Retired Hurricane Names
names are "retired" if a hurricane has been really big and destructive.
It’s like when a sports jersey or number is retired after a really great
athlete leaves a sport. When a name is retired it won’t be used again.
Agnes |
Diana |
Hortense |
Alicia |
Diane |
Hugo |
Allen |
Donna |
Inez |
Allison |
Dora |
Ione |
Andrew |
Edna |
Iris |
Anita |
Elena |
Jane |
Audrey |
Eloise |
Joan |
Betsy |
Fifi |
Katrina |
Beulah |
Flora |
Keith |
Bob |
Fran |
Klaus |
Camille |
Frederic |
Luis |
Carla |
Floyd |
Lenny |
Carmen |
Gilbert |
Marilyn |
Carol |
Gloria |
Michelle |
Celia |
Gracie |
Mitch |
Cesar |
Georges |
Opal |
Cleo |
Hattie |
Roxanne |
Connie |
Hazel |
David |
Hilda |
Do you see your name here?
According to the Atlantic Oceanographic and
Meteorological Laboratory/NOAA