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Script: Small Plant News
Welcome to USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service podcast. Each episode will bring you cutting edge news and information about how FSIS is working to ensure public health protection through food safety. While we’re on the job, you can rest assured that your meat, poultry, and processed egg products are safe, wholesome, properly labeled, and packaged correctly. So turn up your volume and listen in.


Host: Hello and welcome! This is Sheila Johnson from USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service. Today we’ll discuss a new FSIS publication – titled "Small Plant News"

With me today is the editor of Small Plant News, Keith Payne. Welcome Keith.

Thanks Sheila. It’s a pleasure being here.

So, Keith, let’s start with the basics, what is "Small Plant News"?

Well, Sheila “Small Plant News” is a monthly, four-page, full-color newsletter, which is targeted to small and very small plant owners and operators who produce meat, poultry and processed egg products.

And what’s the purpose of this newsletter?

"Small Plant News" supports the agency’s strategic outreach plan for small and very small plants by providing pertinent, easy-to-read information to small plant personnel so they can produce safe food and ultimately ensure the success of their livelihoods.

So, did you and your staff have specific objectives in mind with this publication?

Basically, we’d like to provide the folks who own or work in small plants with timely and useful FSIS news and information in an understandable format.

Kind of like putting information into "plain language"?

Exactly. We want to be able to assist readers on implementing the agency rules and regulations into their daily operations with a language and format we can all understand.

We also want to provide essential tips to plants such as encouraging best practices, achieving high sanitation standards, producing essential paperwork compliance and implementing cost-saving measures.

It sounds like this publication will really be helpful to small plants.

Yes. We really hope “Small Plant News” will be a mechanism to further a two-way dialogue between small plants and the agency.

So, what do you mean a two-way dialog?

In nearly every article of the newsletter, we list appropriate telephone numbers so our readers can have a point of contact to follow up on if they have further questions or comments. We value customer service and want small plant owners and operators to know they have a means to reach us and share their comments, concerns and ideas. In turn, this can help the Agency be more responsive to their needs.

That’s certainly great customer service. So, is this newsletter mailed out to the plants?

Yes, we mail this out to every establishment under federal and state inspection as well as our district offices. We also distribute it to FSIS’ workforce through our internal web site.

You mentioned the web site. So, there’s an electronic version of this?

Yes, not only do we post it to our internal site, but we also make it available on FSIS’ public site at www.fsis.usda.gov under the small and very small plants page. Anyone can go to this page and click on “newsletters and magazines” to sign up for a free electronic subscription.

Sounds easy!  But, I have to ask why in this electronic age are you still mailing out a printed newsletter?

Well, Sheila, it’s interesting you brought that up. Yes, it’s true that lately the communication emphasis has been increasingly on electronic information through computers and the internet, but we discovered something recently. Our office mailed out a simple hard copy Food Safety Resources brochure to all the federal and state inspected plants on our lists. We wanted to make sure the brochure reached everyone – especially those establishments that may not rely heavily on computers. And we received an overwhelming response to that mailing. So that’s why we decided to make this newsletter available on the web site and in printed form.

I guess that shows that sometimes paper is indispensable.

You’re right! It proves to us that a hard copy format is still an essential tool we can utilize to reach our customers effectively.

Before we wrap up, Keith, where do you see “Small Plant News” going?

Sheila we envision “Small Plant News” standing out as one government publication that small plant owners and operators will view as an indispensable resource for their operations. Furthermore, to realize this vision, we encourage readers to provide us feedback on what they need to ensure food safety and protect their enterprise. Readers can contact us at (202) 720-9113 again that number is (202) 720-9113 or they can send us an email to SmallPlantNews@fsis.usda.gov

Well, great Thank you, Keith, for the information on Small Plant News and thanks to all of you out there for listening today.

Well, that’s all for this episode. We’d like your feedback on our podcast. Or if you have ideas for future podcasts, send us an e-mail at podcast@fsis.usda.gov. To learn more about food safety, try our web site at www.fsis.usda.gov. Thanks for tuning in.

Last Modified: April 15, 2008



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