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"Never before in history have human communities been so interdependent in the sharing of natural resources, participating in a global economy, and confronting gross inequalities of income and economic opportunity. We share the same air, oceans, climate, and are universally affected by environmental degradation. Food security and health are basic human rights for everyone. We share a responsibility for our actions that transcend time, place, and generations. Future generations will inherit the consequences of current practices in farming, food consumption, and stewardship of the environment."

Robert S. Lawrence, MD



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Farming for the Future 

Production of 'cheap', plentiful food with increasingly industrial agricultural methods has ignored the true costs to the public's health, rural communities and the environment. Alternative sustainable methods of farming exist that do not deplete the soil, pollute the environment, or consume non-renewable resources.

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Eating for the Future

Food access and choices influence personal health as well as the health of communities and the environment.  

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Living for the Future

Many everyday consumer choices affect human health and the health of the environment. To leave a livable planet for future generations, we must both restore the earth and live off the 'interest' and not the 'principal' of earth's resources.

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