US National Arboretum




Winter 2008 

News and Notes is issued three times a year, in January, May, and September, to stakeholder organizations to keep them informed about recent arboretum accomplishments and activities. Stakeholders are encouraged to use material from this document in reports to their members. Please send comments to:

Thomas S. Elias, Director

Scott Aker, Gardens Unit Leader

John Hammond, Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit Leader

Dana Laster, Administrative and Marketing Manager

Nancy Luria, Education and Visitor Services Unit Leader

Power Plants Exhibit Planned for June 2008

The new Power Plants exhibit will be installed to the west of the National Herb Garden along the Flowering Tree Walk.Plants may be the key to meeting future energy needs, and the arboretum is taking the lead in showcasing potential biofuel crops in an exhibit scheduled to open on June 21st. Power Plants, as the exhibit is called, will consist of 21 circular plots, each with a different crop that shows potential for biofuel production. It will be located along the new Flowering Tree Walk between the National Herb Garden and the Friendship Garden. Each crop will have an interpretive sign that visitors can use to learn about its unique characteristics and potential for biofuel production. Construction of the path and soil preparation will take place in early winter. Read more...

Fern Valley Native Plant Collection Renovation Begins

A new main entrance to the Fern Valley Native Plant Collection and a new path providing a more direct and accessible connection with the National Capitol Columns are under construction. Read more...

Flowering Tree Walk Fall Planting Completed

After some much needed rain greatly improved planting conditions in November, staff added 50 trees to the Flowering Tree Walk as part of the third phase of planting installation. Read more...

Astronauts Visit the National Arboretum

What happens when the National Arboretum and The Herb Society of America form a unique partnership with NASA and the Department of Education to celebrate International Education Week? Read more...

Visitors Enjoy Sights, Tastes, and Sounds at the Chinese Moon Festival

The arboretum grounds came alive after sunset during a perfect fall evening for the third annual Chinese Moon Festival. Read more...

McMinnville, Tennessee, Nurseries Benefit from Arboretum Research

In a demonstration of the practical application of their research, staff working at the arboretum’s Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit’s (FNPRU) worksite in McMinnville, Tennessee, invited Beltsville, Maryland-based unit leader Dr. John Hammond to join them in visiting two McMinnville nurseries. Read more...

Arboretum Scientists Participate in the International Plant Propagators Meeting

Several Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit (FNPRU) members participated in the International Plant Propagators’ Society tour and the Southern Region of North America’s annual meeting. Dr Richard Olsen, Research Geneticist, helped kick off the October IPPS tour by hosting the International Board on a tour of several research areas and garden highlights at the National Arboretum. Read more...

Arboretum Scientists Speak at Local and National Meetings

In addition to conducting research on ornamental horticulture, part of the job of an arboretum scientist is to present the results of these investigations to stakeholders, including scientists, industry groups, and other end users. Read more...

Scientist Participates in Grant to Preserve Germplasm

Dr. Kathryn Kamo, Plant Pathologist in the Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit, is one member of a team of scientists working on a collaborative grant on “Preservation of germplasm.” Read more...

Scientists Attend Annual Far West Trade Show

Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit scientists Sandra Reed, Richard Olsen, and Alan Whittemore traveled to Oregon in August to attend the Far West Trade Show and the annual meeting of the USDA Woody Landscape Plant Crop Germplasm Committee, which Dr. Reed chairs, in Portland... Read more...

Arboretum Collections Weather Drought with Minimal Losses

Although the whole Mid Atlantic area suffered under a protracted drought this summer, the arboretum was spared the devastating impact experienced by many local farmers and nurseries. Read more...

Elm Planted to Mark Centennial of Bartlett Tree Company

An Accolade™ elm was planted near the top of China Valley in the Asian Collections in August to mark the centennial of Bartlett Tree Experts, Inc. The planting was part of the company’s 100 Trees in 100 Days celebration of community service efforts. Read more...

Capitol Christmas Tree Makes a Stop at the Arboretum

The arboretum hosted a distinguished guest from the Green Mountain National Forest on the evening of November 25th. Read more...

Ragsdale Joins Gardens Unit Staff

Jeanna Ragsdale joined the Gardens Unit staff in December to fill the gardener position vacated by Hannah Mullen when she became the arboretum’s Volunteer Coordinator. Read more...

Year-long Interns Hired

Two interns joined the Gardens Unit staff this fall to spend a year working in the Asian Collections and the National Herb Garden. Kimberly Zitnick was hired for the position in the Asian Collections, and Jeanette Warriner will assist in the Herb Garden. Read more...


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Last Updated   January 29, 2008 11:04 AM