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Kansas office of USDA-NASS

About Us

The United States Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) collects, maintains, and disseminates statistics about U.S. agriculture. To do this, NASS has established field offices in most of the states. The Kansas Statistical Office (KSO) contacts Kansas farmers and agricultural businesses to collect information used in setting statistical estimates. The KSO cooperates with the Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) by uniting the resources and facilities of USDA and KDA to accomplish mutually beneficial tasks. Many state field offices conduct surveys for other government agencies and private organizations.

Farmers, ranchers, and agribusinesses provide the agricultural information used in setting estimates by responding to voluntary surveys conducted throughout the year. Statisticians analyze these survey indications and make recommendations about State agriculture to NASS headquarters in Washington D.C. Statisticians in headquarters review the State recommendations and release the national and state estimates to the public on scheduled dates throughout the year. NASS issues about 300 national and 9,000 state reports annually.

The KSO publishes numerous state reports throughout the year. These reports include:

Weekly Crop Weather - Previous week crop progress and conditions along with weather information.

Crops - Monthly reports covering Acreage, Crop Production, Grain Stocks, Farm Income, Land Values, Exports, and Wheat Quality.

Prices - Selected state and mid-month average prices received, price indices, and annual estimates of prices paid by farmers.

Livestock - A summary of reports released including Cattle Inventory, Calf Crop, Cattle on Feed, Slaughter, Eggs, Chickens Turkeys, Milk and Dairy Products, Sheep and Wool.

Hogs and Pigs - An inventory of hogs and pigs, pig crop, and farrowing intentions.

Custom Rates - Rates paid by Kansas farmers for custom work.

Farm Facts - State and county estimates of livestock, poultry, dairy, major crops, farm numbers, and prices.

Wheat Varieties - Varieties of wheat seeded in the State.

Agricultural Land Values - Land values in the State.

All Kansas farmers and agribusiness firms who provide the data for these surveys may receive these reports free of charge. Other data users must pay an annual fee as shown on the subscription form. In an effort to reduce administrative and postage costs, we have placed most publications on the internet. To view them, return to the Kansas Statistical Office homepage and view the menu options appearing at the top of the screen.

You may also subscribe to receive paper copies of these reports by:

- Subscribing Online;

- Calling the Kansas Statistical Office at (785)233-2230;

- Printing the Subscription Form and mailing it to us at P.O. Box 3534, Topeka, Kansas 66601-3534.

A free e-mail subscription for State Reports may be obtained from the NASS web site.

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