Antivirus Software

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photo of Mary Landesman

Mary Landesman Guide to Antivirus Software since 2000

Mary Landesman is an antivirus professional with several years of experience in virus research, virus prevention and virus detection techniques, as well as antivirus software analysis, technical support and product marketing. Currently, Mary is a Senior Security Researcher for ScanSafe.


With a background in telecom security and technical training, Mary entered the field of antivirus software prior to the first macro virus, witnessing the evolution of computer viruses from isolated system threat to Internet curse. Having worked in tech support, quality assurance, and product management, Mary brings a unique perspective to the topic of antivirus software and virus prevention.


After attending Brevard College, Mary pursued courses in BASIC programming, DBase, and C++.

From Mary Landesman:

Thanks to the Internet, a virus can quickly spread, infecting mass numbers of users in little time. Be a better cyber neighbor - follow the tips on this site to protect your system and make the Internet a better place for us all.


Antivirus Software

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