Low Carb Diets

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Low-Carb Desserts

Low-Carb Cheesecake

When your sweet tooth strikes, here are some ways to satisfy it without sending your blood sugar sky-high!

Low-Carb Dessert Recipes

Low Carb Diets Blog with Laura Dolson

Join the Sugar-Out Challenge

Friday January 16, 2009
sugarSugar in its many forms has became a real scourge of our modern times. Did you know that even a standard processed food like Corn Flakes has steadily had more sugar added to it over the past few decades?

Today, Connie Bennett of the Sugar Shock blog is putting on an event to draw attention to the health dangers of sugar and challenging people to kick their sugar habit. She's having a 2-hour internet radio show at noon Eastern time with quite a few guests, and it will be available later if you can't listen live. There is also a Twitter feed and other supportive materials to help people let go of sugar in their lives. Find out more:

Press Release on the Sugar-Out Challenge

More Information About the Challenge from Jimmy Moore

Photo © Carlos Paes

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What is Ketosis?

Wednesday January 14, 2009
altA lot of people are confused about the term "ketosis". You may read that it is a "dangerous state" for the body, and, indeed it sounds abnormal to be "in ketosis". But ketosis merely means that our bodies are using fat for energy. Learn more about ketosis and why the Atkins diet advises people to monitor it.

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Is Low Carb Too Hard?

Sunday January 11, 2009
temptation Is it really too hard to follow a low-carb diet? Recently I've been reading a lot of "official" diabetes information vis a vis carbohydrate restriction. Yes, we know that cutting carbohydrates lowers blood glucose and reduces the need for medication. Yes, we know that blood glucose control is the key to preventing complication from diabetes. And yes, low-carb diets have been endorsed by the American Diabetes Association for weight loss, if not for long-term blood glucose control.

It seems that one of the main reasons why low-carb diets aren't recommended long-term is that "they" don't believe people can or will follow them long-term. And yet, I know plenty of people who eat low-carb as a permanent way of eating (myself included) for the many benefits they receive. Is it easy? No, it is not always easy, although it certainly has gotten easier with time. Is it worth it for my health? Absolutely! What is more important than my health? One of the keys is to find low-carb substitutes for the high-carb foods I love.

How about you? Click on one of the following to vote in this poll, and then discuss it in our Low Carb Forum:

Poll: Is it too hard to follow a low-carb diet?

Photo © Alexander Novikov

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How Are Your Resolutions Coming?

Friday January 9, 2009
successThis year I decided to make one resolution: to become more physically fit by daily exercise. To fulfill it, I'm starting out with at least 10 minutes of exercise daily, and at least 4 days of a minimum of 30 minutes. My plan is to increase this very slowly as time goes on. Note that this goal is one that I know that I can achieve, and each day it is clear whether or not I have done it. Right now I have a string of stickers on my calendar - a larger one for each 30 minute day and a smaller one for a 10 minute day. I also know there will be challenges along the way, and I am committed to working through those challenges. I talk about this more in my article Making Resolutions Stick. If you are having challenges with your New Year's Resolutions, be sure to join us in the Low Carb Forum!

Photo by Andrzej Burak

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