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Discussion on "Integrating Ecology and Relating Natural Systems to Agriculture: An Increased Priority for Extension Agricultural Programming"

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By Amy Rowe on 11/08/2004 - 18:49:19 :

I was wondering how Extension plans to educate its Ag Extension specialists on the subject of agroecology. Will there be workshops? Will there be trainings? Will there be partnerships with non-profits, etc... that are already working in communities on this front?

By Kyle Cecil on 11/15/2004 - 09:56:11 :

A few thoughts on the matter. First, I think we need to be thinking very strategically as we hire agriculture-related educators for the future. I would argue that we need to bring in more individuals from the biological sciences into agricultural-natural resources positions. Secondly, I would make the case that core competencies in ecological sciences be integrated into performance appraisal prosesses and professional development plans of educators. Lastly, I think we could make huge strides in this area if we more effectively engage other units within our universities i.e. natural history, biology, ecology etc. into Extension work.

By achmad nizar on 11/20/2004 - 13:21:44 :

I have research about decision process of integeratad pest management on rice farmer would you sent me articel which has releate with my research

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