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Scots wha' hae'

Scottish Whisky

The famous Scottish saying "S mairg a ni tarcuis air biadh," ("He who has contempt for food is a fool.") describes precisely the attitude to food in Scotland. From the national dish of Haggis, fine whisky, and of course, porridge.

Scottish Recipes

Elaine's British & Irish Food Blog

I'm Heading Up to Scotland for an Early Burns Night

Friday January 16, 2009
Photo © RFB photography

Scottish Haggis

Photo © Visit Scotland

I know it is one week too early but prior engagements mean I can't go on Burns Night proper. Apparently festivities have already begun in Scotland so I am packing the car and heading up to Scotland today.

The first stop is Glasgow and the Abode Hotel in the city center with dinner at the Ubiquitous Chip (don't you just love the name). The Chip is world famous for its venison haggis and is a traditional Scottish restaurant which pretty much paved the way for fine dining and use of local ingredients in Scotland. No guessing what I'll be having for dinner.

Watch this space, I'll let you know what I think.

Come a Wassailing With Me . . .

Thursday January 15, 2009
Photo © RFB photography

Photo © Somerset Tourism

January 17th is the old Twelfth Night in the UK from when Christmas was in January. If you are in Cider country at this time then expect to go or witness Wassailing.

Wassailing is a very old English custom with its roots in Paganism; the idea is to protect the cider apple trees from evil spirits and to ensure a plentiful crop in the coming season. The tradition is still upheld throughout the country, but particularly so in Somerset, the home of Cider.

The word Wassail comes from the old Anglo Saxon ‘wes hal’ meaning to be whole, in good health.

What happens at Wassailing ... read more.

Cullen Skink - sort of - With a Few Omissions & Additions

Wednesday January 14, 2009
Photo © RFB photography

Smoked Haddock Chowder

Photo © RFB Photography

Dinner tonight was one of those one-plate meals that I so love; easy to prepare, to serve and less dishes to wash. I made a variation of the famous Scottish dish Cullen Skink because my husband is on a low-carb diet, the potatoes used in Cullen Skink as a thickening are a no go.

Cullen is a small town in North east of Scotland and home to the famous dish of Cullen Skink. It is a hearty soup and traditionally made with Finnan haddock (smoked haddock), potatoes and onions.

My variation is more a Smoked Haddock and Corn Chowder recipe. It is not dissimilar to the famous dish except a little flour and cream are used for thickening the soup instead of the mashed potato. The soup also has added vegetables, leeks, carrots, spinach and sweet corn, so am making sure he is getting his vegetables.

Grab Your Haggis for 250th Burns Night Celebrations

Wednesday January 14, 2009
Photo © Dalbeattie Fine Foods

Champion Scottish Haggis

Photo © Dalbeattie Fine Foods

The pace is gathering for this year’s Burns Night on January 25th. 2009 is Robert Burns’ 250th birthday and celebrations will be taking place throughout Scotland and beyond. Haggis is a must-have food on the night and butchers are expecting a boom in sales. None more than the current Scottish Champion Allan Elliott of Dalbeattie Fine Foods in south west Scotland.

The 24 year old from Northern Ireland didn’t even know what a haggis was until he took over an existing butcher’s business in Dalbeattie in Dumfries & Galloway five years ago. He is now being hailed as one of the most exciting butchers in the UK, having collected an unprecedented number of top awards for his products, including being Scotland’s reigning Black Pudding Champion, Traditional Steak Pie Champion, the 2008 UK Young Butcher of the Year as well as the prestigious Scottish Haggis Champion. Quite a feat for young butcher!


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