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Office of Budget and Performance

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What's New in Budget and Performance

FY 2010 USGS Budget Released
Today, USGS Acting Director Suzette Kimball addressed Director of the USGS Office of Budget and Performance Carla Burzyk, and other members of the USGS leadership were available to answer questions about proposed changes in the USGS budget from partners, stakeholders, and customers. Many of these questions dealt with the major USGS budget initiatives such as A New Energy Frontier, A 21st Century Youth Conservation Corps, and Climate Impacts. News releases, the Department's Budget in Brief, USGS budget tables, and other documents used to describe the USGS Budget are available on-line.


2009 First Quarter ABC Data Available
2009 1st Quarter ABC data is now available. You will also find a range of ABC data in the form of pie charts and spreadsheets dating back to 2005 at this site.


Office of Management and Budget Chief Performance Officer and Deputy Director of Management Nominated
On Saturday, April 18th, President Barack Obama announced Jeffrey D. Zients as his nomination for Chief Performance Officer. This new position is designed to bring reform and change to the federal government through performance management. Zients will also be the Deputy Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget which was Clay Johnson's position during the George W. Bush Administration. Zients comes to this position with twenty years of business experience as a CEO, management consultant, and entrepreneur. Nancy Killefer was previously nominated for these positions but withdrew her name from the process.


2010 Congressional Budget Resolutions
The House and Senate approved Fiscal Year 2010 budget resolutions on Thursday, April 2, 2009. When Congress comes back from Easter break (April 20th), the Senate and House will have conference action on the two different resolutions (302 (b) allocations). 302(b) allocation is the amount of discretionary funding that the appropriations subcommittees will have to use when they pass their appropriations bill.

The House budget resolution was passed (233-196) with a total of $3.6 trillion in 2010. The Senate budget resolution was passed (55-43) with a total of $3.53 trillion in 2010.


USGS 2009 Omnibus bill signed
On March 11, 2009, the President signed the 2009 Omnibus bill, thereby enacting funding for most of the Federal Government, including the Department of the Interior and USGS. The USGS received $1,043,803 for 2009.


Short Term Continuing Resolution until March 11
Congress passed and President Obama signed a Continuing Resolution today that continues operations of Government programs through March 11. Congress has until midnight March 11 to make a decision on funding for FY 2009.


Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Blueprint Released to Public

The Office of Management and Budget has released the Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Blueprint (PDF) and the Department of the Interior Fact Sheet on the Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Highlights (PDF). A more extensive Fiscal Year 2010 Federal budget will be released in April.


Office of Management and Budget Chief Performance Officer Nominee Withdraws Name

On Tuesday, February 4, Nancy Killefer, the Obama administration's nominee for chief performance officer and deputy director for management at the Office of Management and Budget, withdrew her name from consideration. At this time, no one else has nominated for this position.


2008 USGS Fall Updates Performance Information (PART) Posted on

The USGS Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) performance data have been updated on Updates were made to USGS performance measures and funding to reflect the 2008 actual performance and the 2009-2013 target performance. Updates were also made to the 30 PART improvement plans that were finished FY 2008 and the 28 planned for FY 2009. In 2006, USGS had completed the 5-year cycle of evaluations using the PART with all programs rating moderately effective or better. These collaborative assessments were conducted with the Office of Management and Budget in support of the Federal Budget process to help Federal agencies produce results and help the American people understand Federal programs. USGS programs continue to improve as USGS continues to implement improvement plans tracking milestones and performance measures.


Office of Management and Budget Chief Performance Officer Nominated

On Wednesday January 7th, President-elect Barack Obama announced his choice as Nancy Killefer as the new chief performance officer. This new position is designed to bring reform and change to the federal government through performance management. Killefer will also be the Deputy Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget which was Clay Johnson's position during the George W. Bush Administration. Killefer comes with plenty of experience to the job as she most recently was a senior director at the management consulting firm McKinsey & Company. During the Clinton administration, she was also an assistant secretary at the Department of Treasury. Killefer's nomination will need to be approved by the Senate.


