
Aiming for Targets, Saving on Arrows: Insights from Two USDA Food Assistance Programs

workforce, agricultural
hired farm labor dynamics, (2003)Jun:11
The Dynamics of Hired Farm Labor

workforce, nonmetro/rural
Hispanics in, (2004)Apr:10
Growth of Hispanics in Rural Workforce
World Food Summit, (2003)Feb:5
Global Hunger at Its Roots
food security improvement projections, (2005)Sep:3
Some Improvements Are Projected for Global Food Security

world hunger
See hunger, global/world

world trade
See agricultural trade, international trade

World Trade Organization (WTO)
China's commitments, (2003)Apr:5
China Slow in Meeting WTO Commitments
food safety regulations and standards, (2003)Nov:14–21
Food Safety and Trade: Regulations, Risks, and Reconciliation
global agriculture and the Doha Round, (2006)Sep:22–27
Global Agriculture and the Doha Round: Market Access Is the Key
negotiations and CAP reforms, (2004)Sep:22–29
European Union Adopts Significant Reform
Trade Policy Commitments Database, (2006)Sep:37
Indicators: Behind the Data, box
U.S. participation in Doha Round, (2003)Sep:22–29
Multilateralism and Regionalism: Dual Strategies for Trade Reform

See World Trade Organization (WTO)

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