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Awards Committees

George Perkins Marsh Prize Committee (best book in environmental history):

Louis Warren, University of California - Davis, Chair

Lawrence Culver, Utah State University

Diana Davis, University of California - Davis


Alice Hamilton Prize Committee 

(best article published outside Environmental History):

Sterling Evans, Brandon University, Chair

Geoff Cunfer, Southwest Minnesota State University

Tyler Priest, University of Houston


Rachel Carson Prize Committee:

(best dissertation in environmental history)

Andrew Duffin, Western Kentucky University, Chair

Mike Reidy, Montana State University

Wendy Verhoff, University of St. Louis


Leopold-Hidy Prize Committee:

Editorial Board of Environmental History


Samuel Hays Fellowship Committee:

Jeffrey Stine, Smithsonian Institution, Chair

Scout Blum, Troy University

Michael Chiarappa, Western Michigan University

Hal Rothman Research Fellowship Committee:

Dolly Jorgensen, Chair

David Biggs, University of California - Riverside

Kim Little, University of Arkansas