TDWG Globally Unique Identifiers : HomePage

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TDWG - Globally Unique Identifiers

A globally unique identifier, or GUID, is a system that provides mechanisms to identify and access data objects on the Web. The main characteristics of a GUID system are:

This group has selected LSID as the GUID technology for identifying Biodiversity Informatics objects and is standardising its use within the community.

Join the TDWG-GUID Mailing List to follow the discussions.

Relevant Documents

The TDWG GUID group is now drafting the TDWG LSID Applicability Statement. This document is planed to serve as guideline for implementation of LSID resolvers in biodiversity information applications. This specification will summarize all agreed decisions by the GUID group. Comments and suggestions are very welcome.

We are also defining the priorities for the group for the next 6 to 9 months regarding LSID work. Take a look and provide your comments on the LSID Roadmap.

GUID Working Groups

Two main working groups have been created during GUID-1 Workshop (see the report) to implement the initial components of the GUID infrastructure and to address outstanding issues:


General Content

Other Documents


For further information, please send messages to

The TDWG Infrastructure Project Team is:

The GBIF contact is:


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