Birding / Wild Birds

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photo of Melissa Mayntz

Melissa Mayntz Guide to Birding / Wild Birds

Melissa Mayntz has been birding for more than 20 years and is developing her urban backyard into a certified bird wildlife habitat.


Melissa's birding has taken her from the Midwest to the Southeast to the West and internationally to Mexico and the Caribbean. She has observed hundreds of bird species and has been published in Bird Watcher's Digest.

Her backyard is currently visited by dozens of species, including western scrub-jays, house finches, European starlings, Cassin's finches, American goldfinches, lazuli buntings, Eurasian collared doves, and sharp-shinned hawks.

From Melissa Mayntz:

Birding is an amazing hobby that is simple to get started in but will quickly take over your spare time. Nothing matches the awe and joy of discovering a new species to add to your life list, and knowing how to be a conscientious birder is a tremendous source of personal satisfaction. When I'm out on a trail birding, I feel as free as the birds soaring above me or flitting through the trees. I look forward to sharing my experiences and advice with anyone interested in this rewarding hobby.

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