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Kimberly's Genealogy Blog

1911 UK Census Now Online

Tuesday January 13, 2009
Redemption Burton and family in the1911 UK Census. Image is Crown copyright RG14/09484 reproduced courtesy of The National Archives.36 million people living in England, Wales, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man were recorded in the census taken on the night of Sunday, 2 April 1911. Today, after nearly 100 years, these census records are available to the public online. This is three years earlier than the originally scheduled release date of 2012 - a great boon for family historians!

The new 1911 census site offers transcribed text versions, as well as high quality digitized images of the original handwritten census returns - fully searchable by name or address. Searching is free, but transcripts and images can only be viewed by purchasing credits. I was glad to see that credits purchased on can be used for the 1911 Census site as well, but was disappointed that my annual FindMyPast subscription package doesn't appear to apply. Read more...

5 Family History Scams to Avoid

Thursday January 8, 2009
Unfortunately, even in the friendly field of family history the old adage "Buyer Beware" must hold true, and the occasional genealogy scam trips up even seasoned genealogists. The best defense is knowledge, however, so before you start digging into your roots online it is good to learn how to spot and avoid these five common genealogy scams.

Resolutions for a New Year

Monday January 5, 2009
In 2008 I organized some of my genealogy files, continued to scan some of my old family photos and slides, took a few online genealogy classes, attended a genealogy conference, and collected new information from a few of my relatives. My goals for 2009 include more of all of the above (don't they always?), plus there's a family history book I'd really like to get finished for my Koth relatives (still on my list from last year), some more family history items I'd like to rescue from antique stores to return to their owners, and a new goal this year of collecting DNA from my older living relatives. Plus, I'd really like to finally find the time to apply for certification through the Board for Certification of Genealogists. Which of these genealogy resolutions are on your list for 2009?

Performing Genealogical Kindnesses

Friday January 2, 2009
When I was first starting my research I had plenty of help -- much of it from strangers. People I had met only through email took cemetery photos, did quick lookups or shared their research with me with no expectation of a return. In the years since I've tried to make it a point of doing the same thing for others and performing little acts of genealogical kindness where I can. My favorite "genealogical kindness" activities include taking photos in local cemeteries and tracking down loving homes for "discovered" family history items. Some include a family photo album I rescued from a Vermont antique shop; the living family members of a young soldier shot down during WWII for a English woman who had mementos to share with them; and a mysterious box full of family history items found among the book donations at a Ohio library. The warm, fuzzy feeling I got from finding descendents who would cherish these precious family history items is usually better than the elation I experience when I have a breakthrough in my own family history research!

Take some time during the coming year, if you can, to give back to the family history community, including all of those misguided souls out there who have not yet discovered the fun of genealogy. Sign up with a helpful group such as Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness or Find A Grave, or rescue a "lost" photo album or family Bible from your local antique store or flea market. You'll love the feeling of satisfaction it gives you!


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