Department's FY 2008 Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) Now Available

The Department of the Interior's FY 2008 Performance and Accountability Report (PAR) provides an overview of financial and performance information for the Department and bureaus (e.g., USGS, National Park Service, Bureau of Reclamation, etc.). The PAR is the Agency's principal publication and report to Congress and the American people on our stewardship, management, and leadership of the public funds entrusted to us. For the twelfth straight year, the consolidated financial statements in this report received a clean (unqualified) opinion from an independent auditing firm. The PAR uses objective, quantifiable measures to evaluate bureau and departmental performance in achieving goals and objectives in carrying out the Department’s missions and the President’s Management Agenda. The DOI PAR is the first to integrate performance and costs, providing an unprecedented level of government transparency, and offers a more accessible and understandable analysis to the American people -- to whom we are ultimately responsible.


Continuing Resolution Provides Funding to Continue Operations

The USGS will be functioning under a Continuing Resolution (CR) (P.L. 110-329) through midnight March 6, 2009. USGS can continue mission operations at the 2008 funding level, but cannot start any new projects or activities or expand activities that have been proposed for increases and should proceed with caution on any existing activities that are proposed to be eliminated or decreased in the 2009 budget request, realizing that the Congress has yet to pass legislation for the entire year.

Under this CR, USGS total spending level is $432,924,000 (43.01 percent of $1,006,480,000).

The 1st Continuing Resolution is H.R. 2638 / Public Law 110-329, Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2009 (Sept. 30, 2008; 122 Stat. 3574; 143 pages) can be found at the Library of Congress’s Thomas web site:


2008 Third Quarter ABC Data Available

2008 4th Quarter ABC data is now available. You will also find a range of ABC data in the form of pie charts and spreadsheets dating back to 2005 at this site.


2008 USGS Spring Updates Performance Information (PART) Posted on

The USGS Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) performance data have been updated on Updates were made to USGS performance measures and funding to reflect the 2008 current target performance, 2009 plan, and 2010 proposed performance with the President's Budget request. Updates were also made to the 30 PART improvement plans planned for FY 2008. In 2006, USGS had completed the 5-year cycle of evaluations using the PART and USGS continues to focus on continuous improvement through the improvement plans and performance measures. All USGS PART programs have been rated “Effective” or "Moderately Effective." These collaborative assessments are conducted with the Office of Management and Budget in support of the Federal Budget process to help Federal agencies produce results and help the American people understand Federal programs. The Office of Management and Budget plans on publishing one final update to the PART information in January.


July 31, 2008
2009 USGS Budget Update
For our 2009 budget [or appropriation]: Usually at this time of year, the House and Senate are working on "marking up" our appropriations bill in response to the President's Budget request. For the 2009 appropriation, this process has been delayed. While Interior has an unofficial "mark" from the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, neither the House nor the Senate has officially "marked up" the Interior bill. The current buzz is that we will enter fiscal year 2009 under a "continuing resolution" which will allow us to continue operating at our 2008 enacted appropriation level.

While the 2009 budget request is under consideration by the Congress, OBP is preparing 2010 budget information for the Department and OMB. This is a transition year for the executive branch since regardless of the outcome of the election on November 4; a new administration will assume office on January 20, 2009. Work this summer is to prepare information that will be used by the transition team of the new administration. The official 2010 budget request will be developed starting in late January and will be submitted to Congress in early April (in normal years, the budget request is submitted to Congress on the first Monday in February).


February 4, 2008
FY 2009 USGS Budget Roll-out
Today, following the Interior Secretary's press conference on release of the 2009 President's Budget, USGS Director Mark Myers addressed the press and was available to answer questions related to the major USGS budget initiatives such as Water for America, Birds Forever, Healthy Lands, Ocean and Coastal Frontiers, Climate Change, and National Land Imaging. News releases, the Department's Budget in Brief, USGS budget tables, and other documents used to describe the USGS budget are available on-line.


February 4, 2008
2009 USGS Performance Information (PART) Posted on
The USGS Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) performance data have been updated on Updates were made to USGS performance measures and funding to reflect the 2007 actual performance, 2008 plan, and 2009 proposed performance with the President's Budget request. Improvement plans are posted for 2008. To date, 63 follow-up actions have been completed and 30 follow-up actions are planned for 2008. USGS has completed the 5-year cycle of evaluations using the PART, and all USGS PART programs have been rated “Effective” or "Moderately Effective." These collaborative assessments are conducted with the Office of Management and Budget in support of the Federal Budget process to help Federal agencies produce results and help the American people understand Federal programs.


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Page Last Modified: Friday, May 08, 2009