USDA Forest Service    

George D. Aiken Forestry Sciences Lab - Burlington, Vermont

 The Role of Environmental Stress on Tree Growth and Development
 Ecological Processes: A Basis for Managing Forests and Water Quality in New England
 Integrating Social and Biophysical Sciences for Natural Resource Management
 NED Software

Northeastern Research Station



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 George D. Aiken Forestry Sciences Lab                        705 Spear Street  South Burlington, Vermont 05403

(802) 951-6771

 United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.


Integrating Social and Biophysical Sciences for Natural Resource Management

 NE-4454 Staff   |   NE-4454 Publications


    To perform and integrate social and biophysical research for natural resource management, and to develop products that make research results available and useful for policy, planning, and management.


    Problem 1.  Social structures and processes:  Resource managers need an improved understanding of the relationships among social institutions and organizations, forest management, and forest ecosystem processes to achieve their policy and management goals. 

    Problem 2 Individual values and decision making:  Research on this problem is divided into two components:  (1) identifying and analyzing the key human values that affect natural resource decisions, and (2) incorporating these values into better tools for analyzing and evaluating alternative policies and management actions, particularly those involving multiple goals and diverse stakeholder objectives.

    Problem 3 Management applications:  Natural resource managers need sufficient information on the array of human values and requirements that affect resource management, planning, and policy decisions.  Managers face three problems due to a lack of information in four areas:  the effects of social values on timber management, recreation, special forest products, and biodiversity.

    Problem 4 Tool development:  There is a need for decision support tools that integrate the best knowledge available about biophysical and social systems and assist managers and policy makers in using this knowledge to make decisions.

    Institutions with formal Cooperation



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