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Environmental Governance and Institutions


Environmental Governance and Institutions


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Access to Information: Broadband internet subscribers
Access to Information: Digital Access Index
Access to Information: International Internet bandwidth
Access to Information: Internet hosts
Access to Information: Investment in telecommunications
Access to Information: Main telephone lines per 1000 people
Access to Information: Status of Freedom of Information Legislation
Access to Information: Waiting list for telephone main lines
Agenda 21: Number of formally committed municipalities
Civil Society: Density of international non-governmental organizations with membership
Civil Society: International non-governmental organizations with membership
Corporations: Number of certified ISO 14001 companies
Corruption: Bribe Payer's Index (Transparency International)
Corruption: Corruption perceptions index (Transparency International)
Debt: Present value of debt as a percent of GNI
Debt: Total debt service
Debt: Total debt service as a percent of export earnings
Debt: Total external debt
Development Assistance: Aid as a percent of government expenditure
Development Assistance: Aid per capita
Government Expenditure: Government cash deficit/surplus as a percent of GDP
Government Expenditure: Government consumption expenditure as a percent of GDP
Government Expenditure: Military expenditure as a percent of GDP
Government Expenditure: Military expenditure as a percent of government expenditure
Government Expenditure: Public education expenditure as a percent of GDP
Government Expenditure: Public health expenditure as a percent of GDP
Government Regulation: Cost to register property
Government Regulation: Cost to start a new business
Government Regulation: Time required to register property
Government Regulation: Time required to start a new business
Labor: Female legislators, senior officials and managers, percent of total
Multilateral Agreements Status: Aarhus Convention (access to information)
Multilateral Agreements Status: Agenda 21, reporting status in 2002
Multilateral Agreements Status: Basel Convention (hazardous waste trade)
Multilateral Agreements Status: Biosafety Protocol
Multilateral Agreements Status: CITES (endangered species trade)
Multilateral Agreements Status: Convention on Biodiversity
Multilateral Agreements Status: Convention on Migratory Species
Multilateral Agreements Status: Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Multilateral Agreements Status: Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Multilateral Agreements Status: Kyoto Protocol (CO2 emissions)
Multilateral Agreements Status: Ramsar Convention (wetlands)
Multilateral Agreements Status: Stockholm Convention on Persistant Organic Pollutants
Multilateral Agreements Status: UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
Multilateral Agreements Status: UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
Multilateral Agreements Status: UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Multilateral Agreements Status: Vienna Convention (ozone)
Multilateral Agreements Status: World Heritage Convention (national landmarks)
Multilateral Agreements Status: World Trade Organization (WTO) membership
Politics and Freedom: Civil liberties index (Freedom House)
Politics and Freedom: Control of Corruption Index
Politics and Freedom: Government Effectiveness Index
Politics and Freedom: Level of democracy/autocracy (Polity IV index)
Politics and Freedom: Level of freedom index (Freedom House)
Politics and Freedom: Level of political competition (Polity IV index)
Politics and Freedom: Percent of parliamentary seats held by women
Politics and Freedom: Political rights index (Freedom House)
Politics and Freedom: Political Stability and Absence of Violence Index
Politics and Freedom: Press freedom index (Freedom House)
Politics and Freedom: Regulatory Quality Index
Politics and Freedom: Religious freedom index (Freedom House)
Politics and Freedom: Rule of Law Index
Politics and Freedom: Voice and Accountability Index
Transnational Corporations: Foreign direct investment, net inflows
Transnational Corporations: Number of foreign affiliates
Transnational Corporations: Number of parent enterprises
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