About Invasive.org

Invasive.org has been under development for a number of years, and is the result of the efforts of a large number of people. In the mid-1990's we recognized a need for quality photographs of forest insects and disease organisms to use in information technology applications.

The overall objective of Invasive.org is: to provide an accessible and easily used archive of high quality images related to invasive and exotic species, with particular emphasis on educational applications.

In most cases, the images found in this system were taken by and loaned to us by photographers other than ourselves. Most are in the realm of public sector images. The photographs are in this system to be used!

We have strived to provide accurate and correct identifications, taxonomy and descriptions. However, we recognize that invariably errors will occur and urge you, the user, to be the final quality control option. If you locate errors, correct them on your materials and please notify us of them so that we can correct them in Invasive.org as well.

Please Consider Joining:

We ask that you register and join Invasive.org. There is no charge and you will gain access to additional features by joining. Since Invasive.org is a grant-funded project, we must generate documentation to justify continued funding. If we can document sufficient usage by a variety of user groups, we believe that the funding agency will enable us to evolve Invasive.org as an educational and service outreach at no cost to you.

For More Information

Forestry Images: Development Methodology and Technology - Forest Service Publication

Invasive.org Help Page

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USDA Forest Service USDA APHIS PPQ University of Georgia

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