Ed Grothus' Bombflower

The legacy of Ed Grothus and the Black Hole

By Hugh Gusterson

Although dying of cancer, activist Ed Grothus continues his crusade against nuclear weapons from his fabled atomic yard sale/anti-nuclear art installation located near Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Energy Secretary-designate Steven Chu

A new energy future means a new Energy Department

By Robert Alvarez

Campaign promises and hopes for a green energy future depend on fundamental reform at the Energy Department, long one of the government's most dysfunctional offices.

Bellefonte Nuclear Power Plant

The Future of Nuclear Energy: Policy recommendations

By Allison Macfarlane, James Asselstine, and John Ahearne

Scientists and policy makers recommend 9 ways to encourage the safe and responsible development of new nuclear reactors in the United States and around the world.

Avian Flu Control

Restricting the role of biosecurity

By Anna Zmorzynska and Iris Hunger

The focus of biosecurity should be limited to the prevention of the misuse of life science research for terrorist aims.

Web Edition


  • Pavel PodvigProfile

    Russia's new arms development

    Hopes are high for a new U.S.-Russian arms control agreement, but in the meantime, Moscow is continuing to develop new weapons programs that will only complicate such an accord.

  • Laura H. KahnProfile

    Modeling disease spread

    More and more, mathematical models are being used to develop strategies to combat epidemics such as Britain's 2001 foot-and-mouth disease outbreak. But are they helpful?

  • Malcolm DandoProfile

    Building a culture of responsible science

    Scientists need to keep the pressure on governments to ensure the development of national norms to protect the public from the misuse of life science research.

  • Hugh GustersonProfile

    The legacy of Ed Grothus and the Black Hole

    Although dying of cancer, activist Ed Grothus continues his crusade against nuclear weapons from his fabled atomic yard sale/anti-nuclear art installation located near Los Alamos National Laboratory.

  • Pavel PodvigProfile

    Formulating the next U.S.-Russian arms control agreement

    To achieve the next step in the disarmament process, Washington and Moscow will need to overcome three major points of disagreement. Here's how they can do it.

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  • A low-carbon national energy agenda

    By Daniel M. Kammen

    In setting his energy agenda, Barack Obama will likely consider a range of priorities, among them emphasizing investment in electricity transmission technology.

  • Missile defense in Japan

    By Masako Toki

    While planned U.S. missile defense installations in Eastern Europe have gained the most attention, Washington and Tokyo have continued to forge their own missile defense cooperative.

  • Organizing for arms control in the Obama administration

    By Pierce S. Corden

    The first step--restructure executive branch support for arms control along the lines of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.

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  • Managing the global growth of nuclear energy

    UPDATED: 8 January 2009

    It's inevitable that nuclear power will expand globally, raising the danger of increased proliferation. The Bush administration pushed its controversial GNEP as a way to curtail the risks. But with that program looking less viable, how will the fuel cycle be managed going forward?

  • Carbon tax vs. cap-and-trade

    UPDATED: 24 November 2008

    For those looking to reduce the nation's carbon footprint, it's either cap-and-trade or carbon taxes. But there are benefits and drawbacks to each. Our experts discuss them and what it will take for the market to impact global warming.

  • The military application of neuroscience research

    COMPLETED: 29 October 2008

    Defense officials have dreamt up a range of uses for neuroscience research aimed at monitoring brain function and affecting brain performance in humans and animals alike. Yet, the impact of this research is just beginning to become apparent.

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