USDA Forest Service
Right arrow graphic. Rental Cabins and Lookouts
Right arrow graphic. National Forest Store
Right arrow graphic. Electronic Freedom of Information Act
Right arrow graphic. Forest Service Phone Directory
Right arrow graphic. Northern Region Phone Directory
Right arrow graphic. Employee Search
Right arrow graphic. Evaluate Our Service
We welcome comments on our service and your suggestions for improvement. Please let us hear from you!

  Northern Region
  Federal Building
  200 E. Broadway
  P.O. Box 7669
  Missoula, MT

  (406) 329-3511
  (406) 329-3347
  (406) 329-3510

EGov graphic logo and link. logo and link.

Graphic and link to the forest Service's Climate Change Resource Center web site. graphic logo and link.

Treesearch graphic logo and link.

Smokey Bear graphic and link to his website.
Visit Smokey Bear's own web site! It includes games, fire prevention information and archives. More information on Smokey Bear.

Recreational Activities - Wilderness Areas and Wild and Scenic Rivers

Photograph of Frank Church  Wilderness Area

Wilderness and wild places are words that stir our souls which bring us back to America's beginnings. In the 1960's Congress understood their importance and acted to preserve many wild places as wilderness or wild and scenic rivers.

Five million acres of remote areas are preserved within the Wilderness System and seven rivers are part of the Wild and Scenic Rivers System.

Please visit the Wilderness Information Network web page, which is a joint project of the US Forest Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management and US Fish and Wildlife Service which provides information about wilderness to the public and managers.





USDA Forest Service - Northern Region
Last Modified: Thursday, 10 April 2008 at 12:27:24 EDT

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.