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Child Parenting Blog

Enjoying a Long Winter Weekend Indoors

Friday January 16, 2009
Long weekends are great. Unless you’re stuck in the house the whole time and everyone is suffering from cabin fever. After every Christmas toy has been played with and before the kids hit that “We have nothing to do!” point, pull out your secret “bag” of tricks.

Here are some surefire ways to break up any boredom – for the entire family.
  • Enjoy that iPod. Did you know that there were a load of FREE iTune applications and entertainment ready to download? Set up an account just for your child that lets him access free games and music.
  • Check out the best of the web. Christy Matte, About.com’s Guide to Family Computing, is featuring a month’s worth of great web sites on her blog. There’s something there for everyone!
  • Unplug for old-fashion games. From setting up indoor tents to singing silly songs, these grandparent-inspired ideas remind you of the simple ways to have fun.

Enjoying a Long Winter Weekend Indoors

Friday January 16, 2009
Long weekends are great. Unless you’re stuck in the house the whole time and everyone is suffering from cabin fever. After every Christmas toy has been played with and before the kids hit that “We have nothing to do!” point, pull out your secret “bag” of tricks.

Here are some surefire ways to break up any boredom – for the entire family.
  • Enjoy that iPod. Did you know that there were a load of FREE iTune applications and entertainment ready to download? Set up an account just for your child that lets him access free games and music
  • Check out the best of the Web. Christy Matte, About.com’s Guide to Family Computing, is featuring a month’s worth of great web sites on her blog. There’s something there for everyone!
  • Unplug for old-fashion fun. From setting up indoor tents to singing silly songs, these grandparent-inspired ideas remind you of the simple ways to have fun.

Enjoying a Long Winter Weekend Indoors

Friday January 16, 2009
Long weekends are great. Unless you’re stuck in the house the whole time and everyone is suffering from cabin fever. After every Christmas toy has been played with and before the kids hit that “We have nothing to do!” point, pull out your secret “bag” of tricks.

Here are some surefire ways to break up any boredom – for the entire family.
  • Enjoy that iPod. Did you know that there were a load of FREE iTune applications and entertainment ready to download? Set up an account just for your child that lets him access free games and music
  • Check out the best of the Web. Christy Matte, About.com’s Guide to Family Computing, is featuring a month’s worth of great web sites on her blog. There’s something there for everyone!
  • Unplug for old-fashion fun. From setting up indoor tents to singing silly songs, these grandparent-inspired ideas remind you of the simple ways to have fun.

"I just had to get to school."

Wednesday January 7, 2009
Normally, we’d love to hear those words from a first grader. But the 6-year-old in this case was so eager to get to school on Monday that he took his mom’s car, and drove a harrowing 10 plus miles along Virginia roads – weaving in and out of oncoming traffic, speeding past other cars and ultimately crashing his Ford into a utility pole. As the Washington Post reports, it was a miracle that neither the boy nor anyone else was injured.

But, still, there are some tragic points to the story. For starters, the youngster seems to have been motivated by hunger more than a love for learning. He was trying to make it to school in time for breakfast.

The other heartbreak, the boy -- and his 4-year-old brother -- had been left alone with their mother despite the fact that their father was under a court order not to leave the children alone with her. Why? I don’t know. But both parents are in police custody and both boys are in foster care.

Hopefully they have good meals today and their family situation will work out for the best.

A final twist in the tale of this resourceful (or perhaps desperate) boy is how he learned to drive -- because even though he did speed, crash and swerve around, the fact that a 6-year-old was able to navigate a automobile as well as he did for more than 10 miles is a significant feat. The young driver told the sheriff everything he knew he learned from video games such as Grand Theft Auto and Monster Truck Jam.

That just makes the story even sadder...doesn’t it?

Things we hope the miracle boy will be enjoying now:

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