Issues & Action

For over a century, Audubon has been a leading voice encouraging conservation of precious habitat and wildlife for future generations. Audubon's earliest noted success came in 1900, when members urged Congress to pass legislation making interstate trafficking of illegally killed birds and animals a crime, while prohibiting the importation of non-native and potentially invasive species. Today's environmental challenges are far more profound, and Audubon's collective voice is more essential than ever.

In the recent past, Congress had increasingly focused on rolling back environmental protections, often at the behest of special interest and industry groups. This has been especially true on key issues, such as protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and retaining legal protections for threatened and endangered species. Many expect new leadership in the White House in 2009 to bring much-needed change that will reverse this defensive trend. Audubon is meeting our most pressing environmental challenges by supporting positive energy solutions that reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, lessen the harmful effects of global warming, and protect wildlife and special places from harmful energy extraction.

Audubon is also making progress protecting habitat on-the-ground; for example, restoring ecosystems, and funding critical conservation projects.

Audubon's public policy office in Washington, D.C. connects Audubon with Congress, the executive branch, courts, and mass media to ensure our great natural heritage endures for generations.

Fact Sheet:
Stimulate the Economy While Protecting Fragile Ecosystems (PDF)
Recent News:
Audubon Applauds Interior and Agriculture Appointments - 12/17/08
Carol Browner an Outstanding Choice for Obama Administration - 12/15/08
Administration Finalizes Plan to Gut Species Protections - 12/11/08
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From the Magazine:
Different Shades of Green? McCain and Obama Compared
Special Reports:
Arctic Birds and Oil Don't Mix (PDF)
Top 10 Endangered Birds report (PDF)
The Bald Eagle's Amazing Return
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