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Presidential Inauguration

Andrew Jackson, the first president to be inaugurated outdoors at the Capitol, is shown taking the oath from Chief Justice John Marshall. President-elect Barack Obama will be sworn in at the Inauguration Ceremony on January 20, 2009.

Presidential Printables

Beverly's Homeschooling Blog

Fun with Jenny B. Harris

Thursday January 15, 2009
Jenny B. Harris is a children's illustrator that does amazing work!. Learn how she got started, see her work in her portfolio and follow her work throughout the year by reading her blog. But here's the best part...She has some fun activities for your kids and some cute coloring pages.

Carnival of Homeschooling - The Teal Edition

Thursday January 15, 2009
Since January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, and TEAL is the color that represents Cervical and Ovarian Cancer, Alasandra chose The TEAL Edition for this week's theme. Join with me to raise awareness for Cervical and Ovarian Cancer and to enjoy the many posts about homeschooling.

The next carnival will be hosted here at Homeschooling. Submissions are due by Monday at 6 p.m. I look forward to reading your submissions.

Carnival of Homeschooling Schedule

To compete or not to compete?

Tuesday January 6, 2009
Kristen asked an interesting question in the Homeschooling Forum.

My two oldest boys are close in age and have always been competitive. My husband is also very competitive so maybe that's where they get it (or maybe it's just a guy thing). They love competing in sports and video games - they'll even make up games and ways to compete. So, in our homeschool, I have made certain things "competitive -ish" such as who can collect the most reward stickers or who can name the most states without messing up. They seem to really enjoy it and they're learning, too. In the process of making flash cards for yet another competitive game, I started to wonder if so much competition - especially within family - is good. Sure, they have a lot of fun doing it, but am I teaching them something that will hurt them in the future?

What do you think? Am I utilizing or antagonizing?

Share your thoughts here or in the forum.

Carnival of Homeschooling - Call for submissions

Friday January 2, 2009
Next week the Carnival of Homeschooling will be celebrating its 3rd anniversary. Make the celebration exceptional by sending in your submissions for the biggest carnival ever. Henry and Janine Cate of WhyHomeschool are the coordinators for the Homeschooling Carnival and will be personally hosting this special edition.


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