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Discussion on "Scholarship: Shout About It"

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Return to the October 2004 issue of JOE

By Anonymous on 10/28/2004 - 16:33:08 :

Excellent Article. Dr. Smith has a realistic perspective on how we can do scholarship along with handling our day-to-day work.

By Pete Barcinas on 10/28/2004 - 18:26:20 :

I recently attended the Innovations conference in Ohio State and had a chance to participate in the sessions and meet with OSU Extension folks and reaffirm the importance of this article on scholarship and the mindset needed to engage. Changes in assessments and reporting and evaluation not just at the Extension level but at all levels of the University. Check out OSU CARES!!!...I can hear the work of Extension and commend the OSU CARES team for a great job. The Guam team that visited with the Extension folks appreciate the time to share in this worthwhile effort.

By Anonymous on 10/29/2004 - 10:57:56 :

An excellent article by Dr. Smith...a clarion call to communicate, more effectively, our collective scholarship that is making a difference.

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